my little bloody problems: memories

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Dom's POV
I walked to the dance with the girls near, we followed the crowd as they lead the way to the hall where it was, and I got quite a few looks.
"How did you get that ?" Asked Jackie, "I have no idea, it just showed up, the principle gave it to me a few days ago" I said, not wanting to mention the exo suit, 'I must read the info sheet that came with that' I thought.

I took off my cap and studied the cap badge, I felt some pain in my head and flashbacks appeared in front of me, "are you ok ?" Asked Dash, the others looking slightly worried, "yeah, I'm...yeah" I said, "what's wrong ?, you are a terrible liar" she said, "it's just a nightmare, nothing I can't handle..." I said, then felt something in my pocket, I look in it and found a picture of my unit and me, now I felt slightly upset, as this de,reminded me of a certain thing, what he said during my last battle...

"Your almost in tears...." Said rarity, I shook myself out of it and put the picture away in my pocket, "I'd rather not speak about it now, or ever" I said, they nodded, but I had a feeling that this isn't the last of it, and that today isn't over yet.

We came to a building, and we started to look inside, "hmm, I wonder who knows how to dance as a proper ballroom couple, after all, I do need a partner" I said, changing the mood between me and the girls, they looked slightly shocked "you can dance like tha ?, how can you do that ?" Asked Rarity, I just smiled, "well, I was training as an officer and thought it would seem cool to do that, but when I got my corporal's rank and not my captains one, I never danced again... Until today, now, who wants to be my partner later ?" I asked, taking a bow, "haha, you'll have to see later, darling" rarity said, then they all got a table, I then went for a drink.

I was surprised by the amount of alcoholic beverages they served, so I sat at the bar, "drinks are on the house" said the bartender, "OK, can I get a whiskey shot please" I said, "sure... And nice suit" he said, his female assistant looked at me, "hey, can I ask and say that you aren't from our world, are you ?" She had hair that looked like fire, "well, you already did, and yes, I am, how did you know" I said, not expecting her to reply, "I'm sunset, and I came from another place, but I'll leave that for now, please don't be a bad guy" she said, then walked off, the bartender gave me my drink, "here, it's strong" he said, I thanked him and looked around, I stayed at the bar, just watched the people dance, I then downed the shot, the whiskey burning my throat as it goes down.

"So... Are you in the army or something ?" Asked a voice, I turn to see two girls, on had headphones resting on her neck, and some coloured glasses on, the other looked like a posh girl, she had a violin or some kind of instrument.
"I am... I was, what gave me away ?" I said with a slight grin, "I was apart the 501st, armoured assault battalion, Alma company..." I said, "I'm vinyl, and this is tab...Octavia, we are doing the music here but I think you can sing" she said, "is that so ?, what do you want me to sing, I'm not into music so... I don't know" I said, "well, mr... Dom Santiago, wasn't it ?, I'm sure you may know something, I'll even pay you for a song, everyone I've asked has said no and I need someone to start the singing, and the one who was going to sing first cant do it know, please" she said again.

"Hey, sing about a war you were in, come on !" Said a few boys, who came up to us, "I'm not singing about the war I was in" I said, "well, you aren't a soldier, there hasn't been a war for 49 years !" Another shouted, "well, your kind has done better then mine, I was fighting one a few days ago... Before I came here" I said, mumbling, "huh ?" Said vinyl, and Octavia said "wait... Your not from our world, are you ?" Then Pinkie jumped in, "well, yeah,me was the one who saved us as well" she said, I stood up, "I'll sing, but don't worry about the music, I can play a few instruments, all I need is a piano" I said, the turned to the six girls who waited behind me, "you don't have to do this" said Jackie, "but people have the right to know who I was, who I am. You don't even know the whole me, only the part that's on show" I said, they looked at me.

Some of the boys said "come on already, show us some proper, kickass music" I then muttered to the girls "I really want to show them a proper ass kicking" I said, then rubbed my eyes, "I-I know a song, I made one up in my head, I-I can do it" I then head to the stage, I stand on the stage as the two girls roll out a piano, I then removed my cap and spoke to the crowd, "hello everyone, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Dom Santiago, apart of the 501st Armoured assault battalion, Alma company, of Her Majesties Armed Forces, a corporal... Not from this world, this song is dedicated to my men, my friends, my brothers in arms who fought at my side, and I at theirs" I say, the sat the the piano, facing the crowd.

I saw a projector and placed the picture on it, the picture of me, and several of my men, friends, my family who I worked with.

"This soldier is leaving for the war
Leaving his kids and his wife feeling torn
He knows one day he will make them proud
He says goodbye for what seems the last time
He steps on the plane
Takes one glance back
He knows one day he'll be fighting in Iraq
He arrives at camp heart beating out his chest
He thinks positive takes a deep breath

Gun shots
Man down, man down
Time freezes theres no sound
The soldiers brothers body on the ground
All his friends gather round
Gun shots
Man down, man down
Time freezes theres no sound
The soldiers brothers body on the ground
Rest in peace, rest in peace, rest in peace
You did your country proud

Before he knows it, he's on the frontline
Fighting for his country
Saving men all the time
He deserves more respect for everything he does
Soldiers should never be misunderstood
Shots in the air it feels like a nightmare
His brother gets hit by a bullet
Help is there anybody out there
He's holding his brother telling him he'll be okay
He's promising he will live to see another day
It's alright, it's okay
Keep your eyes open don't go away *my eyes become watery from the memories of what I saw, I continue the song, but some seem to notice the tears.*

Gun shots
Man down, man down
Time freezes theres no sound
The soldiers brothers body on the ground
All his friends gather round
Gun shots
Man down, man down
Time freezes theres no sound
The soldiers brothers body on the ground
Rest in peace, rest in peace, rest in peace
You did your country proud

He's destroyed
Lost a close brother
He's gotta make a phone call
To tell his kids, wife and mother
Tell them how he saved my life
Provided me with cover
And the last words that left his mouth were
"Tell my wife I love her"*as I said this, I closed my eyes, the whole crowd see this*

Rest in peace, rest in peace, rest in peace
You did our country proud"

I stay, slumped across the piano... The crowd are quiet.

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