wait Today Is "WHAT"

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Last time Y/n Spoke and found out what happened to his/Her Friend and decided to help her and after that he went to his use to be local gym and this is what happened

Ok If you want to  how they look just search a hentai manga called fitness and the three girls that pop up are them  


None Pov:

We see Y/n Outside of Gym So he went inside to see what has changed 

Y/n: Man *looks around* Things have have changed *sigh* i better leave or i see THEM Here

Y/n Then turns around to walk out but before he could leave he saw THEM Walking in laughing with each other until they saw me and looked surprised and grinned and started going to him

Y/n Mind: Fuck my life i swear if he touches me im rider kicking him into a wall and here they come

As y/n they came into view three girls and a guy and he has the most cocky face 

???: Well Well Well look who decided to drop by my punching bag i thought you ran away because i fucked your three girls and beat your ass but my assumption was wrong

This Asshole is Fujikiri he is the one who got with my ex's and beat me until i was almost dead and the reason my best friend committed suicide 

???: Is that really Y/n Wow he really changed but still a loser i see

Is Girl is ex 1 Araruno She was my first girlfriend until i found That she was cheating on me with Fujikiri because he was more handsome and had more money 

???: Oh hey Y/n long time no see *rubs Elbow Awkwardly*

This is Ex 2  Hirani She was my friend that stayed with me when my other friend died but one night i see her cheating on me the same guy with my other ex when i found out she tried to talk to me and clear things up but i just ignored her


The one staying slient is my third ex  Enoba she is the owner of the gym i funded the whole thing to get this building built but then i found out she cheated on me when the gym was closed 

Y/n: I just came here for old memories that is all i should be leaving now 

Y/n Starts Walking away passing them until the asshole Just had to say something

Fujikiri : Thats why your freind jumped off that roof he is just like you weak as fuck

Y/n Stopped and gave him the most scariest Glare of all time 

Y/n: WHAT DID YOU SAY *starts reaching for key*

Fujikiri: I said Your Weak like that pussy boy bitch that jump off the roof beacuase i fucked his crush and friend What are you gonna do about it 

Fujikiri Then Throws a punch at Y/n and connects to his face but does not move shocking him and taking a step back

Fujikiri: *shocked* H-H-How The hell did you not drop i hit you with full force 

Y/n did not answer him and pulled off the progise key off the chain

Y/n: you done fucked up now you hit me and i have the right to hit you back for attacking me you know

Fujikiri : Yeah right you ain't Shit So stop acting like it loser come on hit with you best attack 

Y/n: Alright Then don't say i did not warn you 

Y/n then presses the key 


Y/n: Henshin




Y/n then pulls the trigger and jumps up for a final attack

Y/N: Your Finished

Y/n heads towards him at mach speed and his foot connected with Fujikiri Chest


(バーニングレインラッシュ) RAIN RUSH


A figure is seen blown back to hit a wall brake though it and it is revealed to be Fujikiri Knocked out with a footprint bearing the Burning falcon Symbol

Back to Y/n is just There and then De-Henshin

Y/n: That will teach you to never mess or Talk Smack About me or my best freind 

Y/n then starts walking out and disappearing from the three sight and their only though is 

all 3: Were so F*cked aren't we 

(TIMESKIP Brought to you by Brand Flakes)

Y/n was walking when he got a notification on his phone He checked it and it was a text from His other school saying their hosting a funeral for someone and to please attend it

Y/n: Huh who died well thats a bummer oh well better put on a nice suit  oh wait im wearing one ha anyway onward lets go 

Y/n then gets on his motorcycle and drives to the location but he forgot one thing to read the rest of the message because on the bottom was his name and picture man he is got one hell of a ride ahead of him 


Y/n arrives at the school but its raining and gloomy but he ignores it he bought Flowers to show respect and Starts walking to the gym 

(location change Gym)

Inside the gym their were alot of students and staff Wearing black suits and dresses and on the Stage and on the stage there was a picture of Y/n with a bunch of flowers surround it and a bunch of students and teachers wearing black 

Suddenly a man came on stage and the room went silence  and all faced forward with sad expression 

???: Good Evening Everybody My Name is Principal Sky and we are gathered here today for the loss of our very own Y/n L/n who was taken from us by a terrible accident on a camping Trip and now we offer a moment of silence *Looks down sad*

Everybody followed in Suit and Looked down some were sobbing but suddnely the door blast open with a loud noise makeing everyone look at the door 

P.Sky: *Angry* HEY WHAT ARE YOU DO-ing 

He Looks like he is seen a ghost because his face his in shock why Beacuse our main man is coming threw clueless AF

Y/n: Sorry About that i was running late and opened the door to fast don't Worry ill be out when i put the flowers somewhere 

Y/n walks in without noticing the shocked looks of everybody around him and he arrives at the picture and sees who it is

Y/n: Now lets see the poor Sucker who kicked the bucket 











Next Time on Heartbroken Kamen rider 

???: Your Alive

Swiches to A Shadow Figure 

???: How is He alive 

Swiches to Y/n And A Girl Looking at each Other 

???: Y/n Your Really Here 

Y/n: Yes Im Here Horie


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