partner and her vision

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authors note : finally the identity of Kess's S-Class trial partner is revealed

Loke's p.o.v.

As soon as Gray barged into the bathroom and laid eyes on my Kess, I couldn't help feeling more irritated that he essentially was looking at my naked wife as she threatened him. He just stood there dumb founded though so I decided to act and grabbed him "Come on Gray.", I say practically dragging him from the bathroom by his shirt. "And stop looking at my girl or I'll poke your eyes out"

That part knocked him out of his stupor as I shut the bathroom door before releasing him by the couch as I glare at him.

"Loke I came to talk to you about the trials but you got some serious explaining to do!", Gray says upset sounding as Kess comes in a few minutes later now dressed in her pink cat pajama pants and a blue tank top her wet hair down as she enters the room with beat red cheeks due to the embarrassment of Gray catching her in the tub.

"Could you turn down the volume Gray I just got rid of one headache.", she says then gestures for us to take a seat which we do as she sits on the armrest of my chair placing her hands in her lap.

"Ok, so what's going on why's she in your bathroom. She's not some plaything like the other girls, Kess is Nakama, and Lucy's cousin.", Gray growls.

"I assure you it's nothing like that. Since I've been with Kess those girls don't exist.", I say looking up at her as she smiles softly at me.

"It's kind of a secret since we didn't want it out until after S-Class but Gray, after the Nirvana thing we went on a trial together.", she starts

"It was for our right to love each other and be together, And she passed", I add watching her lovingly "So I made her my wife."

Then to make my point I pull her into my lap startling her.

"You guys got married. Lucy's gonna kill you for not telling her or having her at the wedding.", Gray says

"Well I guess we did basically elope.", Kess says "But please until after the trials keep this on the down low."

"Ya I can do that.", he says " So wow you and Loke. Who'd of thunk he'd settle down and marry, let a lone stick to one girl." At which he chuckles and me and Kess have matching smirks.

We then move on to discussing the trial and I agree to meet Gray at the guild tomorrow. "Just remember Kess, just cause your Loke's wife don't mean we're going easy on you.", he says

"Good I don't expect you too, then it wouldn't be fair to all the people who were working for it that didn't get nominated.", she says rolling he eyes " I'm not even sure why I was nominated. I've been here less time then Lucy, Juvia or Gajeel."

"He probably just saw something in you that you didn't Kess. ", I say sensing through our link her confusion as I absentmindedly rub her back "Also you didn't over react just now like your cousin would of when Gray said we're going all out."

"Well I guess tomorrow I'll find me a partner and meet you guys at the guild then.", she says "Cause I wanna see the look on Lucy's face when you tell her your Key will be unavailable for the trial."

Kess's p.o.v.

Having a never ending depth messenger bag is great. I was thinking over who to partner with on the way to the guild as I passed through the market and got some good deals on protein bars, dried fruits and trail mix and other things I can put In my bag so I can eat during the trial if I need to. I felt so great today, my headache was cleared up, I had a great night with Loke after Gray left, a great sleep, yummy breakfast.

Now I was content, had my favorite jeans on and a black Hello Kitty t-shirt and my sneakers on black hair down. Except for a partner the morning was going well. As I stopped to talk to a street merchant about some peaches she was selling thinking about buying one to eat on the way to the guild I heard a yell.

"Stop thief he's got my purse!" and I turn watching some guy running with a purse as an upset woman calls after him right at me as he grabs me pulling me to him holding a knife to my chest.

"Stop or the doll face gets it.", he says as I roll my eyes as I head butt him making him cry out that his nose is broken before I hit him in a pressure point knocking him out to the soldiers surprise that had come.

"He's all yours fellas", I say taking the purse tossing it to the owner having lost my taste for peaches, milkshakes it is.

Eventually I come across Carla and Lily having a in depth chat.

"I can't believe she ignored me. I just don't trust this Mest character.", she says as I smile

"I have my doubts as well. Especially since he claims to be my prince's pupil.", he says

"Well that makes three of us.", I say as her and Lily look up at me.

"Kess, you don't trust Mest either, but isn't he a guildmate.", Lily says.

"Actually after a long night and a bad headache I realized all the memories with him were inserted. There not real. It took me a while to purge them.", I say "Being a telekinetic as well make me sensitive when people play in my head.

"See told you there's something wrong with him we must tell master.", she says.

"Hold on there's only our word here no evidence.", I say as I look between them.

"Why couldn't you have been her partner.", she asks huffing.

"Mest beat me to the punch and used the Mystogan card.", I say as I get an Idea.

"Hey Panther Lily since Natsu can have Happy as a partner would you be willing to work with me for the S-Class trials. I really need a partner and think you'd be a great asset.", I say with a smile as his eyes widen " Plus then you can help me keep an eye on Mest. You might get to kick Gajeels can, or smack Happy around."

At the last part he smirks. "I'm in, and I'm honored you'd ask me.", he says eyes twinkling.

"Sweet.", I say happily as we shake before we part ways and I head to the guild.

"So you went with Lily he should be a good choice.", says Loke smiling at me as I spot him at the entrance to the guild as I wave off the cats.

"Yea, I think Lily and I should make a good team, plus he can hold his own against Gajeel at least for a little bit. If he can fight a dragon slayer in his larger form then he'd be a pretty big asset.", I say as we enter while Gray's saying he's already got a partner planned this for a year.

"That's right that's me.", he says as we enter "and don't worry Lucy I'll be here under my own power so it won't effect you or Kess."

"It would have been nice to know ahead of time.", she grumbles.

"Then you need to chat with your spirits more.", I tease as I sit on the table.

"Hey your a celestial spirit can you even help.", Elfman says.

"While I am a spirit" Loke says undoing his tie and shirt pulling it down he turns and shows his mark "I am still a Fairy Tail Wizard and on my Honor as a Fairy Tail wizard I will do everything in my power Gray to make you S-Class."

Gosh he looks so good without his shirt on I think as I study him a moment before he fixes his shirt and jacket throwing me a wink.

'Only for you babe.', he says through our link to me making me blush a little before he sits by me as others scramble for partners.

"So who's your partner Kess ?", my cousin asks.

"Oh Panther Lily, I figure if Natsu can take Happy then exceeds were open game for partners.", I say smiling as she face palms.

"Well I'm with Cana but I'm curious why you didn't ask me?", she says.

"Well you teamed with Cana yesterday and I heard about it and Loke had already told me before I was nominated he was Gray's partner which is why I didn't ask him."

"Well if we're gonna be at Hargeon early tomorrow we should all get packed so we can board and get some rest cause we leave early.", my cousin says and we all nod.

Eventually after packing my two bags while Loke was at the guild I laid down to nap.

It was a nightmare, but more it was a vision cause you can't wake up from visions.

I was battling on an island surrounded by soldiers, then I saw some strong mages and others getting injured.

Then I saw Loke battling a spirit I hadn't seen since I was young Capricorn, and it was like he looked at me as he cackled about getting a humanoid body finally to Loke. Soon there was more battles more injuries.

Then there was a large black dragon with red eyes staring at me as I felt the fear fill up my body. Soon I saw it attack and breath at me, then I was in limbo like abyss floating, cold, and alone.

"Loke!", I called out screaming "Lucy!, Gray, Lily, Natsu! Anyone! " as for the first time panic fills me to join the fear.

"Kess! Kess! Wake up!", I hear a familiar voice calling to me in the blackness "Come on come back to me baby!"

As I feel a warmth envelope my body, as through my link I feel a warm loving feeling enter me as I feel the black start to fade away only for my eyes to open and to be met with Loke's beautiful eyes full of concern as he has me cradled in his arms.

"Loke? Your ok.", I say as I hug him tight tears falling down my eyes as he hugs me tight as he plays with one hand in my hair.

"It's ok Kitten I'm here now. I got you.", he says as I cling to him as the fear slowly melts away with the sound of Loke's voice "It was just a dream."

"Loke it wasn't a dream. It was a vision, something bad is coming.", I say as he holds me tighter "It's gonna be a long time before we're back here."

"It'll be alright, whatever it is I'm here and I'll protect you.", he says kissing my forehead as we cling together not wanting to let go.

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