My little bloody problems: what's going on ?

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I walked into the room, the girls were huddled on the sofa, the principles were on the chairs, the light was on, so they had a better look at me then when they saw me outside, and their eyes were widened by my current state. I had a look at myself, and to be honest, I had small rips in my uniform, dirty and cam-cream covered my hands and face, I literally look like I came out of a battle, which I did.

After a few awkward moments of silence, the vice principle spoke up "please... Take a seat" she said, I saw a chair, but shook my head, "no thank you, I prefer to stand" I said, my voice was soft, but a little dry.

"I'm Principle Celestia, I am the head of the Equestrian university of multi-culture, (just came up with it, off the top of my head) and this is Vice principle Luna, and these are Twilight, Flutter, AJ, Dash, Rarity and Pinkie" she said, pointing to each girl, I nod, then she adds "and who are you ?".

'Ok, how the hell do I explain this, I can't even hope that they believe me as I don't believe myself. Hell with it, what have I got to lose' I thought then spoke, "I am... 30220115, Lance-corporal Dom Santiago, (I know, I need a name, but the old ones seem like good choices, but I think some Gears of war names are a decent start) and I'm... Well, not from this world, hell, I don't know where I am since I woke up" I said, I thought they would laugh, but instead Celestia said "trust us, your not the first from another world to come here, but we never had anyone from the world your from" she looked serious.

They explained that I wasn't on my planet, but another world, maybe even another dimension, I couldn't believe it, I then asked "could you please excuse me for a second ?" They nodded and I moved to the kitchen and turned on the tap, I took my helmet off and using my hands and an old rag, I wiped the Cam-cream off my face, as I did this, I thought of my Platoon's last stand, 'it was a waste, how where we supposed to fight an enemy that had a battalion strength, fighting force with our small company battle group, THREE PLATOONS !!!, what did the head staff hope to achieve ?' I thought, then heard the sound of feet on the floor and I turned around immediately, my hand reached for my pistol, until I saw all of the girls looking at me, I sighed, 'what am I going to do now ?'.

The principles mode to the front, they looked shocked, "what ?, you thought the paint was my skin colour ?" I said with a weak smile, they seemed to relax a little, "since you have nowhere to go, and it's rather late, we decided to let you stay here on the campus, and the girls have kindly decided to let you use the spare room they have here for the time being" said the Principle, "do you want to stay here ?" Asked Twilight, "I don't have much of a choice, and normally I have orders, not really into deciding these things, but I would be happy to" I say.

They showed me a room and I nodded, "stay here till tomorrow, we will come here and retrieve you so we can talk tomorrow, OK ?" Asked Vice principle Luna, "yeah ma'am" I said, and looked to the group of girls, "good night, girls, and thanks for your generosity" I said and closed the door, I placed all my gear in the corner, but I placed my pistol on the side, near the bed, then I got undressed to my boxers and shirt, then laid in bed, it was soft and comfy, but the second I closed my eyes, I regretted it.

I saw nightmares of what I did, the loss of my platoon caused me to go insane, I ran into the enemy ranks and fought through their positions, not stopping for a second, I fired my weapon, reloaded, the fired again, not stopping to breathe, to look about, I just didn't care about myself anymore, I was going to fight as many enemy as I could and take as many of them with me as possible, I knew I was going to die, just wanted to honour my friends memories with blood.

I woke up, or rather, shot up, sweating and panting. I looked at the window and saw the sun raise, it seemed that I slept through the whole night, the sheets of the bed show signs of struggle, like I had been turning and twisting in my sleep, like I had been fighting on this bed and it was just weird, 'what was that ?' I thought.

I then heard a knock at the door.

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