Old Chapter 6

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Authors Pov

"MITSUHA!" Taki shouted as she ran out to the garden, completely shattered, not sure what to do.
Mitsuha was shaking, crying and felt hopeless.
So that is where Gran was? Or did something happen?!

Mitsuha's Pov

Don't worry....it's just a nightmare, just a nightmare. I keep on talking myself that but...the more I think about It, the more real it is. I have to write to dad- he needs to know! I reached out to grab a piece of paper and a pencil. Ok...what's his address! I could phone- no, I don't know what his address is, what his phone number is, where he works - ANYTHING! I'm just useless...I couldn't help mum, neither gran! Probably not Yotsuha either.....

Tears exploded everywhere...I was still there in my sane spot a hour later, still crying - but I started running out of tears...

"Mitsuha! There you are! I've been looking everywhere. It's dinner, why don't you come inside?" Taki suggested.
I shook my head - I just wanted to be alone for a bit.
"Fine, I'll bring your food out here. But after, you are finished, come inside - Ok!?" With that he walked away and came back then gave me my plate.
I looked at what was on it. Macaroni cheese...mh...I do like Macaroni cheese a lot.
Even though I wasn't hungry, I ate it all up. Not leaving a bit of cheesy sauce left, nor pasta.

The next day (morning)

"Mitsuha! Wake up!" Taki shook me awake, "We've got school, remember!"
I looked around me. I was still in my school uniform and was outside.
Taki must of seen my confused look on my face.
"You fell asleep out here." He shook his head, still smiling, "silly-billy." And he laughed.
I gave him a little smile.
"Taki, I had one horrid nightmare." I said while getting up.
His smile dropped.
"No...Mitsuha. it's..."
I suddenly knew what he was going to say, so I finished it for him.
"Real." And with that I burst into tears.

Since it was late, i had no time for breakfast, or anything.

At the school

"Hey Mitsuha!" Saya waved.
I gave her a quick, fake smile.
"Hi Saya, hi Tesshi."
"Look who doesn't seem like themselves this morning!" Tesshi said, "got posessed by a shy fox this time?" He laughed.

"TESSHI! She lookes really upset! IT'S NOT TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE (NOT FUNNY) JOKES!" Saya snapped at him then turned to me, "what's up?"
I couldn't get the courage to say a word, or I would burst into another waterfall and flood the school.
So I just ran away to be alone.
I ran passed school and to a park nearby and made a new spot.

When there school had finished

I heard all the children come out of school. If anyone finds me here - I'm in big trouble. So I decided that I would run and catch a train.
I looked at my phone - which I had put on mute - and I had messages from Tesshi, Taki and Saya.
Taki: MITSUHA! Where are you!?
Taki: I'm really worried!

Saya: Mitsuha! Where did you go?
Saya: I've looked but I can't find you anywhere!
Saya: MITSUHA! I'm crying with worry, please ANSWER!

Tesshi: I'm sorry! Please come back!
Tesshi: it's a joke! I won't say it again!
Tesshi: MITSUHA Class is starting!

I had also missed about 10 or more calls. Oh...I got yo run to catch this train! I put my phone on sound again and a few seconds later I had a message.
Taki: Mitsuha, you better be safe. I've got a shift today so go home! You better be there when I arrive!

I put away my phone, swiftly went to the train station as tears slid out of my eye. People stared and I let them stare. People shoved, I let them shove. I felt hopeless.

Finally I arrived at my destination and slipped into the backyard.

I sat down in the bush and sat there crying for hours.

That night Taki came bursting through the door.
"MITSUHA!" I heard him shout.
He burst into the backyard.
"MITSUHA! There you are!" He cried and cane running up to me.
"I'm so glad you are alright..." he whispered hugging me. Suddenly his face turned stern.
"BUT RUNNING OFF LIKE THAT-" He started standing up and he looked really angry. "SCARED US ALL! NOT JUST THAT- I got really told off in work because i was worrying! AND YOU DIDN'T REPLY!" Be carried on shouting and shouting.

The next day

It's a weekend. That means no school. We've stopped talking about yesterday.
"Hey Sis! Can I ask you something?!"
"Sure go ahead."

"How did you guys meet?"
We looked at each other, it's about time she knew.
"Well you see~"

We told her most things. May I repeat MOST.

"You're hiding some things." She said and walked away.
Later that day she came through the door.

"GUYS I WANT TO TALK TO YOU! Saya brought a movie and we watched it together! It's called Your Name and it's about~"

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter.
Poor poor Hitoha(Gran)
*fourth wall breaks*
Oh yeah, forgot about that XD


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