(Mystic World) discovery

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Deltas POV
After my little speech in front of the elven queen and her royal court, I was allowed to walk about for abit, I sat on the on a balcony and stared into the moonlight, I left my weapon and all my body armour in the edge of the courtyard, the wind blows softly rough my hair and onto my face.

I stared at the white moon, the whole moon looked beautiful, and the stars shined with pure perfection, I didn't notice Roselyn and Samantha, "looking at the moon, I see" said Samantha, "you are human, but I remember when mankind was my ally, your kind would look to the skies in wonder and hope, looking at the unknown with a thirst for knowledge, a natural human trait that is meaningful, leading to your gift of creation" said Roselyn, "it maybe a good trait as, believe it or not, my kind have walked on the moon" they both looked impressed, "but our humanity is a curse, we build and create, then fight and destroy, only to build again, a never ending cycle" I say, then turned to them.

"Since you know about our existence, we wanted to offer you a position" said Roselyn, "as you know, we can't let you go as you know of our kind, so we thought you would like to become one of our ranks, since you were a soldier, and we could really use you as you have a masterly skill of your kinds modern combat, we wouldn't force you into this so feel free to choose" said Samantha, "... Ok, I'll accept your offer, as I don't see myself doing anything else" I said, they both smiled, "we will be leaving on a patrol soon, so get yourself ready" said Samantha, I nodded, then walked off, stopping once to look back at the moon one last time.


I was in Full gear, with my rifle, moving slowly through the woods, it was dark, but I was following Samantha, and Night, who turned out to be the the head of the Royal guard, and I had four others behind me, in red armour, two were archers, the other two had their shields, swords and spears.
I noticed that we didn't  make a sound, and Lilly had to do something back at the main castle, so she wasn't with us.

Night raised her hand, and we stopped and I moved to the front, "what's happening ?" Asked Samantha, I looked ahead and smelled the air, I knew what Night had sensed, "something has happened here...." She said.
"You smell that ?" She asked, Samantha sniffed the air and nodded, I then said, "I know that smell, it's... Cordite, mainly caused after firing a gun or a rifle, it's the gunpowder from the bullets..." I say looking about, "we are at a scene of an ambush" I said, seeing several positions in the bushes that were caused by firing, I saw something and picked it up, it was an empty casing, standard .556 calibre, "it's seems that the humans were fighting orcs...There are Orc footsteps all over the place, and even a few Orc weapons on the floor" said Night, the other soldiers looked about, "then were are the bodies... And who had won the fight ?" Asked one of them, "good question, look about for clues, then we must report this back to the queen" said Samantha.

I walked through the bushes, there was both Orc blood and human blood, easy to tell since I've noticed that Orc blood is kinda blueish.
I looked past the blood and noticed a lot of spent casings, then I saw a small pool of blood, it's red colour standing out in the night, and making it look black.

I saw several smaller casings, '9mm rounds...' I thought, then I could picture a guy firing his rifle, then getting hit, falling against the tree and lowering to the floor, wounded, then the guy would pull out his pistol and start firing, probably screaming at the orcs as they charged.
I could see the moment perfectly, then noticed a shining piece of metal on the floor, I looked closer and saw they were dog tags, I picked them up and looked at them, I could barely make out the name so I moved to the moon light, and then read them.

... No words could be said, no words could describe the horror and emotions that flew through me, these tags.... Were those of my brother, someone who joined the army to find me, as he was a soldier and wanted to transfer to be a medic.... Samantha came up me, and saw my face, "what's wrong ?" She asked, worry filled her voice, "these as dog tags... Used to identify a soldier.... These tags.... Belong to my brother" I said, and before she could speak, one of the soldiers came up to us, "orcs are heading this way, let's get out of here before they find us" and the other three of the soldiers that came with us picked up several things on the floor, and then they turned to the castle, I felt weak as Samantha pulled me away.
I stared at the pool of blood, my hands held to the tags.... I thought it was impossible to fell even more broken, but this night has proven otherwise....

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