Chapter 7: A Light in the Dark

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Third Person POV Beacon

In team RWBY's room there was team JNPR, RWBY and Leah. There was total silence in the room. There was silence between everyone. Everyone but Blake. Y/N's best friend. Blake was on her bed as she cried loudly. Crying loudly as Leah hugged her, trying to calm down her down.

Blake: *sobs* Y/N.

Leah: Shh. Blake. It's okay.
She said as she rocked Blake back and forth.

Blake: Y/N.
She said as tears fell.

Leah: It'll be okay. Everything will be okay.
She said as she held Blake.

Blake: Y/N.

Team RWBY and JNPR all stood there in silence as they could only hear Blake cry about him. Her best friend. Their friend. Now a mercenary. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss all looked at Blake as they felt horrible for not being there for Y/N.

Yang(thoughts): I should have helped Blake search for him.

Weiss(Thoughts): I never knew he was this.........dangerous.

Ruby looked down as all she could hear was Blake crying.

Leah: Blake. It'll be okay.
She said, trying to calm Blake down. Blake hugged Leah as she cried on Leah's shoulder.

Blake: Y/N.

Leah hugged her, trying to calm her down.

Weiss, Yang, Ruby, Nora, and Pyrrha all looked at Blake as they hear her cry. They were tapped on the shoulder. They turned around and they saw Ren pointing to a room. They all walked out of the room, giving Leah and Blake some time alone. Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and team JNPR walked into the room as they left Blake and Leah in other room.

Yang: Why did you bring us in here?

Ren: We need to keep the 2 of them away from Y/N.

Ruby: Cinder and Emerald?

Ren: Yes. Seeing how Y/N killed those three men. He was holding back when he fought Mercury.

Ruby: R-Really?

Ren: He seems to be driven by one thing.

Jaune: What do you think it is?

Ren: Revenge.

Pyrrha/Weiss/Ruby/Yang: W-Why?

Ren: How he killed them and from what that man said.


Team JNPR and RWBY saw Y/N leave the site with the girl in his arms. Blake was crying on her knees as she called him to come back.

Blake: Y/N *sobs.* D-Don't l-leave.
She said with tears coming down.

???: Seems like he actually killed him.

Team RWBY, JNPR and Leah turned around to see a man in armor.

RWY/JNPR: Who are you!

Leah: Y-You're D-Death-Gun.

Death-Gun: Correct

Ruby: W-Why a-are you here?

Death-Gun: Just came to see what he did to the three criminals.
He said as he knelt in front of S/N's murderer.

Death-Gun: Pathetic fools. Should have brought more guns with you.
He said as he spits on the dead body.

Ruby: Why i-is he l-like t-this?

Death-Gun: Family.

Pyrrha: Why?

Death-Gun: Just family.

???: Death-Gun.
Someone said from his radio.

Death-Gun: What is it?
He said into his radio.

???: I need you at the hideout.

Death-Gun: Got it.
He said as he disappears from everyone else.

Flashback Ends

Jaune: Ren's right. We have to keep Cinder and Emerald away from Y/N.

Yang: What about Mercury?

Ren: I got him. He's probably go after Blake now.

Nora: I'll break his legs before he does.
She said as she brings out her hammer.

RWY/JNPR: So we're settled.

They went back into the room and they see Blake clinging onto Leah as she cried loudly onto Leah's shoulder.

To Y/N Third Person POV

Y/N was sitting on a bullhead with the girl he rescued. She was sleeping on a medical bed while Y/N sharpened his HF blade and Red Queen. He was sitting in front of the faunas girl as she slept.

???: Y/N.

Y/N turns around and he sees Death-Gun.

Y/N: What is it?
He said coldly.

Death-Gun: Are you alright?

Y/N: Better than ever.
He said coldly.

Death-Gun: We're near her home. Just about 20 minutes away.

Y/N continues to sharpen his weapon as Death-Gun walks away.


2 down. 9 to go. 1 of S/N's murderers is down. Now onto the other 2. I'll never rest until they're all dead at my feet. Any mob boss will die as well. I might need Death's Messenger to help me. Oh well. He will the one to deliver them to me. Then I'll kill them. I put my HF blade into its sheath as I laid it on the seat. I held Red Queen in my hands as I thought of her .I can still hear his voice. Her laughter. I can still see that smile. Her E/C eyes. Her H/C hair.


I walked around the house doe to boredom. Mom and dad went to the store to get more food. I walked into the kitchen and I saw that S/N wasn't in it like usual.

"Weird. She's usually in this room."
I said to myself.

I walked down to the hall to her room. I kept walking until I heard he voice coming from her room.

"She's singing."
I said to myself.

A/N: I don't own this song or video!


Lacrimosa dies illa
Qua resruget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus
Huic ergo parce,Deus
Pie Jesu Domine

S/N: How was that?
She asked someone.

???: It was beautiful. I think Y/N would love it.
The stranger said. It was girl's voice. It sounded familiar but couldn't put my tongue on it.

S/N: Really?

???: I'm sure. After all you've done so much for him.

S/N: Well he is my little Y/N.

???: *laughs* okay then. Well I got to go work. I'll see you at Beacon on Monday.

S/N: Okay. I'll see you then.

Flashback Ends

I felt tears running down my face as I remembered her singing. The song she sang. Her voice. Everything. That was the only day I heard her singing. I wish I heard more of it. Tears fell onto the ground as I thought of her. S/N. My big sister.

"You will still be alive if I was stronger than. All of you."

???: W-W-Who a-are you?
I heard someone say. I looked up as my thoughts were interrupted .I looked up and I saw the girl was awake.

???: W-Where am I?
She said out of fear.

"It's okay. You're safe."

???: W-Who are you?

"My name is Y/N L/N. What's yours?"

???: I-I-Ilia Amitola.
She said.

"How long have you been like this?"
I asked her.

Ilia: What do you mean?

"I found you in a warehouse. You clothes all tattered. I rescued you."
I told her.

Ilia looks at me and she suddenly clutches her head. She starts to cry as she looked at the bed. She begins to cry loudly as she screams . I held onto her, trying to calm her down. I held her tight as she slowly stopped moving. She begin to cry into my shoulder as I held her.

"Shh. It's okay."
I said as I held onto her .

Ilia: 3 months.


Ilia: I-I-I was taken 3 months ago.
She answered as she continued to cry on my shoulder.

"Where do you live?"
I asked.

Ilia: M-M-M-Menagerie.
She answered as she leaned on my shoulder. She begins to cry more as I held onto her.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm going to take you back home."
I said.

Ilia: T-T-Thank y-you.
She said as she held onto me tighter.

"Death-Gun. Set course for Menagerie."

Death-Gun: Already on our way there.

Ilia continued to hold onto me as she slowly fell asleep. I sat back down as she clung onto me. I decided to leave her alone and I slowly fell asleep myself. I clenched onto Red Queen as I slowly fell asleep.

Time-Skip 20 minutes later

I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder. I jolted up as I pulled out Blue Rose and aimed at whoever was touching me.

Death-Gun: Whoa. Whoa. It's just me.

I put Blue Rose away and I saw Ilia awake.

"Can you walk?"

Ilia: I-I don't know.
She said. She slowly got up. She slowly got off the bed and nearly fell. I caught her as she tried to stand up. She seemed like she was struggling to stand up so I carried her bridal style. She looked at me with a blush across her face.

Ilia: T-T-Thank y-you.
She said as she clung onto me.

I walked out of the bullhead and I saw many different faunas in the city of Menagerie.

"Want to point me where you lived?"

Ilia points to the left of me and I walked down that way. As I walked in the direction she told me to go to I saw different people looking at me. I heard many things about myself.

???: What is a human doing here?

???: What is going to do with her?

???: He's probably here to abduct her.

I continued walking, ignoring all the comments being thrown at me.

Ilia: Keep walking down and turn a left at the corner.

I did what she told me to do. After turning at the corner I saw a house.

"Is this it?"

Ilia: Y-Yes.

I walked up to the house. I saw flowers in the front.

"It's a nice house." I said to myself.

I continued to walk up to the house. I knocked on the door.


The door opened and it was a woman. Her eyes widen as she looked at Ilia.

???: Ilia?!

Ilia: Mom.
She said as she cried.

Ilia's mom: My baby girl!
She said as she hugged her.

I stepped back as they hugged each other. I don't know why but for some reason I was smiling at this. Ilia hugged her mom as she cried loudly.

???: Honey. Whose that?

I see man walk up behind her mother. He looked at me and then he looked at Amelia.

???: I-Ilia?

he ran up to her and brought her into a hug.

Ilia: I've missed you. Dad.

Her dad looked at me as he lets go of Ilia.

Ilia's dad: Who are you?

Ilia: Dad. He is the one that saved me.

Her parents looked at me with shock and her mom ran up to me, bringing me into a hug.

Ilia's mom: Thank you! Thank you for bringing my baby girl back home.
She said as she cried. She backs out of the hug.

"You're welcome mam. Ilia. Be safe."
I said before turning back.

Ilia: I never got your name!

"Y/N L/N."

Ilia's parents/Ilia: Thank you Y/N!

I nodded and walked back to the bullhead. I walked in and I saw Death-Gun smiling at me.

Death-Gun: How did the reunion go?
He said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up."

Death-Gun laughs as he walks back to the cockpit.

Death-Gun: Get some rest. I'll be dropping you off back at Beacon.

I sat back down in my seat and I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up and I saw that we landed at Beacon Academy. I got up and started walking out of the bullhead until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and it was Death-Gun.

"What is it?"

Death-Gun: I'll notify you when I have a new lead on the whereabouts of your targets.

"Thank you. Death-Gun."

Death-Gun: I'll let Death's Messenger know if you need him.

"Thank you. Death-Gun."

Death-Gun: Don't thank me yet. See you around Y/N.

I walked out of the bullhead. I saw it was late afternoon.

"I guess I better go talk to team RWBY and Leah."
I said to myself.

Blake's POV


That was the only thing that was on my mind. I kept crying on Leah's shoulder. Still thinking of him. I felt Leah's hand patting back as I cried, thinking of him.

Leah: Blake. It'll be okay.
She said as she continued to pat my back. I kept crying on about him. My best friend.


I heard a knock at the door.

Leah: Pyrrha. Can you get the door?

Pyrrha goes to the door and opens it up. I hear a gasp and I looked up.

???: Is Blake here?

I recognized that voice. I looked up and I saw him again. Y/N. I got up and tackled him to the floor. I cried onto his chest as I laid on him.

"Where were you!"
I yelled at him as tears fell.

"You told me you would come back!"
I yelled at him. I continued to cry on him as I felt his arms bring me closer.

Y/N: Shh. It's okay. I'm right here.

Yang: You have a lot of explaining mister.
She growled at Y/N.

P-P-Please d-don't leave."
I begged.

Y/N: I won't. I'll stay here with you. Okay kitty?
He said. I hugged him tight as I cried onto his shoulder. I suddenly felt the room go cold and I looked around in confusion. I looked around and I saw that I was still with Y/N, my team, team JNPR, and Leah. In the darkness I suddenly heard crying. I got off Y/N and I slowly walked towards the darkness as everyone walked behind me. I suddenly came upon a dead body. I stood there in confusion until I heard a little boy.

???: S/N! 
I heard a little boy yell. I then saw a little boy running up to a young girl. 

Yang: What is this?

JNPR: Where are we?

I looked at Leah and Y/N as they looked at the two. 

"Y-Y/N? W-Where a-are w-we?"

"This is her."


"S/N................................................................................... My big sister."

Well here is chapter 7 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

Props to Brave_Vesperia

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