Cheap Labour

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Cheap Labour

"Hey Sica lets do a fun raiser" Yuri suggested with an air punch while standing, Jessica was napping on the nice comfy chair until Yuri woke her up with her stupid attempt to get Jessica to do something that is not worth her time.

"Why?" Jessica was obviously mad at Yuri for waking her up from her nap, she coldly asked the annoying girl who nudged her shoulder, she crossed her arms and gave Yuri a glare while waiting for an explination.

"Cause we have nothing else better to do and I need a new phone" Yuri held up her 5 year old hand phone at Jessica's face and she was not amuzed by it, Jessica grabbed the phone from her hand, inspected it for awhile then tossed it behind her.

"How much" Jessica asked bluntly as if she was going to buy her a new phone, but nothing is free in this world which means a new phone for Yuri is equivalent to her dignity as a human for Jessica.

"Uhh I don't know...Are you buying one for me?" Yuri asked with full of doubts, but when Jessica was counting the prices for an average phone her grin got wider.

"Ok fine screw the price, I'll just buy you any phone you want" Jessica impatiently said dropping back to the comfy chair she napped on a few minutes ago, she rested her arms on the arm rest and head on the head rest comfortably with her eyes closed, enjoying the peace from a dumbfounded  Yuri.

"Really? No scams, no conditions, abselutely free?" Yuri waved her hands in the air, paced around the room with doubts emerging in doubts. Jessica on the other hand was in peace, she loved a trouble Yuri expecially the one that is both excited and troubled.

"You wish, in one condition" Jessica leaned back and kicked out the leg rest from her 'chair' that was known as a reclainer, she let out a loud sigh debating over herself on buying a new phone for the troubled girl.

"Oh poopy...What condition?" From a happy, excited and high Yuri dropped into a hunched back, slumped shoulder and dull one in 0.38seconds when Jessica said 'condition'. Jessica had a brainstorm, she opened her eyes like a waking vampire and shot out of the raclainer, the reclainer bounced back to it's original form when Jessica landed infront of Yuri with their faces inches apart.

"You.Be.My.Servant.For.The.Day" Jessica clearly stated word by word in Yuri's face, every word that came out of Jessica's mouth pushed Yuri back by an inch towards the wall, when she was done Yuri was practically up the wall. Jessica didn't stop there, she slowly walked up to Yuri and trailed her chin down to her chest before whispering "No negotiation", after that she walked back to her reclainer and got inposition for another nap.

"S.E.R.V.A.N.T....but, but..FINE!! FOR THE PHONE I SHALL BE A SLAVE OF JESSICA!!" Yuri dramatically shouted upwards at the ceiling and dropped down to her knees. Jessica opened one of her eyes to take a peek at the over reacting girl, she let out a sigh and shook her head before trying to take a nap.

"Shut up Yuri, go do my laundry" Jessica commanded, Yuri picked herself up and moved towards Jessica's room that was filled with dirty clothes over the week. She picked up every article of clothing with a pair of thongs other than her undergarments, for those precious things she picked it up with her hands and sniffed some of those that looked particularly nice. In the midst of picking up Jessica's undergarments her dorky side showed it's ugly face, she wore a bra over her eyes and a panty out side like superman.

"Super cleaner is here!!" Yuri dashed around the room picking up all the dirty laundry in record speed, she dumped the pile of clothing into the basket and heard somebody clearing her throat behind her. Yuri nervously turned her head around and saw an angry Jessica with her arms crossed on her chest, Yuri didn't know which was worse, she wearing Jessica's undergarments externally or staring at a sexy angry Jessica infront of her.

"Why are you playing with my undies Yuri?" Jessica asked with a disgusted tone, Yuri quickly took off what she was wearing and threw all Jessica's laundry into the washing machine. She turned around facing Jessica with a smile on her face hoping that she would forgive her dorkiness.

"SICA IM SORRY!!!" With her failed attempt to soften Jessica up by smiling Yuri did the next best thing, begging and crying. Jessica looked down at Yuri who is hugging her leg with her face buried in her thigh. SHe had doubts over Yuri hugging her leg seemingly begging for forgiveness, either that she is really sorry or she is actually taking an opportunity to hug her sexy legs.

"Move it Yuri, after doing my laundry you can go get me lunch" Being the ice princess that she is Jessica kicked Yuri away from her leg and walked back to her reclainer, Yuri on the other hand let out a breath of relief before finishing up the laundry.

"What do you want for lunch ol' mighty one" Yuri stood beside Jessica with her hands together inbetween her hip waiting for a reponse from the girl with slow reaction, Jessica pondered over a few type of foods which include spagetthi, dobokki and spicy pancake. Yuri stood beside Jessica the whole time waiting for her to make up her mind

"Who are you calling old..." Jessica retorted before going back into her thoughts, she stared into space while Yuri stood there fustrated tapping her foot on the ground repetitively

"Ok I'm sorry your royal icyness, what do you want for lunch?" Yuri rephrased and continued to wait for an answer from Jessica, she sat on the reclainer pushing out the foot rest in and out while thinking.

"I want a....dobokki" Jessica said happily, Yuri bounced back at the sudden reponse from Jessica.

"Are you sure?" Yuri asked for a comfirmation and Jessica amazingly answered by continuesly nodding with a bright expression still on her face, after that Yuri left the place to get Jessica her dobokki. After 20mins of waiting Yuri came back with a bag in her hand that soon fell on the floor, she saw Jessica in her lingerie on the reclainer.

"Uhh Yuri I change my mind, I want spagetthi instead" Jessica said with a finger going down from her lip to her chest, Yuri's brain was too stuck to argue with the girl in her undies so she obediently walked out of the apartment with an awed expression. After another 20mins Yuri came back with another bag in her hands, this time Jessica rested her head and legs on the arm rest, she fiddled around with her fingers like an the arrogant girl she is and rejected Yuri's food again.

"Yuri, my stomach is telling me to eat spicy pancakes" Jessica rubbed her stomach and sent Yuri out the door again, this time Yuri showed a less awed expression but more of an irritated one. She came back 21mins later and Jessica was sitting up straight waiting for the latter to arrive.

"Yuri-ah..." Jessica called out to Yuri but got cut before she could even say a thing

"What now!! You don't want the pancakes? Fine I will eat them myself and all the other food that I brought back." Yuri erupted after slamming the door shut, she walked towards the kitchen and saw all the bags of food gone. Jessica sneakily walked up to Yuri and hugged her from behind.

"Calm down Yuri, I ate all the food you brought back just now and I'm still hungry" Jessica crept her hands up Yuri's shirt from behind, gently caressing her sweaty body after all the trips she made to the shops.

"What do you want now?" Yuri turned around sharing eye contact with Jessica, she gave Yuri a smirk before snaking her hands down Yuri's pants from behind and played with her thong.

"I want pizza" Jessica pulled the thong up and released it letting the elastic fabric hit her back, she walked away assuming that Yuri will go buy pizza for her which she did. Yuri walked towards the door after placing the spicy pancake on the table with a dissapointed expression on her face.

"Wait on second thought" Jessica changed her mind and walked towards Yuri, she stood still waiting for Jessica to give her orders before leaving the apartment one last time she hoped.

"What do you want now Sica" Yuri hung her head low due to the annoying trips she had to make, Jessica slowly moved her way towards Yuri and whispered her order into Yuri's ear.

"I want you" Jessica snaked her arms around Yuri's waist and slid her hands into Yuri's pants, after passing through her pants and thong Jessica caressed her gently. Yuri held back her moans not wanting to let Jessica know her sudden mood swing and she still had her head low.

"Moan for me and you are done for the day" Jessica whispered into her ear while gently rubbing her sweaty skin, Yuri moaned to Jessica's heart content. With the overwhelming reponse Jessica's finger went up Yuri getting the girl more and more excited on this order, she slammed the door shut behind her and Jessica pushed her up against the wall.

"I love sweaty bodies Yuri-ah" Jessica threw Yuri's top away before gently moving her lips across her tanned skin, Yuri slammed her hands on the door with her leg stiffening up, her breathing got unstable and her heartbeat was like a engin. When Yuri couldn't hold it in anymore she held Jessica in place, she looked into her eyes but got rejected by one of Jessica's fingers swinging left to right on her face.

"No Yuri, I don't like to be pleased standing up, come here" Jessica guided Yuri to her reclainer, she sat on the reclainer with her legs spread wide open and Yuri started to lick the thin fabric hanging on Jessica. Her saliva made the thong go translucent, when that happened Yuri's mind was on fire she quickly ripped the article of clothing apart and dug into Jessica with her mouth.

"If you make me happy I will give you the phone right now" Jessica held up a new phone supposedly to be Yuri's birthday present, she laid back with the phone in her hand while Yuri was ever more determind to please Jessica.

"You haven't seen anything yet Sica" Yuri rammed 2 fingers into Jessica causing her to moan louder but she got slienced by Yuri's tongue invading into her mouth.

"At this rate I might buy you a car Yuri" Jessica arched her back, moaned louder and hugged Yuri while moving herself closer towards Yuri, pushing her fingers deeper into herself.

"At this rate I might want you more than the phone" Yuri teased the girl back, she looked into Jessica's eyes and landed another kiss. After the kiss and after she removed her finger from Jessica with a strand of liquid following it Yuri moved away as Jessica twitched on the reclainer.

"It's not over Yuri, now it's my turn" Jessica pushed the girl on the futon beside her reclainer, she ran her hands under and behind Yuri's top.

"Now lets have some fun"

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