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Start Song!

Third Person POV

It's been 2 years since Blake and Y/N had Miranda. Two years since Leah came into their lives. Now their high school lives are over. And after that, their new life laid ahead of them.

Right now, the three are standing in front of their group of friends as they were cheering for their last time in Beacon Academy.

Ruby: So what are you guys planning on doing now?

Pyrrha: Maybe train this little guy.
She said as she clung onto Jaune's arm.

Jaune: Hey! I'm not little!

The group of friends laughed at Jaune's reaction.

Nora: Wherever this handsome goes.
She said as she held Ren's hand.

Weiss: Take over the company and hope to bring a difference.

Neptune: Hey! What about me?

Weiss: And be with Neptune.
She said as her face turned red.

Yang: Looks like ice queen's heart is melting.
She teased.

Weiss: Yang!
She growled.

Ruby: What about you three? Y/N? Blake? Leah?

Blake: I'm staying with Y/N.
She said as she held his arm.

Leah: Me too.
She said as she held his other arm.

Ruby: What about you Y/N?

Y/N: Spend the rest of my life with these two.
He said as he looked Blake and Leah.

Everyone: AWW!

Leah: Y/N. Can we talk about something in private?

Y/N: Sure Leah.

Leah: Blake you too.

The three walk away from the group where they couldn't hear them.

Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Nora, Pyrrha, Jaune, and Ren all looked at the three as Leah said something to Y/n as she had tears coming down her face. Y/N has a shocked face and brings Leah into a hug as he spins her around. Blake smiles as the two hug each other.

Ruby: What are they talking about?

To Y/N

Y/N: So what was it you needed to talk about?

Leah: This.
She said as she held his hand to her stomach.

Y/N: Your stomach hurts?

Leah: No...

Blake: What's wrong Leah?

Leah: Y/N........I'm pregnant.

Y/n: What?

Leah: I'm pregnant.
She said as small tears rolled down her cheeks.

Out of nowhere, Y/N held grabbed Leah and spun around he held her.

Y/N: Babe. That's wonderful.
He said as he faced her.

Leah smiled as she held her beloved close to her.

Leah: Blake. Come here.

Blake stood with them as Y/N held both of them.

Y/N: I love you both.

Blake/Leah: We love you too.

The three walk back to their friends and told them what happened. The group of friends were all shocked, knowing that Leah is now pregnant. After talking, they all decided to go to a restaurant before going their ways.


The group of friends sat inside a restaurant that Y/ N knew.  The group of friends started taking their orders. The rest quickly picked what they wanted......well except Ruby. Who was picking over cookies and others. After getting that dispute taken care of, the group ordered what they all wanted. Team RWBY ordered soup well except Blake who ordered a plate of Tuna. Ren and Nora ordered a plate of ramen. Jaune and Pyrrha both shared a plate of food as they ate their food together.

After eating their food, Y/N paid for the food.

Owner: Thank you.

Y/N: Have a nice day.
He said as he walked out with Blake and Leah.

Owner: Wait.

Y/N turns around to face the owner. The owner tosses a paycheck of a million.

Y/N: What is this for?

Owner: For saving my daughter and bringing her home.
He said as he bowed.

Y/N looked at the check and looked back at the owner.

Y/N: Thank you.
He said as he walked out of the restaurant.

The three walked out of the restaurant as Blake and Leah gave Y/N a questioning look.

Leah: What did he thank you for?

Y/N: I've saved his daughter a long time ago. And returned her home safely after a couple of days.

Blake: That's great to hear.
She said as she laid her head on his shoulder.

Y/N: And I need to tell Death-Gun something.
He said as he pulled out his scroll.

Y/N: Hey Death-Gun.

Death-Gun: What is it?

Y/N: Remember that girl we saved a couple of months ago?

Death-Gun: What about her?

Y/N: Her father. Pay him one mill.

Death-Gun: What why?

Y/N: He just gave me a million. Give him a million back.

Death-Gun: Why?

Y/N: He's a hardworking man. Shouldn't give a young one a million for saving his daughter.

Death-Gun: Alright.

Death-Gun: Transaction is complete.

Y/N: Thank you. Tell him it was a courtesy of me.

Death-Gun: Got it.

Y/N hung up on Death-Gun while he walked with his group of friends.

Leah: That's nice of you.

Y/N: A gentleman got to do what he's gotta do.

Blake: This is why we love you.
She said as Leah and her pecked him on the cheeks.

Y/N kissed their foreheads as the rest of them stopped in front of Beacon.

Pyrrha: I guess this is where we say our goodbyes.
She said as she held Jaune by his arms.

Ruby: Let's hope we'll see each other again.

Ren: Yeah. Hope we all see each other some day.

Nora: I'll miss you Pyrrha.
She said as she hugged her friend and teammate.

Pyrrh: I'll miss you too Nora.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang all brought Y/N, Blake and Leah into a hug as well.

Yang: Take care of Blake and Leah.
She told Y/n.

Y/N:  I will.

Weiss: Take care of yourself you dolt.
She said to Y/N.

Y/N: Alright Ice Queen.

Weiss: I'll miss you Y/N.

Y/N: I'll miss you too.

Ruby: Take care Leah.

Leah: You too Ruby.

Blake: I'll miss you Yang.
She said as she hugged her blonde friend.

Yang: I'll miss you too Blake.

After the group of friends gave each other hugs. They all went their separate ways. Ren and Nora went back to their village to rebuild it and start their own lives. Pyrrha and Jaune went back to Mistral and started their own lives there. Yang traveled all over Remnant being a thrill seeker. Ruby stayed at Beacon as she continued to follow her dream of being a huntress. Weiss was able to win over the SDC from her father. Weiss banned the discrimination towards Faunas within the SDC. Ever since the group of friends dispersed throughout Remnant, the two mercenaries that raised and taught Y/N fell in love. Death's Messenger, Emily L/N. Fell in love with Death-Gun. The one that found Y/N and cared for him. Taught him and gave him a home. The very things he lost. While Y/n was unaware another of his family was still there with him, Emily watched over him as a promise to S/N. Her cousin. Y/n's older sister. While the others enjoyed their lives, Y/n, Leah, and Blake were sitting on a beach while Miranda was playing with the sand.


I sat on the beach while Blake was playing with Miranda in the water. Leah was laying her head on my leg as she rubbed her stomach.

Y/N: Today's a beautiful day.

Blake: How do I look babe?

I looked up and I saw the love of my life standing with our daughter as she looked at us.

Y/N: Just as beautiful as ever Blake.

Blake: Come on honey. Let's go into the water.
She said as she held Miranda by her.

Leah: Thank you Y/n.

"For what?"

Leah: For being here with us.
She said as she held my hand.

"Anything for you two."

Leah: I love you.

"I love you too."


I turned to see Miranda standing in front of me covered in water.

Miranda: Dada. Mama wet.
She said pointing to Blake.

"Yeah. Mama wet."

Miranda: Let's go dada.
She said as she pulled me towards the water with her.

"Okay. Dada. Coming."

I started walking with my lovely little kitten as she pulled my towards the water. Miranda jumped into the water as I held her hand.

Miranda: Water so cold!
She yelled.

I laughed at her as she ran up and held my leg. After a couple of minutes, she ran back into the water as  I sat on the ground, watching her run back and forth from the water.

"This life is perfect."

"This place never gets old. Right S/N?"

I looked up in the sky as I remembered my family being here on my 11th birthday. Suddenly I felt two pair of breast pressed up against my body. I turned and saw Blake and Leah sitting next to me as Miranda kept playing with the water.

Blake/Leah: Thank you being with us.
They said as they kissed me on the cheeks.

"Thank you both for coming into my life."
I said as I kissed Blake and Leah on the cheeks.

Blake/Leah: We'll always love you.

"I'll always love you both. That'll never change."

BOOM! Here is the Epilogue of Cheater Emerald/Cinder/ X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna! Hope you all enjoyed this book! What do you all think!

This book wouldn't have been made if not for


Props to him!

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