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His dark hazel eyes were glued to the I.D., slipping to my toned figure every few seconds as if verifying it was my picture he was looking at. Behind us, Veronica and her friends were chatting among each other, the four of them deciding to just stay out of the way and let me do my thing. I was about to just take the card from his hands when he handed it back and moved his too large of a body to the side. I couldn't stop my glare at his thick buzzed cut head as we walked past him.

Inside, the club was on fire. An intoxicating beat, the kind that could skillfully wrap its hands around your body and move you in ways you never thought possible, was blaring through hidden speakers. Men and woman, their toned and tanned bodies slick with sweat, we're grinding against each other, their worries left at the entrance of the club. I had a grin plastered on my face, the beat pulling me towards the crowd, when a large man dressed in all black came forward.

"Miss Renee I assume?" He questioned as I met his brown eyes.

"Yes." I had to shout in order for him to hear me. He gave me a brisk nod and then began pushing me forward with his hand placed - unwanted - on my back. My group moved towards the back until we came to a set of stairs blocked by two large men and a red velvet rope. I turned to question the man who was about to have a broken limb when he removed his hand and dug a piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it over.
I grabbed it with squinted eyes burning a hole in his forehead. He didn't wait for me to read it in front of him. He turned and disappeared into the crowd of dancers. When his body had fully disappeared from my sight, I unfolded that paper and skimmed over the words.

Like always you are a thorn in my side. I would tell you to get the fuck out of my club, but you and I both know you will never listen. So, if you can, be good. I have a guest coming to the place tonight and don't need you ruining my plans.
P.s. If a man with blonde hair comes up to you and introduces himself please be nice, and whatever he says or asks, just go along with it...since I'm not having my men drag you and your stupid friends out. :)

The smiley face at the end had my left eyebrow twitching. Peaking over my shoulder, I heard Veronica chuckle. I gave her my look and her chuckles grew louder. Knowing that there was nothing I could do, I crumbled the paper and walked up the stairs where a gorgeous VIP area awaited my group.

A large black leather couch sat against the back, wrapped around a sparkling glass table. In the center of the table was an ice filled bucket with what my eyes told me was rose Champaign. It made me all giddy. We moved to the table quickly, the girls pilling in before me so I was on the end. I had just reached for the bottle when beside me a throat was cleared. My eyes wandered to the side, landing on a petite blonde. She was wearing a skimpy pink dress that was riding her ass. Her makeup was put on way to heavily letting all of us know she had been expecting someone else tonight...that and the disgusted look in her hazel eyes.

"What can I get you?" She snapped, her eyes darting to the pad of paper she pulled out of nowhere.

"Martini." Veronica said, followed by a me too coming from Zoey's pink lips.

"I'll take a mojito and my friend here will take a daiquiri." Didn't know Amber was too high and mighty to order herself. I was about to make a comment out loud when Veronica landed her gaze on me. Oh, turn.

"Can I just get a glass for the Champaign the wonderful owner of this fine establishment left for me." Anger flashed in her eyes and I lost it. My laughter was echoing through the place, mixing in perfectly with the beat of the song that had just started. The waitress gave me a twisted glare and then stormed off. When my laughing subsided, I looked up to find four stares directed at me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Why did you laugh?" Veronica asked, the harshness of her tone slightly surprising.

"Something happened...and that was my reaction."

"It was a little rude don't you think?" Amber snorted. Veronica opened her mouth to say something but I beat her too it.

"And the way you treated me, earlier wasn't it?" She went silent.

"Okay so who wants to dance?" Zoey cut in, the tension slowly growing.

"Ooo, I like that idea!" Chelsea placed her small clutch on the table and slid out with Zoey close behind. I watched them go before Amber made a comment and followed quickly behind her friends . It was only Veronica and me left.

"What is going on Mia? First the waitress and then Amber?"

"First off," I growled as I ripped the cork from the bottle that had been whispering my name since I saw it earlier, "The waitress started it with her disrespectful gaze. You and I both know she didn't get all dressed up for us. Secondly, your friend Amber has been rude to me since I met her. You and I both know I'm not the kind of girl who stands around and let's those kinds of things happen. I was standing up for myself, plain and simple. You should have known I wouldn't fit in. Even Killian knows it." He knew that fact very well, it was the reason he kept me away from most of his friends.

"And you couldn't have tried?"

"Why do you think my chief never let me go to many places. My mouth never stays shut for long." First meeting I had to go to with my chief; kicked out within ten minutes. It was my largest issue in bootcamp. The RDC's would get in my face and I couldn't stop the reaction that followed. The amount of times I had been dropped was crazy. I told my uncle about it when he came to Illinois to celebrate my graduation, and the look on his face had been priceless.

"So I've heard..." She mumbled. I was sure her brother told plenty of stories.

"It's just hard okay? Besides Killian and his dad, most of the rich people I've ran into have been snobs. I grew up learning to defend myself, not to mention it's how my father raised me. I won't sit by and let a girl or guy make a judgment when they have no clue what is within. It's rude and annoying and irritates me."

"Almost everything irritates you." She mumbled making me grin.

"You don't!"

"Please," she rolled her eyes, sending out her hand as the slutty waitress appeared with all the drinks, "I'm sure there are some things you hate about me."

"Too much pink." I answered quickly.

"It's called being a girl."

"No, it's called being a prissy girl."

"Well then call me prissy!" She snorted and took a drink. I laughed and poured my first glass, crushed it, and poured the second round.

"You want to dance?" I asked her over the music. She nodded her head eagerly and grabbed my arm, yanking me from the both.

We made it to the top of the steps when a man came from below and stopped us. I looked him up and down, his wild blonde hair slightly glowing under the black lights.

Even with being two steps below us, the man had an inch on me. His smile was gorgeous, his green eyes gleaming under the club lights.
Out of politeness I smiled back. He caught the gesture and held out his hand, leaning in as he took it, and asked the one thing that put Killian permanently on my kill list. "So, you must be Killian's girlfriend?"


The moment my feet hit the top step, her gaze started burning a hole into my forehead. She had a smile plastered on her face, but the twitch of her left eye brow gave away what she was really thinking. Mia knew exactly what I had told Zach.

"Hey baby," she sneered in a snickering kind of way, the twitch getting worse as I moved closer, I'm going to pay for this later...,"I thought you weren't supposed to be here for at least another hour." That was true, but something in my gut told me I needed to arrive earlier, and it was clear my gut had been right.

"The meeting went a lot smoother than expected." I smiled, taking my place next to her like it was the normal thing. I felt her tense next to me, but she kept herself calm and in control.

"We'll I'm glad you're here now." She said through gritted teeth. Zach casted me a curious look, but I ignored it.

"Just can't stop missing me, can you?" The twitch came again. Already on her shit list, might as well have fun with it.

"Always missing you, cupcake!" I looked at her and sucked in a breath. Her eyes were sending daggers into my head. Her smile was twisted and conniving. If I made it out of the night alive, I would be surprised. "Oh and before I you know why my phone was on the balcony floor this morning?" I froze. When I looked over her eyes were filled with angry curiosity.

"No clue," I gulped, "You probably dropped it."

" did show a call to my chief, and I know you would have no reason to call him...."

"No clue. Like I said, you probably just dropped it after a call..." Pushing the music aside, the room went silent. I could feel Mia's muscles tense in her legs, ready to spring at any moment. I knew I had to say something. "So what have you two been talking about?" I asked as I tried to make myself comfortable.

"You." She smiled.

"She's told me some interesting things." Zach snickered. Now it was my turn to send daggers into her back, but she completely ignored me.


"I never knew you were a sucker for Disney movies?" He asked with a smirk. At that instant, I turned and faced Mia. Her grin said it all. The look in her eyes screaming at me that everything I got tonight, I deserved.

"Anything to make my little princess happy." Her heel slammed into my shin. I winced and immediately kicked her back.

"Please, we both know it was all you honey bear!"

"Yeah, you were too busy watching Barbie. Always dreaming you would be girly like her, I remember you stuffing your bras so you looked more feminine-" she kicked me harder, her eyes becoming slits of blue rage.

"Killian..." I use to always tease her about that little fact. Her body hadn't become fully feminine until she hit her senior year. She'd never admit that it bothered her, but every time I mentioned it, her anger would flare up like a fire exposed to a sudden blast of oxygen.

"Is everything okay dear?"

"I'm going to slit your throat!" She hissed under her breath, before speaking loud enough for my friend to hear, "Just a little disappointed you haven't asked me to dance yet..."

"Well if you want to dance, I would love to join you." Zach smiled politely. Not happening.
"You're a brave man," I smiled, "Her two left feet can be dangerous."

"Well that makes two of us." He grinned and lifted a hand out to he as he stood from his seat. She gave him a soft smile and practically shoved me from my own seat. I stood off to the side and let her walk towards the stairs with him.

In a matter of seconds the two of them disappeared from my sight and into the crowd.
I waited for only a moment before I dialed security, "Keep an eye on Zach and the brunette in the teal dress he's dancing with. If he makes any moves, separate them." They responded with a curt yes and then the line went dead. I moved to the edge of the platform and spotted Mia instantly.

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