MLBP : Discovered

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I walked though the corridor, it turned out that the principle had found some of my gear, I looked through it and saw my NO2 suit, an exo suit, with a powerful battery, it had an emigrated weapon that fires the same calibre ammo, even the same magazines, some grenades and a note saying 'this is for your new start, as you are soon to be needed here, enjoy the exo suit and you smart dress-a friend.'.

"Do you know how this got here or who sent it ?" Asked Luna, "not a clue, I don't have any magical friends, as humans aren't magic, we are smart, but I know my friends think I'm dead." I said.
It was a mystery, but me and the principles locked the exo suit into a big locker, I then moved through the place with my suit in a bag and placed it back at the house, but before that I saw a sign for a party, 'wear a good suit if you want to look smart, everyone is invited to celebrate the summer holiday' it read, "well.... I do like a good dance and a party" I mutter to myself, then it said 'if you do want to dance, please bring a partner for the grand dances'.

'FOR FUCK SAKE !!!' My mind screamed, then thought about the suit, "should I ?, do I want them to know about me ? And if I go, who should I ask, or even who would go with me ?" I mutter to myself, then head to the dorm house, I placed my stuff into the room, then moved back to the school, and moved to my next lesson, 'hmmm, should I ask the girls ?, Maybe I'll just tag along and watch the whole thing... and why am I wondering this ?' I thought as I entered the room, I was one of the last few into the room and here was a guy in the middle of the room, in some kind of military uniform that I don't recognise at all.

I sat near the girls and listened into the lesson, it was a guy from their Army and he was going on about all the awesome things that he does, I paid little attention to it and yawned, "are you tired or is this too tiring to listen to ?" Asked the teacher, crossing her arms and looking at me, the whole room stared at me, "well, ma'am, I don't have any more interest about learning about it" I said simply, "why are you being difficult in this class ?" She said accusingly, "have you done better ?" She added, I sighed, "listen, if I wanted to be patronised, I would have stayed at my home" I said, some students laugh, then the teacher said, "come here, and tell us why you are so special then" she ordered.

Rarity grabbed my hand, "you don't have to" she said, she and the others seemed worried.i
"it was an order, and I have a bit of proof on my, now I'll show some people who I really am" I say then got up and walked to the front of the class, there was a projector in the middle of the room.

I smiled and started to speak, "I'll talk, but no interruptions until  I finish" I said, then noticed that there were only a handful of the class in, 'it's a start' I thought, then I started my story, "it was a long day, my unit had cleared a village on a standard patrol, it was just routine, I saw my friend turned and waved to me, bang, bang, then a soldier to my side fell to the floor, I called for a medic and my friend and I dragged the casualty into an unused house, I started to give immediate first aid, and my friend opened some of the medical supplies he had in his Bergen, another soldier came and watched the door, my commanding officer led a small group of soldiers to take the sniper out, as my Sargent tried to get med-evac with a nearby H.L.S, or helicopter Landing Sight" I said, "and what happened to your poor soldier ?" Asked the teacher, sounding mildly interested, "... He died, he died before a helicopter or the medic could get there, and he died for the uniform I wear, for what it represents, for the duty and for what was needed to be done" I said.

"That's not a uniform...." I cut the soldier guy off, "that's because I'm not from your world, you want proof ?, just look at me, my skin is tanned, my ears ain't pointy like yours and ask the principles, heck, ask those girls who I saved, I am not Anthro, I'm pure human" I said, getting a few gasp from everyone, then the vice principle came in, "have you heard this ?, apparently he isn't from our world" said the teacher, then Vice principle Luna said "he is telling the truth, he is a soldier, or was, and this conversation doesn't leave this room unless he wants it to, now leave him be" she said, I nodded to her, "thanks ma'am, and like I wanted to point out, there is little honour in dying for your country, as the army is about comradeship, and I believe the core values and standards, Courage, Discipline, Respect for others, Integrity, Loyalty,and Selfless Commitment, plus Appropriate behaviour, Lawful behaviour and Total professionalism. And I don't want everyone to know about me, I'll do it in my own time" I say, as the bell rang.

I left the room and was followed by the girls, "that was brave" said Jackie, "thanks, but there is something I want to ask" I said, "what is it ?" Asked Twilight, "I was wondering if you girls wanted to come to the dance with me, or let me tag along ?" I asked, I thought I saw them blush, "s-sure" said Flutter, 'that went better then I thought I would' I thought to myself, and walked back to the dorm.

-------      Skip a couple of days, and no one spoke about the hall    -------

I have been in this room sorting my suit out, I can't wait to wear it, I found out that this was my suit, it had a couple of my medals with it, but I put them away, and didn't put my sword with my suit, I then look in the mirror and place on my brown leather gloves, then walked out the door and walked down the stairs, the girls were outside the house with a lot of other people, who was going to walk down to the dance as it was close by.
I opened the door and looked out to the crowd, who stopped talking and looked to me, the girls had their backs to me until they saw me.

Their reactions were the best, they couldn't close their mouths, "well, if people didn't know about me, they will find out tonight" I said, "what's this gorgeous suit your wearing ?" Asked Rarity, "this ?, it's my Number 2's, I wear these on ceremonies and special occasions, hell, I wore this when I met the queen (I have, actually) and let's say, royalty is what I die for, and freedom is what I live for" I say, taking a bow, and we headed to the dance.

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