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jungkook: im.

jungkook: holyshitparkjiminwtfisthisshitomfgwhatthefUCKMANWHATTHEFUCKISUDOINGTOMYWEAKHEART.

jungkook: sAVE ME.

jimin: do u like it?

jungkook: fuck im crying.

jungkook: im actually crying.

jungkook: no fuck.

jungkook: fuck you park jimin.

jungkook: u come here.

jungkook: rIGHT FUCKING NOW.

jungkook: im going to deflate you.

jimin: fuck hold on wtf is wrong? do u like it or not?

jungkook: im wAITING.


jungkook: fine.

jungkook tossed his phone aside as he took the sketch drawing and bouquet of attractive, eye-catching flowers in different colours and shades of red, pink and purple.

he really didn't expect this. for all he knows, his boyfriend is the quiet and distant type of person which he understands, therefore, this is why he is finding it hard to breathe and the amount of heart palpitations is making him weak that he might actually faint.

jimin drew a picture of him, it was drawn and painted with artistic and wonderful skills that jungkook couldn't rip his eyes off the drawing. it was beyond beautiful, it was ethereal.

jungkook can't possibly look like this in jimin's eyes, this is beyond the world.

jungkook felt his lungs cave in as he read the note left behind, a 'hope you like it baby, you were right when u said i must be drawing you since you're always on my mind you little fucker. i love you' that made him feel lightheaded as he clutched the beautiful stalks of flowers in his hands.

once the sound of the door creaking was heard, jungkook jumped out of bed, catching jimin in a bone crushing hug as the older stumbled into the room. jungkook cried at the crook of his neck as jimin wrapped his arms around the younger's torso, bringing them both to the hospital bed.

"what the fuck are you doing, i can't take all this, fuck you" jungkook's words were mumbled into jimin's neck, hitting his chest weakly.

"well i just-"

"just shut up and kiss me"

jimin cracked out a small laugh before cupping the other's cheek, gazing into jungkook's watery eyes before leaning in, meshing their lips together in a blissful kiss. jimin pulled away once they needed air, resting his forehead against his boyfriend as he smiled.

"i love you" he whispered, looking up at the younger.

"say it again"

"i love you" jimin repeated, a little louder this time.


"i love you"

"i love you too, thank you so much" jungkook smiled as he sighed, laying his head on jimin's chest, listening to the other's beating heart.

"can't you stay here for the night?" jungkook pouted as he played with the hem of jimin's shirt.

"i'm sorry baby, but i have to go back, taehyung would be finding me if i don't" jungkook's pout turned into a frown at the mention of the other male's name.

"taehyung. taehyung. taehyung. always him" he muttered and flipped onto the other side, back facing his now amused boyfriend who was cocking up an eyebrow.

"aw, is jeon jungkook jealous?" jimin's hand went to tickle jungkook's sides but he didn't budge.

jimin got off the bed as he smirked, shaking his head.

"well then i'll just head off back to taehyung then since no one wants me here" jimin said with a lilt of teasing in his tone and made his way slowly to the door, just wanting to turn the handle when a pair or arms were wrapped around his waist from behind as jungkook whined softly, nuzzling his neck.

"don't go, please"

jimin sighed as he turned around, smiling wistfully, "i can't baby, but i promise i'll sleep with you tomorrow okay?" jungkook sticked out his bottom lip but nodded, bringing up his pinky finger.


"promise you little fucker" jimin smiled before pecking his lip, making jungkook's heart flutter as he left.

i'm such a lucky bastard.

jungkook: thank you again jiminie.

jimin: anything for my baby.

jungkook: one day im going to having a heart attack i swear.

jimin: aw.

jungkook: mm im tired already hyung, goodnight <3

jimin: hey jungkook.

jimin: boi you're fast when it comes to sleeping.

jimin: its just, i wanna say, i know im not the perfect the boyfriend, hell i think i dont even deserve someone as beautiful and breathtaking as you but i consider myself lucky. i know im not really open and affectionate as you are, but please believe me when i say i love you because i mean it. i really meant it jeon jungkook. i love you with all my heart. and even if im dying really soon, just remember that i'll always be there with you. i know i have no chances of living so i just want to express how grateful i am now. you're so amazing jeon jungkook. you can make me smile and smile and just smile and be happy when im with you. never have i thought i would ever be happy again but you suceeded. you did it you little fucker, my little fucker. you lit up the darkness and loneliness i had in my life once and im really thankful. sometimes i wonder what will happen when im gone, what could have happen if we have never met. i never would have met someone as beautiful as you right? i love every inch of you. if you think no one loves you, im probably going to kick you so hard because you're dead wrong you idiot. theres really a lot more that i want to say but it'll be fucking long and i don't wanna waste your ass reading it so i hope this will make you believe that i really, really love you and i don't ever want to lose someone precious like you ever in my life. i love you jeon jungkook.

jungkook: fuck yoongi and taehyung, fuck the doctors, im going to your room right now and im going to kill you.

jimin: yeah, i love you too you fucker.

jungkook: shut up park jimin, you made me cry twice in a day, broken record.

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