Chapter 6

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      Hope gave up arguing with him, and once they get to the house she knocks on the door, but no answer. She turns the doorknob and finds out it's not locked.
     "Who doesn't lock the door when they leave?" Ryan asks feeling a little nervous. This is not normally what he does.

     "People who think they don't need to," Hope says going into the house and then up the stairs. She opens the first door, but there was nothing in it. "You go to the right and I'll go to the left," Hope says already walking to the right.

     "But what if someone jumps out at me? I don't have a gun you know, geeks don't get those." He says walking towards her.

     "I thought those self-defense classes were going well?" She asks sarcastically knowing that's not enough protection.

     "Fine, but if I get killed it's on you." He says slowly walking to the right. Hope opened the fifth door, but she's frozen once she sees what's in it. "Ryan come here." She yells to make sure he can hear her. If someone was there they'd have already made it known. Stepping back a little to see everything he comes jogging over, but when he sees the room he's froze too. "That's...that's f*cked up."

     "You don't say. " Hope says walking up to a wall. It had tons of pictures of Amanda, Ali, and even her. Why does he have pictures of her? She wasn't dating him like Ali and Amanda were.              "Oh sh*t," Hope says realizing something.

     "What?" He sounds paranoid. He saw Hope take out her phone and dial really quickly. He's never seen her scared or startled so he gets even more paranoid looking around the room.

     "Shit, Shit, Shit," Hope says dialing another number.

     "What?" Ryan asks annoyed that she's not filling him in.
     "Dammit. I know who this person is." Hope says looking at Ryan. He looked at her as if to say continue. "When Amanda, Ali, and I were younger this boy named Mitch kept following us around. He was always trying to hang out with us, which was fine until he wouldn't stop hanging with us and he tried to get us to his house once. We all got tired of it, so the next day we told him to leave us alone, but he won't stop, so I went to him and said he better leave us alone or I would get the police involved. He stayed away but was always watching us. It creeped us the hell out in high school." Hope explains trying to call Ali or Amanda again to see if either of them would pick up.

     "How old where you guys?"

     "Around 15." Not even a second later, "I got through to Amanda! Amanda get to the station I'll tell you everything there. Amanda are you there, Amanda. What's going on? Amanda! Amanda, are you there?" She yells into the phone. What happened?

     "What happened?" Ryan asks staring at her.

     "I don't know, she was there, then I heard a door, and then she screamed.

     Amanda hears her phone ring and answers it. " Hello."
     "Amanda get to the station I'll tell you every-." The door slammed open startling her.
     "Ash, what-what are you doing? Why are you- No, don't don't. Helppppp!" A cloth covered her mouth and everything went dizzy.
     "Amanda, Amanda." She heard someone whispering her name. Her head was throbbing and her hands were bound behind her. "Ali, Ali what are you doing here?"
     "The same as you, Ash kidnaped me too," Ali says relieved that Amanda woke up. She didn't know if she was even alive. 
     "Why would he do that?" Amanda asks confused and sits up a little looking at the dark place.
     "I don't know? But we need to get out of here, nobody knows where we are and I don't know what he plans on doing."
     "Hope knows," Amanda says trying to get her eyes to adjust to there being no light and trying to get her head to clear.
     "She called before he grabbed me, she heard everything."
     "That means she's going to find us," Ali says putting her head back relieved.
     "Hello, girls," Ash says and both girls looked up panic settling in. 
     "Don't be afraid, your friend Hope will be here soon too." He says with that wicked smile on his face.
     "She will catch you and hurt you for what you've done and she won't come alone, she's not stupid," Ali says spitting out the words at him.
     "Not willingly, but I can get her here all alone." Still, the smile stays on his face.
     "Good luck with that. She will put you in the ground." Amanda says cockily. This is their way of not giving up. Believing in their friend is the only thing that's going to keep them going. 
     "She can't win when five men are going after her."
     "You don't have five men," Ali snarly retorts.
     "Shut up."
     "She doesn't have to," Amanda childishly responds trying to stand up for Ali. He grabs her chin forcing her to look up at him.
     "Don't hurt her," Ali says scared of what he would do. He slaps Ali.
     "Leave me alone." She says struggling under his grasp. "GET AWAY." He punches her and she begins to cry feeling as if he just broke her nose.
     "No one can hear you honey, but keep screaming. You know I love to hear that." Then there was a thump.

     "Shhhh. I heard a scream." Hope says waving a hand at Ryan and moving to were the sound came from. Then Ryan tripped over his own two feet. Hope gave him a glare. 
     "Sorry." He whispers. Then there were thuds. People were coming. Hope pushed Ryan down the hall and into another room. This room was cold and empty like the other ones. Hope put her finger to her lips to shhh him. She opened the door to see who it was. It was Mitch and someone else was with him.
     "When I say go, you run to the stairs and get out the door. Ok." Hope says looking out the door. She needs to get out to make a plan of saving her friends. 
     "What are you going to do?" Ryan asks nervously.
     "I'll run right after."
     "1, 2, 3, go, go." She pushed Ryan out and he ran. Mitch and the other guy didn't see them run out and which she's thankful for. 

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