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jungkook: hyungie.

jimin: oh my fucking days.

jungkook: what??

jimin: that was the second time you're calling me that its disgustingly cute fml.

jungkook: jiminie ))):

jimin: why baby?

jimin: whats wrong??

jungkook: nothing.

jungkook: i just feel really sick and lonely and empty i dont know why.

jungkook: im going to cry.

jimin: baby did you eat?

jungkook: im sorry ))):

jimin: jungkook i told you many times to not skip meals.

jimin was getting weaker. people like taehyung, the doctors have noticed but jungkook didn't.

though, jimin didn't want him to.

the older has to be strong in front of jungkook and not make him worried.

jimin pushes the door softly, entering the younger's room who is currently reading a book with his chin propped onto his palm, a small pout on his chapped lips.


jungkook jumped, dropping his book as he looks up with eyes that brightened up once he saw the brown haired male.

"hyungie!" jungkook jumps onto jimin, clinging onto him as he rests his head in the crook of the older's neck.

"baby what's wrong?" he says as he brings them both to bed, settling them down.

"i just feel. . .i dont know, lonely? i feel cold"

"is this the emo jeon?"

"shut up" the younger's voice is muffled against his skin but he can feel the smile that's tugged onto the other's lips as he shuffled nearer.

jimin looks arounds, seeing the covered and untouched food tray on the table.

"baby, you have to eat okay?" jungkook whines, shaking his head softly as he mumbled about wanting to just stay like this in the other's warm embrace.

"at least fill your stomach with something. i'll feed you baby boy, come on"

"you need to stop calling me that"

"do you want me to?"


"so stop complaining"

jungkook grunts, trying to pry himself away from jimin when a hand settles on his waist, preventing him from doing so while a scowl painted his features.

"don't be upset baby boy, you know i was just joking right?" jimin chuckles, reaching over to bring the table nearer to them so that he can feed jungkook while he's on the male's lap.


jimin opened the cover, small puffs of steam breaking into the air from the cooling porridge.

"at least it's porridge, you can down it easily" jimin said as he spooned some of the liquid, blowing just a little before bringing it up to the younger's mouth, poking his bottom lip when jungkook keeps his mouth closed.

"baby please, you have to eat. you wanna stay healthy and live don't you?" jungkook sighs, opening his mouth a little and taking in the porridge, swallowing it down his throat dryly.

jungkook stops after ten spoonfuls, saying that he's full amd jimin smiles before putting the spoon down and hands jungkook the glass of water, the younger sipping it till half before placing it back on the table, pushing it back to the front before grabbing jimin and placing his hands on the older's chest, resting his head onto the same area too.

"please don't skip meals jungkook, don't make me worried okay?" jimin said after a comforting silence, cupping jungkook's cheeks and caressing it tenderly, placing a chaste kiss on his forehead.

"i'm sorry hyung, i'll try to okay? for you" he gives a shy look through his bangs, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as his words trailed into a whisper.

"yeah, do it for me baby" jimim sighs contently before resting his head on top of jungkook, kissing his head before he feels one of his hands being pulled up amd interlacing with familiar ones.

"you're gonna stay here with me tonight right? i kinda- i miss you"

i was always here, jimin wanted to say but holds it back, combing his free hand into jungkook's black locks soothingly as he hums.

"of course i'll stay baby, anything you want"

"love you hyungie"

"i swear jungkook, stop calling me that"

"love you daddy" jungkook murmurs, pressing a kiss to jimin's neck before his eyes slips close, fingers still locked with the older's.

"jesus christ"

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