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jungkook: baby.

jungkook: did anything happen last night?

jungkook: i swear if something happened last night.

jimin: jesus jungkook, nothing fucking happened.

jungkook: thank god.

jungkook: anyways im coming over in half an hour.

jungkook: bye.

jimin: okay.


"jiminie, you have a guest" taehyung chirped, a huge grin on his face that made jimin felt suspicious.

"why are you all smiley taetae-ah?"

taehyung doesnt say anything, instead lets jungkook step in, his guitar slung behind him as he smiled sweetly at jimin.

jimin's eyes widen quizzically, eyeing every step jungkook took towards him as taehyung exited the room.

"what are doing?"

"i wanted to do something for you, so i figured out, since we both love music, i made a song for you"

"oh my god. holy shit" jimin formed his lips in a straight line as jungkook took out his guitar and placed it on his lap, the first few notes being able to be heard as jungkook started strumming his guitar, flicking his eyes up, seeing jimin eyes going wide.

"jungkook, oh god no"

remember the way you made me feel
such young love but
something in me knew that it was real
frozen in my head

jimin squeezed the sheets under him as he stared at jungkook, breath getting caught in his throat.

pictures im living through for now
trying to remember all the good times
our life was cutting through so loud
memories are playing in my dull mind
i hate this part paper hearts
and i'll hold a piece of yours
don't think i would just forget about it
hoping that you won't forget about it

everything is gray under these skies
wet mascara
hiding every cloud under a smile
when there's cameras
and i just can't reach out to tell you
that i always wonder what you're up to

jungkook smiled genuinely, his honey voice filling the room.

pictures im living through for now
trying to remember all the good times
our life was cutting through so loud
memories are playing in my dull mind
i hate this part paper hearts
and i'll hold a piece of yours
don't think i would just forget about it
hoping that you won't forget

i live through pictures as if i was right there by your side
but you'll be good without me and if i could just give it some time
i'll be alright

goodbye love you flew right by love

jimin closed his eyes, a couple of his tears staining the bed sheets.

pictures i'm living through for now
trying to remember all the good times
our life was cutting through so loud
memories are playing in my dull mind
i hate this part paper hearts
and i'll hold a piece of yours
don't think i would just forget about it
hoping that you won't forget

jungkook placed his guitar away from his lap, going over to jimin's side and cupping his face, wiping away his tears as jimin had his eyes close.

"why are you crying, baby? dont you like it? i thought-"

jungkook's eyes widen as he felt a pair of lips being meshed with his in a quick, soft peck.

jimin opened his eyes as a dazzling smile formed on his lips, wrapping his arms around jungkook's neck.

"i loved it, thank you baby"

jungkook's heartstrings played, pulse skipping a beat.

"you called me baby"

"shut up"

jimin giggled, pulling the younger in for another kiss.

the kiss, it was meant to be soft and sweet, but jungkook slowly pushed jimin back onto his bed as he pressed his lips harder against the brown haired boy.

they pulled away softly, both panting as their eyes glowed in love and lust as jimin bit his bottom lip, eyes adverting somewhere else, making jungkook growl as he dived down towards jimin's lips again, abusing it roughly, pulling on his bottom lip with his teeth before letting it go with a pop, making jimin moan softly.

"damn it jimin" jungkook growled as he started placing kisses from the elder's ear, biting at his earlobe, down to his neck, sucking on the milky flesh, letting dark purple love bites imprint themselves onto the pale skin.

articles of clothes were being removed, as both were drowned in pleasure, sinful moans and groans being released as lips ventured past boundaries, a layer of sweat on both of their naked bodies as jimin wrapped his arms tighter on jungkook's neck along with his legs on the younger's waist as their body burned, bed screeching against their weight as the headboard banged against the wall while they made love, lips finding each other to try quieten down the moans being emitted.


"you're so beautiful baby, so, so beautiful" jungkook mumbled as jimin wrapped himself around jungkook, the younger kissing the top of his head as they rested on the bed.

"guess you're gonna be a jeon huh" the black haired chuckled, making jimin pout.

"not a chance"

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