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Hi, my blossoms
Shancy here

I finished this one-shot earlier than I thought. Enjoy the reading.

(f/d)- favourite details.
(S/h)- super hero's name

Adrien's pov
It was a beautiful day to relax and meet my friends. Have fun, hang out and breath the pure air. That was what I was doing before Hawkmoth sent an akuma to akumatize a person which strangely was having a bad day in this awesome day. The sun was shining and the clouds were far away from Paris which made this day even perfect. Then a little butterfly had to create a storm of catatrophy as the scientist said.

I was walking in the streets toward the park with the goal of meeting my friends, Nino, Alya and Marinette.
Parents were trekking with their children, couples were eating in restaurants on a romantic date, young boys were playing football in the park while girls were gossiping the hottest trends and boys and birds were singing.
Everything and everywhere were peaceful until...

"I am Chaotic!" The akumatized villain claimed his name while destroying buildings and cars.
Until someone ruined my day.

"I guess he creates caos" I mumbled alone.

A swarm of people screaming in fear were running in the road in panic.

"Really? Can't I have a single day off?" I asked to the universe
"Just my luck"
"Chill out, kid. Be a hero is a full-time job without rest" Plagg said from my white jacket.

I started doing the same thing that the crown except the part of screaming and pressing the panic button on.
I saw a little and black kitten with it paw trapped in a big and heavy box while meowing for help. I ran to it rescue and tried to heave up the box. I couldn't lift it enough to release the alley cat. I began entering in panic when Chaotic threw cars making more damages to the city. One of those cars was rolling in my way and I pushed the box with all my strenght again before it could crash on the pet and me.
"Meow" the kitty thanked me.
"No problem, kitten" I said and felt that the cat understood me.

The car was close and I didn't have time to transform in my alter ego, Chat Noir.
Was this my end? Am I going to die in the saddest way?
At least, I made friends, got the opportunity to study in a public school, save the city as Chat Noir with the help of my kwami, Plagg, and meet my lady, Ladybug, who didn't return my feeling when I confessed to her.

I picked the lost cat in my arms and curled creating a shield. I would take the damage and die for doing a good deed.
The cat meowed as I was preparing myself for the huge hit and saw flashbacks of my life. I saw the most important persons of my life, my friends, my mom and my father.

Then I felt my body flying.
Did I die? Am I going to heaven?
I opened my eyes and noticed that a girl in (f/c) suit with (f/d) details was carrying me.

"Who are you?" I asked
"I am (s/h). Nice to meet you" you introduced yourself and smiled to me. Then landed in a safe building with a good state. Finally, you put me in the concrete carefully.
"Are you okay, handsome?" You asked as I blushed at the nickname and nodded. You noticed it.
"A handsome guy that is shy. This is new" you flirted
"What were you doing putting yourself in danger?" You asked.
I slowly released my arms and the kitten popped up.
"The cat was trapped and I went to rescue him" I explained the previous situation.
"So the handsome and shy guy is kind too" You said and winked "That is rare"

"T-thank you" I stuttered. Why did I stammered?
"So" You said looking at me
I looked at you, directly in the eyes.
"So, will I receive my reward kiss" You said
"Kiss!?" I exclaimed "I..I, why?"
"When a person saves you, you are supposed to give a reward"
"I know that but a kiss!?" I exclaimed skeptical
You nodded and gave a cheeky smile.
"You don't like me. I am not your type?" You pouted crawling closer to me, your face revealing a sad expression.
"I-I... I don't know" I admitted as your sad eyes were in front of mines. I gulped as your slim body climbed on top of mine like a sweet and seductive trap.
When your lips were inches to posse mines, you giggled.

"What's are you laughing?" I asked.
You lifted yourself of me and did a hero pose.
"Nothing" your rolled your eyes and giggled.
"Time to bug out" You dismissed doing a salute signal and launched to the building from across the street.
I watched you from the distance in my numb condition.

"She is more flirting and cooky than Chat Noir" Plagg flew out of my jacket and said.
In the moment I opened my mouth to answer, the black kitten meowed and clutched my t-shirt.
I picked it up and lied it in my lap then petted his black furr.
"We were both rescued, kitten" I said and felt a strange vibration in my hand from the cat, he purred.

Make your questions for the Q&A.

Bye Bye, my blossoms
*sunflower out*

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