Meeting "Others"

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Well on the last Chapter Y/n Finally Reveled that He is a Kamen rider in the open now how Will

He Do with it now that he has power that none of seen........................ Stay Tune.


None Pov:

Silence is what you could hear around the field as many where shocked as Y/n know to have been Cheated on or heartbroken by so many girls that same guy henshin into a kamen rider that was everyone dreams since childhood Now lets see what y/n reaction to this 

Y/n: *shaking in excitement* It Worked if finally worked now i can show them who the alpha here hmm?

Y/n turned his head and heard footsteps coming towards him and low and behold its the Kamen rider Princesses of school and the look on their faces had shock lets see how this go down.

Y/n: *Turns around* Well hello Princesses *mocking bow* How may i help you

Kiva: H-How are you able to henshin i thought only our mothers and aunts were able to

Y/N: Well to answer you question that is....................................

The girls brace themselves for the information and the Truth

Y/n: None of your business *starts walking away*

Kabuto: Hey Wait you still haven't answered our questions yet

Y/n Just ignored them and kept walking until he heard the bell for lunch 


Y/n: *yelling* Better hurry to the courtyard we are have a special lunch were eating with every fraction today Its gonna BE FUN Hahahahahah 

Y/n Says before laughing and disappearing  from sight and it pans back to the girls

Kuuga: Should we tell him he still transformed 

Faiz: Nah Let him figure it himself 

W: Alright then lets head there Ourselfs 

All of them head there themselves and let me tell you this lunch is going to be very *SPECIAL*


Y/n Then walks to the courtyard and sees a fuck ton of people eating and laughing and the he spots someone and smirks as he walks towards them

Y/n: Man i can't wait to see her reaction when she sees me my pupil......Buuuuuut the stares are getting a little uncomfortable but ignoring that *starts walking to Special person*

Y/n Started walking *still in his Henshin form Btw* And almost everyone attention was on him Silent some whispers and mummers were heard but nothing to impotent everyone just wanted to know who was the mysterious person 

Y/n: This i gonna be good

Y/n then walks to the table and everyone is looking at him as he taps the shoulder of the person and turns around to face him

???: Umm Can i help you do i know you 

Y/n: Aww really you can't recognized your friends voice *puts hand on heart* Thats hurts

???: *Eyes Widen and Yells* Y/N IS THAT REALLY YOU

Everyone Eyes Widen after hearing that information and some girls to heard it were even more shocked

Y/n: *de-Henshins causing bright light and a falcon cry before returning to normal* Yup *Puts key on chain* Its really me man you did not have to scream that loud Maki

(Y/n off screen: As you see the girl im talking to is called maki she is my best friend and a big kamen rider fan like myself and wanted to become one well now im going to grant her wish)

(There she is back with the story)

Maki: Sorry but you really henshin into one im Soooo Jealous 

Y/n: Well maki i have a proposition for you If your interested 

Maki: Ok What is it "Jin" what is it 

Y/n: *Holds hand out and yells* BECOME MY PARTNER MAKI BE MY KAMEN RIDER HOROBI THAT IS MY PROPOSITION What do you say..................

That statement shocked everyone in that room and stare at them to see the results this could be a start of something good or something terrible 

Y/n Pov

 Mind:I asked maki my idea lets see what she says i chose her because she been there for me when i got heartbroken or cheated on she the person i trust most hope she accepts

So what do you say maki become my partner 

Maki: *gets up from seat* Heck yeah i want to become your partner 

*smile* I knew you would say yes ok now that your my partner i need to show you how to henshin ok *opens portal and takes out driver and poison progrise key

Here your driver The raid raiser all you do is put it on your waist like this

Y/n puts in on his waist and it wraps around him 


And here is your progrise Key Poison And all you do is put it in like so 

Y/n then Slips the key in the driver 


(Standby Music)

And then pull the lever right here 

Y/n pulls the lever and a giant scorpion come out and stings him in the chest and henshins 



                                                     BREAK DOWN

And thats all there is to it 

None Pov

Everyone is baffled at what they saw that he actually transformed and can't phantom a word 

Maki: Wow you can easily make any kamen rider appear

Y/n: PFFT I Could make anyone a kamen rider if i wanted to And thats a BIG IF

Everyone Interested peaked after they heard that and someone just had to ruin that 

???: If your Offering then i will like to become a kamen rider Punching bag *smirks*

Y/n Then Loses his smile and replaces it with pure Rage and turns around to face this person






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