Chapter 10; One Crazy Ass Family

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"Silence is not an absence, but a gentle presence."

~ @Poemsporn / / Twitter


Alice's P.O.V


    "Ready to leave?" Lewis asks, standing up.
    Will groans in response.
    I place my hands on my hips. "Will, you can't keep reliving that in your mind."
    "I can't believe that just happened." Will says, his head in his hands. "That was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me and I'm supposed to be the calm and collected one."

    "Well apparently the tables have turned."
    "Oh, how they have turned," Lewis repeats, grinning like an idiot.
    Will looks up as I place my hand on his shoulder. "Come on, let's go."
    "Go where? To Starbucks?" he asks, his eyes glinting with hope.
    I chuckle. "You wish, we're going to the beach."
    "I didn't bring any clothes."

    "Neither did I," Lewis says.
    "I know," I say. "That's why I brought your swimming costumes for you."
    "You thought of everything, didn't you?" Will asks, standing up.
    I grin. "Of course."
    Will opens the door for me as I rummage through my bag for their swim wear. "Are we going there now?"

    I nod, laughing out loud when he closes the door on Lewis, letting it smack his parabatai in the face.
    Lewis opens the door and steps out of the shop, glaring at Will. "Thanks a lot."
    "Sorry, I didn't see you there," Will replies, not bothering to hide his smirk. "I was too focused on using my phone."
    "How 'bout you take your phone and shove it up your-"

    "Now boys don't fight," I chide. "Or I'll keep your belongings until the end of this vacation."
    Lewis and Will glance at each other, their eyes glinting with mischief. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
    Lewis nods. "Arms or legs?
    "Legs 'cause she kicks."
    Wait. What?
    I take a step back as Will slowly makes his way behind me. "Um, guys?" I gulp nervously as Lewis takes a step forward.

    I scream as they both advance forward. Lewis grabs my legs while Will grabs me by the arms, lifting me completely off the ground.
    "Put me down you pricks!" I yell as they proceed carry me down the road, headed towards the beach.
    "Now Alice, don't swear. It isn't ladylike," Lewis chides me in a mocking tone.

    "Ladylike. I'll show you ladylike when I'm kicking your arses so hard that even Google can't find you."
    Will scoffs, unbelieving. "You're too weak for that, Stiff. Let the real Dauntless do the fighting."
    I utter a bunch of very colourful words at his remark.
    How's that for ladylike?

    "Sheesh, I think the lady needs to wash her mouth out with soap. What do you think, Lewis?" Will asks.
    "Don't you dare you mother-"
    "What lady? Alice is anything but a lady."
    "Am I supposed to be insulted by that?" I ask.
    The strong smell of salt and the sounds of seagulls let me know that we're approaching the beach.

    "Yeah, I think you're right," Lewis says. "Alice does need to wash her mouth out with soap."
    "This isn't a freaking Melanie Martinez music video!"
    Will glances around the beach, looking for a bathroom. "Well, I highly doubt we can find a way to restrain her if we want to do that."
    "Or get her into the male's bathroom," Lewis adds.

    "Yeah, that too." Will nods in agreement.
    "How 'bout I make it easier for the both if you?" I suggest. "We can forget I said anything and you guys won't get decapitated by Lilith."
    Will's eyes light up. "I've got it!"
    "What?" Lewis questions.
    "How 'bout we dump her into the water?" Will suggests.
    "No! Don't you dare!"

    "Yes!" Lewis agrees, grinning. "Let's do it!"
    I struggle in their grips like an animal trying to escape from it's cage. "Let me go! If you value your balls you'll put me down!"
    "Oh, we'll live," Will says as they approach the ocean.
    I spot Andrew and the rest of the guys in the distance. I perk up when I notice Ray standing among them.

    "Ray! Help me!" I yell. "You're brother's gone entirely bonkers!"
    I scream as Lewis and Will toss me into the icy waters, gasping as the cold water comes into contact with my skin. I stand up in the shallow water,  shivering as a strong breeze hits me.
    "I-I'm g-g-gonna kill you g-guys," I promise them, my teeth chattering as I slowly make my way out of the freezing cold water.

    Lewis laughs. "You're gonna have to catch up first, Stiff."
    "Will, you w-were from Erudite, d-did you really t-t-think that it w-was a good i-idea to do that?" I ask, rubbing my arms for warmth.
    Will nods. "You'd never try to kill us in front of Cassie here," he says, ruffling up the little boy's hair.
    "You'd b-better watch y-your b-b-back, Nose," I threaten, pointing at the former Erudite.

    Lewis rolls his eyes. "Just get dressed. We'll meet you outside the bathroom with the others."
    "Y-You're lucky that m-my bag is w-waterproof," I grumble, walking past them.


    "How are you enjoying our vacation so far?" Ray asks.
    I smile, snuggling closer to him as another breeze hits us. "I've never had so much fun in my life."
    "What about the dreams?" he asks. "Does Peter still visit you in your sleep?"
    I shake my head. "No."
    But I feel like I'm constantly being watched.

    "That's good," Rays says, resting his chin on top of my head.
    I smile, watching Cassie play tag with the guys. The toddler squeals as Jerome picks him up, tickling him.
    "Stop it, Romie!" Cassie laughs, using the nickname he gave Jerome when he was little.
    "Say please first," Jerome says.
    "Romie, please!" Cassie repeats.

    I fiddle with the fraying ends of the blacket that Ray wrapped around us. I close my eyes, thankful that Andrew chose this location where we could be close to the ocean without getting wet. I sigh in content, enjoying the beautiful view of the sun setting as Ray plays with my hair.
    I look up at Ray as he hooks his finger under my chin. He then gently presses his lips on mine, kissing me softly.

    I smile in the kiss as I run my hand through his messy locks. We pull back after a few seconds, drinking each other in.
    "I'm so lucky to have met you," Ray breathes, caressing my bottom lip with his thumb.
    He presses his lips to mine once more, giving me a chaste kiss. "I love you, you know that, right?"

    "I know, you never let me forget it. And I love you, too," I say, smiling at him.
    "I love you more," Ray replies, kissing me on the forehead.
    "Alright lovebirds, pack up. We're going back home," Andrew says as he approaches us, Hunter and Jerome flanking him.

    Ray and I slowly get to our feet as Asa and Isaac reaches us. Ray then flings the sand off the blanket before folding it. Hunter carries both and Jerome's bags as his brother is holds a sleepy Cassie in his arms, smiling as the toddler yawns.
    "Looks like someone's tired," Ray says, ruffling Cassie's hair.
    Cassie yawns again, his eyes fluttering open.

    The blonde toddler's eyes light up when he sees me. "I saw him, mommy," Cassie says, holding his hands out for me to carry him.
    "Saw who, Cas?" I ask as Jerome hands the toddler to me.
    "Peter Pan," Cassie replies.
    The guys and I cast each other worried looks.
    "Are you sure that you saw him?" I ask, looking back to Cassie.

    Cassie nods. "Yup. He was dressed in black and had a Bwritish acwent like you said."
    "A what?" Andrew questions.
    "I think he means British accent," Asa says.
    Wait. How would Cassie know that he had a British accent unless Peter talked to him?
    "Cas, did Peter Pan say anything to you?" I ask.

    Cassie nods. "Yes, but he said that I cwan't tell anyone."
    "Why not?" I ask as we step off the sandy ground and onto concrete.
    "Because it's a secret," Cassie whispers.
    I shift Cassie higher up my hip. "Is it a bad thing?"
    "I'm not swupposed to tell," Cassie says, shaking his head.
    "Did he say why?"

    "Because it's a surprise."
    I glance at the guys, silently asking them for help.
    "Is it a good surprise or a bad one?" Jerome speaks up.
    "Good, I twhink," Cassie replies, unsure.
    "Did Peter say that it was a surprise or did he tell you to say that," I ask.
    "Um, he-"

    "Hold that thought, Cas. Boys! Be careful!" I warn as Isaac swerves to the left, almost bumping into an elderly couple.

    "Sorry," I apologize in their behalf as we past them.
    Ray places his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Alice. They'll be fine, won't they, Andrew?"
     "Yeah, Asa will watch out for his brother, won't you Asa?"

    "Yup," Asa responds, not looking over his shoulder.
    I sigh. "Okay, okay."
    "Cas, what did the man in the tux say?" I ask. "It's alright you can tell me."
    Cassie rubs his eyes. "He said-"
    "Henry, look out!" A woman in front of us yells.

    The boy, Henry, cries out as Isaac crashes into him. Asa stops beside them, helping his brother to his feet. I rush towards the twins, the guys right behind me.
    "Ow," Henry groans, rubbing his elbow.
    "I'm so sorry," I apologize to the lady as she helps the young boy up.
    She's dressed in black top and a buttoned up fleece jacket.

    "No, it's alright, he-" she pauses, looking up at the sound of my voice, her forest green eyes staring back at my brown ones.
    The raven haired woman gasps. "Alice?"
    "You're back?" her husband says, shocked.
    I furrow my eyebrows. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
    "It's me, Mary Margaret," the woman says.

    "And me, David," her husband says, pointing at himself. "This is Henry. You guys were trapped in Neverland together, remember?"
    "Um..." I glance at the guys nervously.
    Hunter leans down and whispers in my ear. "These people are insane, let's slowly back away and run."
    "Guys, she doesn't remember us," Henry tells them.

    "Their memories were wiped when Regina broke the curse two years ago."
    "Um, we kinda have to go now," Andrew says as Ray pulls me away from the psychotic family.
    "Wait! We can prove it!" Henry says. He turns to face Mary Margaret. "Where's my Storybook?"
    "I think you left it in your room," David tells him.

    Asa and Isaac glance at each other before speeding off with their skateboards.
    "Yeah, we've really got to go," I say, tightening my hold Cassie. "Sorry."
    I brisk walk away from the trio, the guys behind me.
    "That was one crazy ass family," Hunter mutters under his breath when they are out of earshot.

    "Language," Jerome playfully scolds, gesturing to Cassie.
    "He's asleep anyway, look."
    I glance at the todder in my arms and see that Hunter's right.
    "Okay, but still."
    "Let's just go home," Lewis says. "I'd like to forget about that "Crazy As Family" as Hunter so kindly put it."
    "I agree, let's go home," I say, kissing Cassie on the forehead.

    Ray throws his arm over my shoulder, his touch immediately relaxing my tense muscles.
    "Hopefully we won't bump into them anytime soon," Andrew says.
    Will hums in agreement.
    "So, you'll be giving us back our things tomorrow?" Lewis asks.
    I chuckle. "Nice try. You'll be getting them back next week."
    "What?" Lewis exclaims. "Why?"

    "Your little stunt earlier bought you six more days," I say. "You can thank your parabatai over there for suggesting it."
    Will groans. "You've got to be joking."
    "Nope. That's what you get for dumping me into the water."
    Lewis turns to look at Ray. "Your girlfriend is a sadistic psychopath."
    "You know, it isn't too late to break up with her," Will tells his brother.

    Ray shakes his head. "I would never break Alice's heart, she deserves to be happy and I promised myself that I'd do anything in my power to make sure that she stays happy."
    "Dude, you know your brother wasn't serious, right?" Hunter asks.
    "I know," Ray replies, without missing a beat. "I just wanted to remind her that I'd never hurt her in anyway."

    "Wo ai ni."
    I smile as he kisses me on the forehead. "I love you, too."
    Jerome pretends to gag. "I came there to have a good time, not to be reminded of your undying love for each other."
    "Well, I came here to have a nice vacation while staying in touch with my girlfriend and I honesty feel so attacked right now," Lewis complains.

    I roll my eyes. "It's just another six days, after all..."
    "What's the worst that can happen?" The guys and I chrous.
    Lewis and Will grumble under their breath.


I sorry in advance if I don't do justice to Henry's character. I haven't watched season 5 in while so I might be a bit out of character. Could someone give me a name for the trio (Alice, Lewis and Will) please? An original name, not smth like "the golden trio" or "the ivy trio". I promise I'll give you all the credit if I choose your name.

(Just in case you guys were wondering it took me forever to come up with the name "The Bloodlust Trio" but I think it was a good choice)


What do you think of Ralice?


Not one of my best edits, but you guys probably understand the meaning to it

(If you don't, the edit shows the hardships that Peter went through: his village was burned down, he lost his mother, Felix was taken away from him twice, and Alice moved on)


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


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