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Note:This episode is start after Specter X Build:Cross The Fate!

Intro:Be The One By Pandora ft Beverly


7 Days Later(Wekitagon University)

We see Ken is writing down the notes from the board to his notepad as Stella then speak.

Stella:Alright..everyone.That the end of the class..We will see you on..thursday.

Ken then packed his bag and ready to go as he head to the door and Stella look at him.


Ken:*Look at her*What wrong Mrs Stella?

Stella:Please be safe..for fighting..those monsters..

Ken:*Nod*I will Mrs Stella.I'm be okay..

He then head out as Stella smiles at Ken.

Meanwhile(Camp Site)

At the camp site,we see some civilians screamed and run away as a monster reveal a skeleton with purple electric appear and attack them.

It grab one of the male civilian and snap his neck as another civilian use a wooden stick and tried to attack from behind but it turn around and fire a purple eletric energy at him as he got electrocuted.It then fire a purple electric at some of the tents as it start burning.But suddenly three smashs appear and attack the skeleton.

Castle Hard Smash

Stag Hard Smash

Owl Hard Smash

The skeleton then fire a purple eletric ball at them but they dodge it as Owl Hard Smash use it heavy arm and punch it away while Castle Hard Smash fire two blue energy balls at it.Stag Hard Smash then use both swords and slash it away as it got down before getting up.

Castle Hard Smash:Big Sis.This one is tough..

Owl Hard Smash:We have to fight it.We can't let our civilians died like nothing.

The skeleton roared as it then disappear into a mist.

Stag Hard Smash:It's gone!

Suddenly someone punch Castle Hard Smash from behind as it reveal is Miki.

Miki:So you smashs were messing around huh?!I won't forgive you smashs!

She then insert her fullbottle to her device gun.



She press the trigger as the smoke came out and transformed her into Night Rogue.


She charge at the smashs and start fighting.

Castle Hard Smash:Wait!It was all a mistake!

Miki(Night Rogue):Silence!

She then fire her device gun at Owl Hard Smash but it use both of it arms an block the shots as Riku came to the scene.


Miki(Night Rogue):Onii-chan you came!Help me defeat those smashs!

Owl Hard Smash:It was a misunderstood!Your sister think we kill those civilians!


Night Rogue then activate her finisher on her riffle device gun as she then fire a big purple energy ball at them as they got exploded.

Owl/Stag/Castle Hard Smash:AAAHHHHH!!!

They got down as they transformed back to human and reveal their appearance.





Mia:I told you..she won't listen to us..

Night Rogue was about to walk toward to them but then...

???:So you the one that defeat my little sister huh?

A person suddenly came in front as it reveal his appearance.


Layla/Dayla/Mia:Max!/Little Brother!/Onii-chan!

Riku:Another person?

Miki(Night Rogue):Who are you?

Max:*Sigh*They were trying to get that monster but it escaped and you think they destroy the camp site.

Dayla:Little brother!She the one that beat our butt!

Max:*Look back*And you girls.Why didn't you get any permission from me to became the smashs.

Dayla:Sorry little brother..

Mia:Onii-chan!She took my fullbottles though!Please get it back from her!

Max:*Sigh*Fine..guess you ask for it.

He pull off his jacket as it reveal a driver at his waist.

Sclash Driver!

Riku(Mind):*Eye Widen*That Sclash Driver...?!When did he get it?!

Max:I fight you first and take my little sister fullbottles back.

He pull out his new fullbottle and flip it as he insert it to his Sclash Driver.

Robot Jelly!

He then does his pose.


He press the lever down as it squeez the fullbottle tight.Then he is in a glassware as a black water came together and transformed him.

Sclash Driver Announcer:Tsubureru!Nagareru!Afurederu!

Then a yellow liquid came out and go to his head as he transformed into a kamen rider.

Sclash Driver Announcer:Robot In Grease!Buraa!

Miki(Night Rogue):He's a Kamen Rider?!

Riku:*Shocked*Another Kamen Rider?!

Mia:Go get her Onii-chan!

Max(Grease):Right.*Look in front*I'm Kamen Rider...Grease.

Miki(Mind):I'm dead!!

The screen then close as a build logo is shown.

To Be Continued...

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