Random: Just A Thought

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A 45 year old woman has not had any true friends all her life. And then, when she moves in to work and bonds well, she makes a group of friends who are truly like those friends whom you can call own. For the first time in her life, she feels free. She starts to experience immense happiness and starts to revive that child within her. She starts to, for the first time in her life, think about herself due to their company.
But then, her husband who's actually open-minded suddenly starts to question her on the people visiting. Basically the woman lives with her kids in an apartment while her husband is abroad. All these years, her husband has never questioned his wife but then all of a sudden he starts to behave this way. Her mother who's always been behind her, interfering in her life every single time, of course poses her own conditions and keeps expressing her dissent indirectly by keeping on telling that she's now changed a lot because of those friends.

All these years, she has never had any friends. It's not that her husband dosen't love her or she isn't happy in her married life. It's just that now she has finally got her friends but none seem to be happy about this. All these years she's never questioned her elders and has led life, but now that she's finally got some friends, she wants to live a little. It hurts her that her own family isn't happy in her happiness. She has no one to talk to about this except her elder daughter. She's told this much to her daughter but of course, everything cannot be said right. After all, even a mother-daughter relationship has some boundaries. Everything cannot be told.

She has just one question - Why can't she lead her own life freely? It's not that she's neglecting her other duties or her routine is suffering because of her friends. Why then can't she lead her own life the way she wants? Why?

Give it a thought guys. And do share your views on this situation.



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