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Kess's p.o.v.

After a few days on the trail again my target's trail got cold, but being ambushed by bandits didn't help every few days.

I had decided to drag my tired hide back to Magnolia because I had a gut feeling I needed to be there.

When I arrived since I knew she wouldn't be at the guild I went to Lucy's apartment.

"Kess your back so soon.", she says and you look bad.

"I lost the trail due to traveling a trail that was loaded with bandit attacks.", I say as she lets me in.

"I thought I'd see if you minded if I crashed here a few days. "

"Oh Kess, it'd be nice to have someone normal around for a little bit.", she says laughing.

"Did you just call me normal.", I say raising an eyebrow as I sit on her couch.

"Yep and guess what?", she says.

"What?", I ask intrigued.

"I'm going to see Dad, and tell him not to mess with Fairy Tail anymore.", she says "And you can just house sit since my team mates are always dropping in."

"Sure Luce, I can house sit.", I say.

The next couple days she gets ready while I sleep on her couch and use her shower.

I felt the extent of my exhaustion, and despite offers I kept to the couch.

Gray's p.o.v

I decided to drop in on Lucy and see how she's doing seeing as she hasn't been to the guild work site in a couple days. On the way I ran into Loke on the way in.

"Hey Gray, can you give these keys to Lucy, I found them for her.", Loke says as we walk in together.

"Why don't you come in and give them to her yourself she doesn't bite.", I say taking note of how white he looks.

My poor partners virtually petrified.

"Fine I'll drop them off for you but you owe me.", I say stopping in front of Lucy's door which opens before Loke can run or I can knock to reveal the ravenette who'd helped out with the injured when the guild was attacked, and Lucy's cousin.

"Hey boys.", she says sleepily leaning in the doorway in a blue tank top and tan sleep shorts. "Oh Gray and Loke, right?", she says cocking her head cutely and I feel myself blush and I can tell Loke.

"I princess I see we meet again, I should of realized your were Lucy's cousin.", he says.

"If your looking for my cousin I'm house sitting for her but your both welcome to come in and have a glass of ice tea with me.", she says "But you may wanna come in so I can see if I got any sweatpants for you. Don't those boxers get drafty." causing me to realize my state of undress.

"Actually ya, we wanted to return her gate keys for her.", I say as she lets us in and ushers us to a table where the two of us sit and she poors us each a glass of what turns out to be peach iced tea before grabbing a worn backpack and digging though and tossing me a pair of oversized sweat pant.

"That's so sweet of you boys to bring back her keys.", She says as Loke appears at a loss for words.

"Wait why didn't you scream at me about stripping.", I say.

"Ice mage right. You probably trained to get use to the cold, so you got used to not wearing clothing, seems like it'd be a little mean to yell at you over a bad habit though.", she says "That'd be like me getting on Lucy for nail biting."

"Well then Kess what's your habit.", I ask as I put my pants on.

"I forget to eat.", she says shrugging her shoulders. "Especially if I'm upset or stressed."

"Not sure I can picture forgetting to eat.", I say.

"Ya you gotta keep your strength up for your magic.", Loke says studying her as rests her chin on her hands.

"Speaking of, if you know I'm an ice mage does Lucy talk about me a lot.", I ask as she smirks.

"Not just you but you whole team and the guild members.", she answers as she plays with Lucy's keys.

"So then what kind of mage are you?", Loke asks.

"Mostly telekinetic.", she says.

"And the other part.", I ask as a twinkle comes to her eyes as she brings her finger to her lips.

"Shh that's a secret.", she says putting a finger to her lips as I notice Loke's cheeks tint pink a little.

"Maybe you should join our guild then we can all find out on a job sometime.", I say as Loke nods.

"You'd make a lovely addition.", Loke says.

Loke's p.o.v.

I watch at the ravenette trying to place her magic, or where I've seen her for that matter.

"I don't know about joining Gray, I'm kinda anti social, this is fine but I don't mix well with people most places.", she says chewing her bottom lip as I catch her glancing at me.

"So where'd you find Luce's keys.", she asks changing the subject.

"In the alley that she was kidnapped from.", I answer as her eyes show a little curiosity.

"I see, I'm glad you found them, she loves her spirits a lot.", she says pushing her now loose black hair behind her ear before getting up and grabbing three empty glasses setting them by the tea pitcher.

"So you said before your were hunting a dark mage.", Gray says.

"Yea, her trail got cold while I got held up by bandits.", she says "so I decided to visit my cousin and crash on her couch"

It's then that I notice her dark circles, like she hadn't slept well or much in a long time. An again I feel as if we've met, but when.

"Lucy!", comes a loud shout a Natsu barges, Happy in tow, looking for the celestial mage as Kess pours tea in two of the empty glasses.

"Chilax Natsu, Lucy's out I'm house sitting here's some tea.", she says startling him as he looks over at her.

"Oh Kat right.", he says to Kess who giggles cutely.

"No it's Kess.", she says as he and the cat take a sip while she pours another glass as Erza exits Lucy's bathroom.

"How'd you know they were here.", Gray asks.

"Oh being telekinetic I could sense there presence.", she says

"So Kess why are you house sitting for Lucy? Not that I'm not happy to see you.", Erza asks.

"And your nicer.", Happy says.

"Oh like I was telling the guys, I lost the dark mage's trail and needed a place to crash.", she says yawning cutely. If I wasn't dying I could spend my life studying it.

"Where's Lucy though?", Happy asks.

"Hopefully giving her dad what for, she went home.", Kess says calmly.

"What?", the rest of team Natsu shouts "I'm coming for you Lucy!" as he runs out followed by Erza and Gray.

"You know Loke, there's no way she'll pick my Uncle over the guild. She loves you guys.", Kess says as we're now left alone "Although if she did she'd have to give me up again too, I'm a bad influence." as she does air quotes.

"I can't picture you as a bad influence.", I say smirking at her.

"I am if I encourage my cousin to be herself.", she says.

She's so interesting, I look forward to getting to know her better.

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