Not permitted (mystical world)

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I walked through the trees, following the two elven girls, what struck me as weird that the leader of that Orc pack said something about a princess, 'I really want to ask but I'm going to leave it for the time being' I thought, I then removed my bayonet to prevent my from getting it stuck in a tree or something, then Samantha asked "why did you save us ?, I mean, you fought off the pack of orcs to save us, so why ?".

I smiled at this, the decided to write it down, then Lilly read the letter out loud, "I did it as it was the right thing to do, I saw the whole fight and waited, as soon as I saw who were bad, I engaged them. I don't believe in the mistreatment of prisoners, or can I standby as evil intent is present". Lilly turned to me and said "why is that ?, your human, and humans have long since abandoned that belief" I passed her another note, "not all humans are bad, most of us want to help others, but we don't know where to start, humanity has a gift for creation and preservation, as well as destruction and devastation, it's just the cycle that life has adapted" she read out loud, "but what of you, clearly you are a fighter of sorts, a warrior ?, guard ?" Asked Samantha, I smiled and handed her a note, then Samantha read it out.

"I am a soldier, I fight for my country and for peace, I have been trained to follow my army's values, Courage, Discipline, Respect for others, Integrity, Loyalty, Selfless commitment, and Lawful behaviour, appropriate behaviour and total professionalism, I am honoured to be able to carry these traits and help others from my country to do the same". I nodded when she looked to me but said "that's a mouthful, don't you think ?" I smirked at her comment and we continued to move through the woods.

We came up to a bridge over a small river, it was made of stone, with ancient runes at the base of the bridge, the two girls gestured me to follow them, so I did without hesitation, but felt like I was being watched, I kept the butt of my weapon in my shoulder, ready to be aimed in an instant.
"Relax, nothing will hap..." Was all Samantha says before an arrow, that looked similar to the girls arrows flew past my head, then some vines tied to a couple of rocks were thrown, they wrapped themselves around my legs, I fall to the floor quick.

I turned, my rifles sling slid off me and my rifle flys across the floor, so I grabbed my bayonet and started cutting through the vines,nuts as I cut through the last vine, another figure in this weird, red armour came at me with a sword raised high, I saw that the girls knew what was going on, "stop" they said, but I knew they were going to be late, so I spun around and lunged at the figure, I knocked the sword out of her hands and we both tumbled back down the back of the bridges steps, we rolled but when we stopped, I was of top, then the helmet rolled off and... It was another Elven girl, I held my bayonet close to her throat, "Delta, don't kill her, she is not a threat" said Lilly, 'not a threat !, she came at me with a sword and I was about to lose my head' I thought, I saw that the girl knew the other two, and three more figures in armour, exactly the same as this girl's armour, they had spears and shields, and they had their sword sheathed to their sides, I then pulled out my Glock and placed my hand with the bayonet under it, (like call of duty with a pistol and the knife) and waited,  my finger tightened around the trigger, I was about to fire but then Samantha stood I front of me and the three others, then Lilly helped up the girl on the floor, "stop this, I promise that they will not fight you" Samantha said, I looked in to her pleading eyes, I lowered my weapons, holsters my pistol and put my knife back, then saw Lilly had also grabbed my rifle, the three other figures stood back, as Samantha talked to them, then I turned to the girl, I held out my hand, to show her that there were no hard feeling about almost killing each other.

She reluctantly shook my hand, but seemed abit weirded out by my gesture, "I'm Night,... Who are you..." She asked, then Samantha turned and said "he can't speak, he took a poisoned arrow for me and Lilly after he saved us from a pack of orcs, we managed to give him the antidote, but it had already taken some effect, that's why we brought him here" then she added, "his name is Delta, and he is a human soldier".
'Why do I have the feeling she said that part last for a reason ?' I thought, then rolled my eyes at the infinite possibilities, the main one because they probably don't like humans.

"H-human ?!, and you brought him here ?!, what do you think Roselyn would say to this ?!" Said Night, then Lilly responded by "he saved us, and then saved us again, we owe him, and if we can just heal him, that would be enough, it's not like he asked to come with us" she said in a loud tone.

I stepped back, as Night turned to Lilly, I saw that a fight would be happening, and decided that I want none of it, "fine, but if you think Roselyn would listen to you, you got another thing coming" said Night, "she will listen to me" said Samantha, and she gestured me to follow, I held my hand out for Lilly to give my rifle to me, I then gestured her to follow Samantha, 'this seems interesting, but I wonder if I'll end up dead at the end of this, well, one way to find out' I thought, the walked along, not looking back to the group behind us.


We walked to what seemed like a castle, looking tall and well hidden, 'man, I could learn a few tricks about camouflage from these people, I could be like a ghost" I thought, smiling at the work it should have taken to do this, 'no wonder no one has ever seen an elf' I thought again, then followed the girls past some of the guards,I knew that they were staring at me, and so where the elven folk inside the castle, all of them were female, but I only saw a few of them, 'I swear to any god that exist, please don't let these women have a heated phase or something, and don't let me be the only guy in this place...' I thought, then my feet felt slippery, I fall to the ground and get held by four guards before I could react, I was then dragged by these guard into a throne from of some sorts, and their was a woman with long, diamond blue hair, sitting in the throne, looking at me with hatred and anger, "WHY ARE YOU HERE ?" She demanded, I couldn't speak, then a guard hit me in the face with her armoured hand, "Answer her questions, human" the guard said.

I shook my head, then the guard hit me again, harder, on my face, I spit blood, then another guard kicked me in the left side of my chest, winding me, I held back the pain, and the tears, I was asked over and over, and hit multiple times, and cut with a knife more then once, in front of a crowd too, who stood in silence and muttered things every time I got hit or cut, soon, a pool of blood was growing in the middle of the floor.
Then Samantha came up to me and Lilly behind her, "Mother, stop this" she demanded, "and why must I stop this, my dear child, he is a human and I must know why he is here, so far, he hasn't told me a thing, so he is only prolonging his pain" she says to Samantha.

"That's because he can't speak, he saved me and Lilly from orcs, then took a poisoned arrow to the chest, that's why he can't speak" Samantha pleaded, "leave him alone, he has but helped me and we owe him" added Lilly, the queen went silent for a moment, I looked to the floor, my blood was pouring out of my wounds, my eyes felt heavy, and my breathing became shallow, Lilly looked to me and then Samantha turned, and noticed all of the blood, I tried to stand, I used all my strength to stand, but I collapsed, I fell back to my knees and my head began to fell heavy' so I decided to take off my helmet, I undid the straps and it falls off my head, bouncing a couple of times off the floor, I tried to stand again,  I was determined to get up. The whole room goes silent.

They all seemed surprised by this, I'm standing, bleeding pints of blood in minutes, but still standing, I looked about, in pain, this black liquid comes out of my blood, I felt strength return to me, "...I...AM...ALIVE, I-I will not die here" I say, my voice is returning to me, I then see a white light and fall to my knees one final time, Samantha, Lilly and a few overs come up to me, "wait for delta, boys... I'm right behind you..." I say with a final gasp, then everything fades, as I felt myself be dragged away.

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