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"I'm glad you decided to shower," my uncle joked as he entered the conference room, "You were starting to stink up the condo."

"How's he doing?" I ask immediately.

"Your aunt says he's doing fine."

"No ones left him alone, right?" I had made them all promise. I wouldn't leave him unless someone else was there with him. I wanted to know the moment he woke up.

"April just got into town at noon and has been with him since. He's fine."

"Okay. That's good. You promise you'll tell me."

"Mia, you need to-"

"It's young love Roger," an old, familiar face walks into the room with three, gorgeous young women behind her. She smiles at me and pulls me into a hug before I can say anything. When she pulls away, she holds me at arms length and looks me over, "You look like you need to eat, Mia."

"Hello, Eleanor. You look amazing like always." I comment as I look her over. For being almost fifty, she looks like she could be thirty. Her bright blue eyes were full of life, and there wasn't a single wrinkle on her warm, olive, heart shaped face. Her chocolate brown hair was just past her shoulders, much shorter then the last time I'd seen her.

The three girls behind her were obviously models. They looked paper thin, not a single flab of skin on them. All three of them were blonde, their hair long and silky straight. They all looked exactly alike and were beautiful all the way around.

"Have you been getting out more?"

"Not really." I admit.

"Of course you haven't."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm glad my nephew has found someone who actually loves him and not his money. Now, let's discuss the man that's going to be coming through those doors in a couple minutes."

Eleanor places a couple of booklets onto the table, "His name is Jasper Ferguson. He's currently running Britain's most successful fashion company. I've worked with him for a lot of my fashion shows over seas. He wants to use my girls as his main showcase from now on."

"But you technically work for Lucian."

"Exactly. So to do a full time business with me, he has to go through Killian."

"I've never worked with a potential partner Eleanor, only renewed a contract."

"I know that, and I've brought it up to him, explained that you were only here to do small things until Killian was back, but apparently Samuel Waterman talked up a storm about you. He was extremely impressed by how you performed. Said you were very down to earth and sweet." My uncle choked on his water as he heard her words. I glared at him and gave him the middle finger, "Ignore your uncle Mia. You can be down to earth if you really want to. Anyways, Jasper was very intrigued by everything Samuel had to say, and wanted to meet you. So here we are."

"Alright. I'll try my best. Thank you for being here."

"These are my models were talking about. By the way, I love the dress..."

I smile and roll my eyes. She's been the one to send me the dress after her brother told her I was helping out. Like all the dresses she'd sent me, this one was simple, but elegant. It was a colorblocked, red sheath dress with black acute triangulated inserts that accentuated the waist. This one in particular was fashioned with a high neck and short sleeves. I was very comfortable and breathable, the perfect stlye for me. While I'd much rather be in pants and a shirt of some sort, I at least wanted to look more the part, and according to Eleanor, dresses were the way to go.

When Killian woke up, I planned on running his aunt's clothing choice past him and get his opinion. Even though I don't particularly like wearing dresses, I didn't want to make him look bad. For him, I'd wear anything he wanted me to.

I took my seat at the end of the long conference table, adjusting the chair to fit my preference. From the spot I was in, I could see every other chair, which meant all eyes were on me. I could see why Killian liked it so much. Clearly who ever was in the seat was the person in charge.

Eleanor took the seat to the left of me while her models lines the right. My uncle stood at the back of the room close to the corner where he was able to see both everyone sitting down and the end of the hallway. He looked impressive, standing completely still with the most blank expression I'd ever seen.

I had told him earlier this morning that I didn't need him here, that I was fine with one of his other agents, but he refused to let anyone else do it. I understood why. Killian was fighting for his life, and I had almost lost mine, but protecting me or Killian wasn't his job. His job was to protect the head of the company, and at the moment, that was Lucian.

My back straightens as soon as I hear Max say, "Right this way Mr. Ferguson." Eleanor stands to her feet, mouthing for me to do the same. I keep my hands at my side, smiling as an older gentleman with two young men walk into the conference room.

"Hello Mr. Ferguson," I hold my hand out as he walks over. He takes it and shakes it, "I hope everything went well with your travels."

"It was splendid. How is Mr. Cross going?"

"He's doing okay." I didn't say anything else on the matter. Killian's progress was none of the man's business. He was here to help establish a partnership with Eleanor, not her nephew.

"Well, how about we get straight to down to business then."

"I'd very much so like that. What are you offering the company?"

"Ferguson Fashion wants Mrs. Newton's models to show off our new, unique, fashion line. Their looks, and professionalism will suit our products better then anyone else. I'm offering putting a 45 million dollar contract down on the table. As a trial run of course "

"That's a lot of money."

"I have a condition I'd like met." He adds.

"Let's hear it."

"They model my clothes, and only my clothes."

I turn to Eleanor. This decision wasn't mine, it was hers. They were her girls.

She looks back at me, and then leans forward. "What do you think, Mia?" She whispers.

I hold my laugh back, "I think that, 45 million dollars is a lot of money in my book, and that I don't feel comfortable dealing with that much currency. I had your brother's approval before I renewed Samuels contract..."

"Listen carefully," she whispers to me as she leans away and faces Jasper, "The yearly salary I expect for my girls is $4,670,000. With a 45 million dollar contract that leaves approximately $40,300,00 or so. Mr. Cross and I always split the money 50/50 when it comes to my models which leaves each of us about 20 million each. Typically Mr. Cross expects a thirty percent mark up, which means that if you choose to peruse another contract, the price will be about 57 million. This will go on for three-four updates. If we believe the work between us needs to be indefinite, we will decide on a set price. I know my nephew. He will want nothing less. That is what we are laying down on the table."

"Ms. Renee."

I meet his gaze, "Yes, Mr. Ferguson?"

"I understand that situation you are in. I know that you were not built around this life, and that you are only filling in to help out the Cross family. But I must ask, what do you think? Should I accept this offer?"

Killian always knew what he was getting into. He knew what needed to be done to keep the company safe and running. This conversation would have been no problem for him. In fact knowing him as well as I do, I can safely say that he would have already had his answer before Mr. Ferguson even walked into the company. Somehow, he probably would have even known what the guy was going to offer him. He was smart like that. It was why he has always been meant for the world of money.

"I'm not Killian." I start, "In fact, I'm nothing like him. Far be from it truthfully. I know nothing about money, while he knows everything," I take a deep breath, thinking of the way he'd always been looking at me, "With all that being said, I also know that he trusts me. He trusts me because I know him well enough to know what he wants. My gut is telling me that going into this contract with you, will be good for the company.

Eleanor knows her models. She knows what they need, what they deserve, and what is best for them. In order for this to work, you must accept whatever she brings forward. I trust her to know that nothing will be too ridiculous. Do you agree with this Mr. Ferguson?"

"With such fire in those hazel eyes, how could I not?"

"Eleanor? Anything you'd like to add?"

"One thing. I'd like to stay behind with Mr. Ferguson to discuss some more delicate details.  We'll do this once the contract is signed of course."

"I see nothing wrong with that." I hand the contract over Eleanor who then slides it to Jasper. He signs the last page without even looking. Eleanor signs it when it's returned to her. I sign the contract last, filling the last unmarked line.

"Well," I raise to my feet, followed by the rest of the people in the room, "My job here is done. It's was nice meeting you Mr. Ferguson. I hope we can see each other in the future." He holds out his hand, and I take it and give it a firm shake. I say my goodbyes to Eleanor and take my leave.

My uncle follows me out, someone else taking his spot in the corner. We walk to the elevator, and I press the button for the top garage level.

"Going somewhere?"

"I want to see him."

"He hasn't gone anywhere Mia."

"Let me change my words a bit, I need to see him."


"Imagine my aunt got shot because you pissed someone off. Imagine she was at home, unconscious, with tubes and wires attached to her. Don't forget that There's a chance she won't wake up. Could you sit by at work and do nothing?"

"Alright fine."

"Do you think he's going to make it?" I ask as the elevator descends.

"He better. I don't think Cross industries will stand for long with you in charge."


"I know the seriousness of the matter, but joking never hurt anyone. I just want to see you smile again Mia."

"I will...when Killian wakes up..."

He doesn't say anything else after that. When the elevator stops, we head to the car, and he drives us back to the condo.

There's a silence that's hangs above the both of us as we move through the city. He's worried about me, just like everyone else. I don't hide the truth from him any more. He knows that the longer it takes for Killian to wake up, the more my hope slightly dims. I want to stay strong. I want to have all the hope in the world, but it's hard.

It's hard to go to sleep and wake and find out that nothings changed. It's hard to be in the room, and see the wires spilling out from under his gown. It's hard to hear the same regular heart beat every single day. It's hard to look at him, knowing that if I hadn't gone there to tell him that I loved him too, he wouldn't be unconscious with the chance of never waking up again. He'd be running Cross Industries, and making the world a better place.

I hadn't realized it before, but Cross Industries was one of the top contributors to multiple charities. Thirty percent of all earnings were given away. After I heard of the way Killian had been behaving, I had expected it to drop, but Lucian admitted that Killian had considered raising it by ten percent.

Killian Arthur Cross...

Billionair Playboy...

Chicago's most notorious man-whore...

The world most charitable CEO...

The man that stole my heart before I even knew it was stolen...

"Promise me something Uncle," I whisper as the elevator to Killian's loft beings it's ascent, "Please promise me that he'll be okay. That all of this will turn out for the better."

My uncle pulls me into a hug, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head as he does so, "Everything will be the way it needs to be Mia. I promise."

I smile and take a deep breath. The elevator doors open, and my heart stops.

Cliff hanger!!!

Two more chapters to go!!

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