Self defence (soldier's tale)

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BOOM !!!!!!.........
I opened my eyes, I was covered in sand and dust, and looked at the glow on the right of me "what...." I said, then stopped to see my Warrior burning next to me, several guys laid on the floor, not moving.

A sickening smell of burning flesh, hair and oil, floated around the air, I got on to me knees, then pushed myself up, I then felt light for some reason, it was getting late as the sun had just set, and it's orange glow has disappeared.

I saw my helmet on the floor, So I reached down and picked it up, then inspected it to find no damages to the straps or dents in the helmet, so I placed it on my head and then fastened up the straps, I looked about and saw my rifle, I grabbed it and looked back at the wreck of the Armoured Fighting Vehicle, then memories floated back, it was hit by something and exploded, knocking me back as several of us got out, I was the first out, but the others....

I went over to the closest body next to me, and rolled him over, I felt for a pulse, but couldn't find one, I then pulled his dog tags off and was about moved to the next body, and see if he was dead as well, I was about to put the first guy's Dogtags in my pocket, but as I moved my hand to my pocket, I hear a noise, I dropped his tags and ran for cover in a nearby bush.

I waited, looking into the direction of the noise.... And saw several people come this way, I then remembered about them, a portal opened and these guys came out and killed a few people, they have soldiers, who look like robots and these giant mech suits, but then these guys here.... They have different weapons from their soldiers, wear different clothes or armours....

I saw them walk past my dead comrades, they didn't even look at them, it was like they weren't even there, until one looked at one of the bodies and  looked through his pockets, pulling out his notebook and ID card, then the person looked through it, and threw it to the floor, but kept the card and put it in a pocket and carried on, looking through the dead.

That angered me, I held my rifle tightly, and looked through my scope, I tried to make out the facial features on that person, but all their features were like a shadow, they looked through another body and I saw them take a watch off of the dead guys wrist,'murderers and thieves, you just wait' I thought, my finger tightened around the trigger, until I saw some of the people in the front said something, it was along the lines of get over here, we are going, or something, but the sounds of battle had drowned out all sound.

I saw them heading my way, and walked past the bush, I waited and saw the person who had stole from the dead walk by, I still couldn't make out any features, I then looked down and placed my bayonet on, slowly and quietly, keeping my eyes on the figure, but then they stopped, in fact, they all did. And the figure looked on the ground  and picked up the dogtags I dropped and I decided to attack, 'Im about to be rumbled' I thought, and tightened my grip.

I jumped out of the bush, "Fortis Fortuna Iuvat" I shouted as I charged, the figure jumped back, and a couple of their friends started to shoot at me, I fired a few rounds at the figure but they jumped back and pulled out a weapon, which was like two knives, then the figure ran at me, I saw it was a girl, she brought one of her knives down, but I blocked it by putting my rifle above my head, then reached for my pistol with my left hand, but she swung her other knife and knocked it out of my hand before I could put the trigger, and it flew to side of the burning Warrior, on the floor, then the girl, moved back, I tried to swing my rifle at her, but she jumps back and kicked it out of my hands.

She then boots me and I stumble back, she tries to stab me but I duck, and grabbed her legs, then threw her back, she landed on her back and got up again, I then drew my knife, but bullets were landing around me, a boy with Grey hair, runs at me, but I quickly counter him and cut his arm, then a bullet knocked my knife out of my hands and an explosion threw me to the side of the Warrior, a piece of metal had gone through my shoulder, the hotness of it made the pain worse, I them saw my pistol, and grabbed it, my vision was getting blurry but I lifted the gun and fired the whole magazine, at the group, at they surrounded me, but I didn't hit one of them as I was too damaged, my shoulder hurt like hell, and my arms were heavy, it was getting harder to open my eyes every time I blinked.

My pistol was empty, but I kept pointing my pistol at her, pulling the trigger as if it was still loaded, I saw they had surrounded me, standing around me as I laid against the ruined Warrior, the girl then walked up to me and removed her black, Ninja-like mask, revealing her green hair, she looked into my eyes and smiled, then knocked the pistol out of my hand, I didn't care anymore, "...please..." I said weakly, "don't beg for your life, but who knows, we may want a slave" said another, who's eyes were glowing, "...kill... Me" I said, "what ?" The girl with green hair said, "I... Said...Kill... Me....." I said, louder then before.

They just looked at me, "...what... Are you....waiting for..., you... Killed friends, and....steal... From the still...warm...dead," I said, they looked at me, the one with green hair had a look in her eyes, like... Admiration or something like that.
She hesitantly raised one of her knives, and put it near my throat, she was shaking a little, I wore a small smile, "it's...ok, It's...nothing personal...." I said, and saw her lift the knife away slightly so it can be plunged into my throat, I closed my eyes, "wait, knock him out, it's time to get some information we want" said a voice, another feminine one.

I open my eyes to see the green haired girl, hit my head with the hilt of her knife, in an attempt to knock me out, but it didn't work, "here, let me" said the voice from earlier, and a fist connected with my head, knocking me out instantly.


After a while, I woke up, only slightly, to see I was stuck to a chair in a cold, empty room, with a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, I only had my trousers on, and a tray of tools was at the other end of the room, the door then opened.

Several people walked in, including the girl with green hair, and they stood in front of me, there was a man in a white suit and a metal hand, he looked like a general, a grey haired guy with glasses, a woman with blonde hair stood behind him, then a young woman with glow, yellow eyes in a fiery red dress, a girl with a red hood, two girls in white, one being slightly older, a blonde with Violet eyes and a girl in black, with a bow on her head.

I stared at them, then the woman in the fiery red dress came up to me and slapped me, making my head spin, I looked back at her, she said "now, your going to tell us everything we want to know, understood ?" She said, "...and what makes you... So sure I'll comply with your demands ?" I said, then stared back at them all, "easy, it's that information, or your life, and I don't intend to make it quick or clean" she said again, smirking, as she summoned fire at the end of her fingertips, "...ha...hahaha" I laughed.

"What's so funny ?" Asked the girl with the red cloak, "haha, well, it's the fact that you think your intimidating me when I don't care, go ahead, kill me, burn me, make me suffer" I said, they looked a little surprised by this, but the guy in white came up to me and pressed his pistol to my head, "we want that information on the locations of your bases, or so help me, I'll blow your brains out, give us what we want and then we will spare you..." He said but I cut him off, "spare me what ?, from this hell, from death, we all die in the end, you being a soldier should know, so why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and pull the damn trigger, or do you not have the balls to do a man's job ?!" I said, smiling as I saw anger in his eyes, I wanted him to kill me, and waste their efforts.

"You think that making me angry will fool me into killing you, you are quite mistaken" he said, "well. That's good to know, but what surprises me is that you act like I'm your only military prisoner" I said, there was a small silence, "aah, I see... It's because I am your only military prisoner, what happened ?, killed to many... Or is it to do with the fact that none of my fellow soldiers have been captured alive, they died fighting, made you kill them or fought to the death or even escaped capture" I said.

"You may think it's brave, but it's foolery" said the man, "without sacrifice, nothing it smart, and sometimes, being the fool is better then being the genius, especially when the fool doubts the genius and see's a clever fool" I said, resting my head against the back of the chair and resting my eyes, I could feel the tension build up in these people, it was good.
"then you doubt the smartness of the Atlas military, we have robot soldiers and mech suits, while yours in nothing more then flesh, fire and metal, your weapons aren't as mighty as ours" he said with pride, then a soldier came into the room, "General ironwood, sir, I have news from several of our Battlegroups and they are pretty much the same, they have lost more then half their mech suits and armour because of the enemy's portable guided missile systems and heavily concentrated fire, and the robotic infantry can seem to find the cause of this and reported a lost of 50 percent"  He said, then Ironwood turned to the soldier, I grinned, "seems you underestimated my fellow soldiers, you see... We aren't stupid, we aren't robots but human being and we are skilled, what you are facing now is nothing more then what our soldiers train for, now you lost the element of surprise. The generals now know what we are fighting" I said. "The game is changing, and we have more then a few aces up our sleeves"

"How ?, our radars detected nothing that should be a threat, what is this ?!" He shouted at me, as the soldier ran off, he was really surprised by this, in fact, they all were surprised that their Army was taking a beating from mine, they just underestimated us.

"I'll let you all in on a little secret. We have more then just some lightly armoured vehicles and rifles, so many weapons, so many soldiers with high enough skill standards that can use any weapon effectively and professionally and all of us are trained in the art... Of combat and concealment" I said, he raised his gun, then the two girls in White came up to me, "sir, this is not what we must do" said the taller one, "your right, Ozpin, get your team to watch this... Maggot, then we can see what's going on" he Said, Ozpin nodded and looked at the four girls, "I'll leave this in your hands, team RWBY, but try and get some info out of him.... Without killing him" he said, and everyone left, barring the girl in a red hood, the shorter girl in white, the girl in black and the Blonde.

The door closes and the blonde leans on the table, then looked at it, then gets my dog tags that were thrown on there, 'I didn't notice them there' I thought, then she smiled, and handed them to the red, "hey Ruby, look at this" she said, then turned to me, "SGT, York Black, 9350115, 1 Yorks, BDF" Ruby read out loud.

"That's a mouth full" said the one in white, but the one in black stared at me, "what ?, take a picture if your gonna keep staring" I say to her, she rolled her eyes and looked at the table, and examines my pistol, still unloaded, then Ruby spoke the the one in white and Blonde, "Weiss, see if you have any dust to give him a nightmare or something to scare him, Yang, do as you please because I know what your like, but I'll help Blake look through the rest of his kit in the other room" Ruby said, and Weiss walked out, then she and Blake followed, leaving me with the Blonde, she got a chair from the other room and then she sat across from me, leaning on the back rest.

"so, big guy, mind telling me what I want to know ?" She said, "it depends" I said, "hmmm, well, what is your semblance, I fought with a few of your soldiers and they aren't much of a fight" she explained, "I don't know what a semblance is, but I don't think it's important either, what I can say is that this war will end two ways, either my men fail,die fight you and you take over, or your forces will get pushed back and you'll either go back through the portal or surrender, it's as simple as that" I said, "I guess your right, anyway, what does the BDF stand for ?" Yang asked, "it means British Defence Force, soldiers who volunteered to do this until the rest of output forces get here" I said, "what will happen to me ?, after all this" I asked, "well,mid you don't get killed... I would say that you'll be a slave or something, but I doubt you'll be free again" she said, and looked at my chest, blushing slightly with a big grin "ha, why couldn't you guys just share.." She said, "share what ?" I asked.

"This planet, it's big enough to fit both our populations and our technology will help, but you decided to fight us" she said, "but... You guys were killing civilians first, so we reacted to that with force I know what I said earlier, but do you think my men wanted to fight in this war ?" I said.

Before she could reply, but the others came back, "yang, please don't flirt with the prisoner" said Weiss, then she held out a small canister, "enjoy" she said and poured some on me.

I breathed it in, and waited, and waited....

"Well, what happened ?" Asked Blake, "nothing, he didn't react to the Fear dust" said Weiss, obviously surprised.

"Well... What do you expect from me if I don't fear anything, what does it do if there is nothing to show ?" I said, "did you honestly think that I was afraid of anything, I don't fear anything, desire anything" I said, this made all four of then looked surprised, and Weiss said "but you.... Your nothing compared to me" then I said "because I'm more then you, when will it sink in that I am more then you think, if you were so much better, then why can't you see it ?" I said, then Weiss slapped me, harder then the woman, then she started punching me for making her look stupid, "come... On...finish me or anger me, because this will end one way or another" I said, I spat some blood out and it landed on her shoe, "why.... You...." She said sounding angered, I just stared at her as she hit me again.

She tried to kick it off, and some of the blood landed... In Yangs hair, "oh my..." Said Weiss, and Yangs eyes turned red, she ran up to me and punched me twice, calling Weiss every name under the sun, I felt blood run down my face, and she hit me several more times, then stopped, I just laughed, "haha, that was more like it about to hit me again with a small knife, I saw their and ducked, so she sliced the chair... And the rope, I got up and with all my might, grabbed the knife and threw it in the wall, then kicked her back, her friends sloop by her side, in between me, and the door.

"I'll give you one chance..." I said then kicked the pistol Blake had dropped up off the floor and loaded a clip of ammo into it, that I had hidden in one of my concealed pockets, the girls didn't have any weapons, barring Weiss with her sword, one of them jumped at me, but I rolled under her and ran out the room, after I grabbed my Dogtags and quickly put them on.

I ran through the empty corridors, then I saw a robot aim at me, I fired my gun and killed it, then took its weapon, and kept running. After I placed my pistol into a pocket.

Soon an alarm sounded and several robot soldiers came out, I destroyed two of them before they opened fire, one hit me on the side of my leg, I cursed under my breathe and shot that one, and then shot the closest two, then ran down another corridor, I then came into a massive hall, Then all the way out were blocked by several doors closing, I ran around a few of the crates and saw several weapons on a table, then noticed that nobody was here, so I looked at the weapons and saw that they were taken from our dead, 'looking at our weapons, huh ?, well let me show you how they work' I thought and saw several NLAWs, some of them were used, but a couple of them haven't been activated, so I smiled and grabbed one, then saw a door, I aimed and fired at it, the explosion shook the place, but the door was gone, so I dropped the used NLAW and picked up another, then grabbed another pistol and some ammunition, then headed out, but as I went, I saw a camera, "should have killed me when you had the chance" I said, knowing that they could hear me.

General Ironwoods POV

I saw him use the weapon to destroy the door, "damn it, what the hell happened ?" I said, "I can't say, but I think we should kill him" said Cinder, "well, you can, but I think I'll take him alive, he wasn't broken during the interrogation, and he is seeming to put up a fight... Oh what I would give for a man like him.... As a soldier, sir" said Winter, quickly saying the last part.

I know what she was thinking, "if you take him alive, that's your choice, but we need to stop him now" I said, they nodded, I looked back on the monitor, and saw him enter the Bulkhead bay, "go, now" I said, everyone nodded and moved, I looked back at the monitor, "I told you this was a bad idea" said Ozpin, "I know, but our people deserve better then our world" I said.

Third person POV

A few minutes after being seen in the bulkhead bay, a bulkhead slowly lifted off the floor and moved slowly out, but several Robot soldiers tried to shoot it down, with the help of team RWBY, Cinder and Winter, it took heavy damage and hit the floor, but what was not expected was that the thing blowing up after it hit the floor.

....And became a burning wreck on the floor, Winter looked at the wreckage, and Yang stood next to her, "it's a shame really, I was starting to like him" she said, Yang grinned, "yeah, he wasn't that bad of a looker either" then Winter looked at the floor and saw a small amount of blood, "I don't think this is the last we have seen of the Sergeant, look, a trail" she said, her heart began to race slightly, "that was a clever trick" said Yang, they both nodded and followed the trail.

Winters POV

After a minute of walking through the corridors, we saw several smashed up atlas battle droids, most have been shot multiple times, then there was also a destroyed Mech suit, with a tubed weapon near it, I remember that we took these from the enemy, and that our captive used one to blow the door in, and then there was also a spare atlas rifle on the floor, empty.

"He sure as hell put up a fight" said Yang, "yes, indeed he did" I said, and we saw more blood, "it appears he is injured even more, by the look of the amount of blood... It's a bad injury" I say, and we followed the blood and saw him leaning against the wall, talking through a small device, "...I left the will in my locker, everyone's got something, and I hope you enjoyed your present. My only regret is that I couldn't come Home, I'm so sorry, mum, my... Leg, hurts abit, but I did what I wanted to, remember me through that. Live good lives and goodbye. And may we be happy till we meet again.... Sergeant York Black of the BDF, signing off..." He said and I saw him press a button and the voice message was sent, then he dropped the device and stamped on it a couple of times.
We ducked around the corner again as he lowered to the floor.

Then the sound of several boots against the floor sounded, and there were gunshots were heard, I looked back and saw him firing two pistols at the battle droids, he did this calmly and with ease, he dispatched most of them as he laid against the wall, soon his ammo ran out as the last one hit the ground.

I saw him throw both his pistols away and he just laid there, so me and Yang went upto him, he saw us, but didn't react, I looked into his green eyes, he was like a beast, chained to the wall of a cage, he smiled, "it's about time you got her, now, before you kill me, tell me what you meant by share the planet, as I haven't heard about this" he said, we were shocked as we thought they said they wouldn't share, but then an explosion rocked this flying guardian place, then the voice of Ironwood could be heard, "we are jumping through the portal and closing it, as we are under heavy fire in the first two sections, it is imminent for this place to make a crash landing near Vale, hold on" he said.

I looked at the man, in front of me, I then noticed how young he looked, "how old are you ?" I asked, as I kneeled beside him and placed my hand on his chest, I tried to heal him so he wouldn't die, "I'm..19" he said, I nearly fainted, "but..." I was cut off by a loud explosion and the sound of us going through the portal, we came back on the other side, Yang looked out a window and saw the portal close and that we were on fire and about to crash.

She grabbed hold of something, I healed York lightly, but as we were about to crash, he grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me, shielding me from being injured.

After the crash, yang had hurt her head, so York looked about and came back with a bag, I couldn't heal yang as I was exhausted, and I saw York put a bandage on Yangs head "why are you helping us ?" She asked, "because, 1. You helped me, 2. You aren't much of a threat" he said, then he got up and looked at me, "I guess... I'm a slave now, or you just kill me, because it's over now, isn't it ?" He asked, I nodded, "I'm sorry..." I said, "don't be, I just hope I'll be of use in this world, I heard you captured others, so I'll be with them" he said, then picked up yang and we walked out, I stayed behind him incase he tried to run.

We got outside to see a lot of people waiting around, the general and team RWBY came to us, Ruby ran up and punched York in the face, then she looked over Yang, as the general put his pistol to Yorks head, "Ive lost a lot of my men because of you, and now this ship.." He said angrily, York stood up, "you lost you men because of yourself, you missed judge us, so you paid the price, as for this ship... Not my fault, did I not say we have an Air Force, naval artillery and anti air defences ?, you brought this upon yourself" he said,  pushing the general away.


Yorks POV
I was then put on a Van and taken away, after two days, I was taken to a kind of market place with an auction and saw a lot of people getting sold as slaves, it was barbaric, but I didn't care, I wasn't going home, there was this guy in a cap, with a cain who said he was called Roman, making deals, I also learned the names of the people in the interrogation room with me, and saw Cinder and Emerald, then Yang and Blake from team RWBY and Weiss and Winter, even Ozpin and Ironwood were there.

I was patched up and had my shirt removed, I was also wearing my dog tags.

"Next up, ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you, out of all the slaves we have sold today, this guy it at the top after escaping capture and putting up a good fight before he came to us, now, for your information, as our armies fought through the enemy lines, the resistance would be so great, than none of the enemy would be taken alive, he is the only soldier to be captured by our glorious forces" he said.

There was a ton of mumbling throughout the crowd, then he said "so please welcome, Sergeant York Black, from the 1 Yorks, of the BDF" he said, and I was forced out to stand on the stage, I saw several of the women look at me like I was a piece of meat, then Roman said "just to add, being a soldier means he is fit, and the body armour, weapons and their kit isn't light, I bet you could image the stamina he has for heavy loads".

"Anything to say ?" He said and turned to me, "yeah, that's a lovely suit" I said, "thanks" he replied, "do they come in men's sizes ?" I said, and got a few chuckles, Roman growled, "I'm just kidding... You've got a terrible sense of fashion, you look like a marshmallow in that suit" I said, and the crowd were openly laughing.

When everyone settled down, the bidding begins, the price was 1000 lien, then  it worked its way up to 5000, it would have seemed that nobody else was going to bid, but I was wrong, and the price became 45,000 lien, the highest bid in the whole sale, I was actually flattered.

Then it was put to 60,000, yang had bid a high price of 78,000 lien. I saw Cinder standing, or rather, Emerald, with cinder behind her with a huge grin and then it was lifted to 80,000, I saw Winter look at me, then bid 85,000.

I thought it was over, but as the final count down was used, Emerald bid 95,000.

Winter looked at her, shocked, then looked like she was going to be defeated, she called out 100,000.... But it was too late, the count down had finished and Emerald had won.
I was bragged off the stage and taken to a car, then drove to an unknown location.


I felt the vehicle stopped and I the door opened, I was forced out Then had my hand bounded behind my back and two armed guards behind me, and I was told to follow a third, i saw that there were several people, moving crates and things, but they wore this weird armour and these white mask, "oh look, a new slave... Wonder who brought him ?" Asked a man, "don't you know ?, he is the only soldier to be captured alive during the two week war through the portal" said another.
"He even tried to kill miss Emerald and cut that boy, Mercury's arm in a fight, and caused a ton of trouble after he escaped" said a woman, they looked at me, I stared back, then they got back to work.

"He is stupid, weak and now, a slave" said one, "so I am, but I have done things that you will never do, things that you wouldn't dream of in your worse nightmares, if that makes me weak... Then you are more puny and frail then you get credit for" I said, still walking, the man comes up to hit me, but as he swings, I duck under it and head butted him, breaking his nose, as he held his hands to his face, I then brought up my foot and kicked him in the chest, sending him to the floor. (This is Sparta !!!!!) he landed on the floor with a loud thud, and didn't move as he was knocked out.

"How you thought that would work is beyond me" I said. The guards just pushed me on, I was lead to a fairly descent size room and left there, I stood in the centre for about two minutes before the door opened and revealed Emerald walking in, smiling like a child in a candy store.

"Hmm, it seems that I have a new toy" she said, "I am not a toy" I said, "oh, that attitude, seems like I'm gonna have to tame you, and since the door is now locked, I can do what ever I want to you" she said, then pushed me to the floor, "God damn it" I said, "aha, that mouth... Seems like I know the perfect use for that" she said with a grin, "you don't mean..." I said, but she nodded, and started to undo her pants, then she dropped them and walked over to me, I backed up, "your gonna have to force me, because I ain't your toy boy" I said, she grinned, "I was hoping you would say that" she said.

(Little lemon ahead, sorry)

I was about to crawl away from her, but my hands were tied, she then kicked me back, I fell on the floor and she was sitting on top on my face before I knew what happened, she laid on me so I couldn't move my arms, and she grabbed my hair, making me look at her, she had the same smile she wore when she knocked my pistol out of my dying hand, then she pressed my face into her private areas, forcing my to lick.

She pulled my hair and moaned loudly, I just couldn't breathe, but that didn't stop her from using me, 'so this is my life now' I thought, her then rubbed herself against my face, moaning loudly then she stopped, as she screamed and came on my face.

(End of lemon)

She smiled as she looked down at me, "that was to show you that I'm in charge of you, so you can still think that you are mighty, but now... Your my bitch, and cinders too, if she wants you" she said, "well, you got the wrong slave" I said, "I doubt that" she said and got off me.
She then unbound my hands.

I wiped my face and she sat on a chair, "hey... I'm sorry... I stopped ironwood from shooting you in the face, but... I am sorry" she said, "well that's alright, please give me time to prepare next time" I said, "no... I mean about your friends, and from stealing from them, but I really wanted a few souvenirs... And you were brave to fight me in one to one, and as you laid there, injured and defenceless, I saw the the fires of a loyal, fully determined and brave man in your eyes, I was shocked to learn of your age, your younger then me and you managed to impress me more then any other man I've known or met... I brought you because... I like you" she said.

"I'm gonna have to scratch you a couple of times, trust me, then ironwood wouldn't do anything to you" she said, holding a knife, "only a couple of scratches on my side" I said, rolling my eyes at this, she slashed quickly, both cuts on my left shoulder, they were light and would heal in a few days. I could see that she was being careful.

"So you like me....well, the feelings mutual and at least you apologised, so what now ?" I asked, she smiled, "I'll want you to wear this, then come with me" she said, handing me a bow tie and a pair of black shorts, "I don't have a choice in this ?" I asked, "no, otherwise, I'm sure I'll tie you to my bed and use you anytime I like..." She said, "um, no thanks" I said as I then got changed in front of her and put the bow on, she was looking away but she was also lightly , "shall we ?" I said, bowing, she nodded and led me to a room, she then showed me a tray of champagne on a cart, "ohh, can I ?" I asked, "no, it's for the meeting" she said, "awww" I said, lowering my head, "oh, grow up, now come on" she said, and I followed.

She put a bandage on my wounds, but a small speck of blood was visible through them.

We walked to these double doors, "wait till the door opens again, then come in, but bring that tray with you, and don't speak at all, serve Cinder first, then me, then everyone else, then it will be over soon" she said, "OK, but if anyone ask me anything, should I reply ?" I said, "yeah, now, see you in abit" she said, then walked through the door, I heard several voices including cinders, Team RWBY, Ozpin, ironwood, and several others.

I walked to the cart and got ready to take the tray, I saw a woman in a maids outfit, "you must be a new guy" she said, as she and another stood near it, "yeah, I was brought this morning" I said, "your from that other world, how where you captured ?" On asked again, "I woke up, all my men were dead, then I fought emerald, got knocked out, interrogated, escaped and ran a mock in their floating headquarters, trying got escape, but the ship came back here, and now I am trapped" I said bluntly, "" Said the other, then the door opened, I grabbed the tray and walked into the room.

I saw every who interrogated me, but there were several others, including two more teams of hunters, I think I heard Ozpin say team JNPR and team CCVF, but i walked up to a table and handed champaign to Cinder, Emerald, and everyone else, no smile, no word, not even giving them a second of eye contact, I then put the tray away and stood at emerald side.

As she sat at the table, then Ironwood spoke about my armies guided missile systems and how to counteract them, and various other vehicles, like the Challenger 2, the Warrior, Viking, Jackel 1 and 2, Apache gunship, and some of our standard small arms, not including our Barrett sniper rifles, but he even showed an L115 A3, 'so our heavy duty snipers are still hidden, good' I thought, "they fire basic ballistic projectiles, like our special dust cartages, but instead of fire induced speed effects, or ice stun rounds, they fire ones that glow, and Ben some that have a hardened tip, for armour penetration" said ironwood. "I'm surprised you found that out, but I like how you documented som of our weaponry, but your still missing a lot of them, and the helicopter, the Apache, how many did you destroy ?" I asked, "we severely damaged a couple that stood in our way..." He said but I added "damaged, not destroyed, not shot down, and let me guess, they were still firing as they escaped you fire and pulverised a lot of your units, even you guided missiles couldn't hit them" I said, "how did you.."

"That's what they were designed for, to attack, with heavy fire power and take damaged, counter oncoming missiles and are impervious to small arms ground fire, and they detected your units before they hid in the woods, even you could see that, and again, you under-estimate my people, and now that the element of surprise is gone, they will be ready, the readings from the portal as it opens, so they will be waiting, no matte what you do, it's not gonna end well" I said, "we will launch missiles then, clear a path and then enter" he said, "fine, but don't got crying when my people retaliate with a full nuclear strike,land send it through the portal" I said, "you don't have the capacity" he said.

"But we do, we even have nuclear countermeasures incase you launch anything our way, it would be shot down before any real damage is done, but I want to ask, do you have anything that could prevent a hundred nukes at once, if not, then you better rethink your strategy" I said, "get him out of here" Ironwood said, and two guards came at me, I punched one and took his pistol, pointing it at Iron wood, the other soldier aimed at me, everyone stood up, some reached for their weapons, "don't think I wouldn't, Ironwood, because I have nothing to lose, you may have brought me here, but I am no ones slave, no matter how much I bleed, or hurt, but so help me, I have the biggest urge to kill you, I would let you carry on with your plans, but no one is getting dragged down because of you, if you want to die so badly, then shoot yourself" I said.

"One chance only, drop the gun" he said and raise his pistol, be both stared at each other, who will fire first....

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