first job

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author's note hope you guys are enjoying so far. and I do reply to most comments.

Kess's p.o.v.

I was thrilled about my first job. Not thrilled about hiding my keys so Loke doesn't get scared of me. I had my knives, Keys, and sword, a short ninja toe ,stashed on me out of sight. I also had my tiger back pack and kitty cat messenger bag packed with extra weapons, money, food, as well as clothes.

I was wearing a black t-shirt with a Leo zodiac symbol on it in gold, a dark blue zip up hoodie just baggy enough to hide my sword., and black jeans ripped at the knees and purple sketchers.

Now if your wondering I can fit lots of crap in my bag and still find it and they don't gain weight. Why you ask, because they were gifts from Kyo and Tai so I could carry more supplies without having to carry more bags or having more weight so the bags were magic.

Due to my gypsyish behavior the last few years I'm antsy to go.

As I near I spot Gray leaning on a pole facing Loke whose backs to me. I decide then to sneak up on Loke, and make a motion for Gray to play along as he nods looking amused as I set my back pack down.

"Hello boys!", I say as I jump on Loke's back and he moves to support my weight so I don't fall off and he doesn't fall over.

"Glad you made it out.", Gray says chuckling.

"Me too, this is the longest I've stayed in one place to long.", I say as Gray grabs my dropped back pack.

"Why do you move around so much?", Loke asks.

"One I've got a number of bad mages mad at me, and two I'm hunting someone that I hope leads me to someone else so I usually move to where I hear there at. But the trails cold again.", I say "And three, Lucy's the only relative other than my uncle left and he hates me."

"What about friends.", Gray says.

"Lets just say I don't usually mesh well with people.", I say.

"Why doesn't you uncle like you.", Loke asks.

"I'm a bad influence who encouraged Lucy to follow her heart and find her own path. ", I say "He said the only way I'd ever find a man to marry was if he was a celestial spirit contracted to me."

Loke's p.o.v.

I hear the little bit of sadness in Kess's tone as we board and take our seats, with Gray across from me and Kess next to me.

Her comment about spirits froze me a moment.

"Lucy's dad's an idiot anyways, I'm sure you got guys pounding down your door or will.", Gray says.

"'Actually I don't care, if I marry a spirit. It's better than having an arranged marriage , shoot as long as we loved each other. you should see the "prize" uncle had picked for Lucy.", She says

"He's that bad.", Gray asks.

"He's very gross.", Kess says giving me that feeling we've met before cause her power feels familiar.

"Mine would be worse if I cooperated just out of spite."

"So have you met all of Lucy's spirits.", I ask curious.

"Yup, and I've met more than that. I was even saved from a burning building by one.", she says.

"Cool which one was it.", Gray asks.

"Oh it was Leo.", she says making me freeze wondering why I can't remember her and hoping whenever it happened it was to smoky for her to remember how I looked.

"Was he weird looking?", Gray asks.

"Nope, actually he was quite dashing and princely.", she says making me thankful she remembered at least I looked good, but thankful she doesn't recognize me either. The conversation had drifted to a comfortable silence as the train moved us each in our thoughts when I felt a weight against me and turned to discover she was asleep and had slumped against me her head on my shoulder.

"She's cute like that.", Gray says as I nod in agreement noting how she's making my heart flutter like none of the other girls can.

Eventually we get to our stop and the intercom wakes her.

"Thank goodness you have a soft shoulder.", she says yawning in a cute way as she stretches getting up before grabbing her bag from the overhead as my cheeks feel warm.

"Kess you welcome to sleep on mine the return trip if you like.", Gray says chuckling making me feel a little jealous.

We then go to the hotel to drop of all our luggage and have met with the client and following the trail. "Loke look out!", Kess yells pushing me out of the way as a large rock barrels into her.

"Kess!", Me and Gray shout together.

"I'll be fine for now.", she says as three guys stand in front of us from where the rock came and a large wolf.

I help her up as she gets into a fighting stance.

"Alright whose but do I get to kick first for that.", she says glaring ready to fight, is it wrong to be attracted to that.

"Silver eat the girl.", says the man to the left as I notice he's got keys on his belt so he's a celestial wizard, meaning the wolfs a spirit.

"You boys take tweedle dee and tweedle dum, this punks mine.", Kess says as we nod as the wolf charges only for her to wolf roll it ending up pinning it.

"Bad doggie no biting.", she says as I get into it with the earth mage and Gray gets the last.

Kess's p.o.v.

I wish Loke wasn't here so I could call one of my spirits and wipe the floor with this chucklehead fast. But I don't want him avoiding me so I can't use the Keys around him. I need to protect him from his fear, I don't want him scared of me. So as long as Loke can see I'll have to do this the other way.

I use my telekinesis and fling the wolf off me and into the wizard causing them to collide into the tree.

"Silver you idiot take her down or it's the celestial chains and whip for you.", the man says making me see red.

"You monster, you abuse you spirit!", I shout shocking the wolf by my outburst as I grab the mages vocal cords so he can't command the wolf.

"I'll crush you larynx if your next command isn't freeing your spirit from his contract." as I approach closer as the wolf stands frozen.

"No he's my toy.", he says as I kneel by him so only he can hear "Is your toys worth your life? cause celestial mages who abuse there spirits make me sick."

The creep was sadly by his no nod a convicted creep. I crush around his larynx causing him to pass out due to lack of air and the wolf to vanish. At that point I take his keys as I look at the vanishing wolf. "I'll never let him hurt you guys again." I say quietly as I shove the keys in my bag while pulling out some rope to tie this punk up. It's guys like him that make me ashamed to admit I'm a celestial wizard.

At said moment a rock hits me knocking me down from the side as I turn and notice Loke and the earth mage are still fighting as I get up. It's at this moment I realize only a little of his magic is from the rings on his fingers, while I get up.

I get up and dust myself off as watch them fight. I've seen that fighting style before. My dad taught me a fighting style even though it evolves is a signature. And this one is familiar.

"Kess you ok.", he says.

"I'm fine just focus on tweedle dum.", I say making the earth mage growl while Loke chuckles.

"Stupid twat!", the mage says throwing a boulder my way as I roll out of the way chucking my knife at his hand pinning it to the tree.

"Nothing hotter than a knife throwing chick.", Loke says.

"Save it playboy, I'm a forever girl.", I say focusing on the earth mage forcing down the blush.

"I'll remember that, but you'll fall for me. I'll find away.", he says as I roll my eyes smirking.

"Careful making declarations player, cause if you go there I won't settle for less than queen of someone's heart when I fall.", I say throwing another dagger as the wizard raises his hand pinning him to the tree before Loke walks up to him knocking him out. "Point taken." he says grinning. Although watching him fight is pretty hot. We tie his dummy to my dummy just as Gray brings his dummy then we drag all or dummies to jail.

After a hot meal and showers we all retired to our rooms at the inn as I looked at the ceiling thinking about a certain orange haired ring mage.

He did look hot fighting and his smirk is cute. Even cuter is his real smile not the fake thing he uses on his girlfriends and on the girls he generally flirts with..

On the train ride back to Magnolia I woke up feeling something stroking my hair looking up its Loke and he's doing it while looking out the window lost in thought. I study his face as I realize for the first time how much like the spirit I'm looking for, Leo the Lion he looks.

His hairs just a little shorter.

"I keep falling asleep on you.", I say yawning.

"It's ok, I don't mind.", He says looking at me smiling lightly.

"Your fan girls might.", I say.

That's there problem.", he replies still stroking my hair.

"You know Loke, your much cuter when you use your real smile, not that fake thing you give your girlfriends.", I say smiling back as his hazel and my violet grey eyes lock.

"Then I'll make sure to only give you the real ones.", he says still smiling

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