Chapter 18; Tease

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"... I was calm on the outside but thinking all the time."

~ A Clockwork Orange, Dir Stanley Kubrick


Alice's P.O.V


    "No," Ray replies monotonously.
    "Please?" I repeat.
    He exhales, agitated. "No."
    "Please?" I beg.
    Ray groans, closing his laptop. "If I let you go out just this once will you stop trying to get out of bed?"
    I raise my eyebrows, holding my hand up for him to see, the chains clattering as I move.

    "Need I remind you that you chained me to the bed frame?"
    "Yeah, but Will taught you how to pick a lock ages ago," Ray points out, placing his laptop on the bedside table as he stands up.
    "But I don't have my kit with me now, do I?"
    "I can never be too sure, you could have bobby pins in your pockets for all I know," he mutters as he rummages through his bag for the key to the handcuffs.

    I place my book on my lap. "Does it look like I have a bobby pin with me?"
    "I don't know, but you'd have found a way to get out eventually," Ray states, pulling his hand out the bag.
    "I'm flattered. I didn't think that you thought so highly of my skills that you'd get the guys to attach bars to the windows, keep me handcuffed to the bed and have someone constantly watching over me."

    "Be thankful I didn't take away your phone or books," he says as he makes his way towards me, the key in his hand.
    "You'd never do that, you're not sadistic," I say as he proceeds to unlock the handcuffs.
    I hear a click as the handcuffs fall off. "That and also because I've seen you with a dagger and I'd like my genitals to remain attached to me."

    I inspect my wrist, thankful that he choose comfortable padded handcuffs and not the painfully sharp ones. "Where did you say you got the handcuffs again?"
    "I didn't," he replies, dumping the cuffs and key into the drawer. "Will did."
    I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. "Do I even want to know how he got his hands on them?"

    "He said that Ares lent them to him, apparently the shop sold handcuffs, too," he tells me, closing the drawer.
    "And what was Ares's reaction to Will's odd request?" I ask.
    "He said something along the lines of: "I don't wanna know" and "just take them and go."."
    "Hmm. And where is our beloved nerd at this hour?" I ask since we were already on the subject of Will.

    "He left a few hour prior."
    "Still as mysterious as ever, I see?"
    Ray nods.
    I cover my mouth with my hand, stifling a tired yawn. "What time is it?"
    "Eight in the morning," Ray replies, checking his watch. "Where do you wanna go?"
    "Are the twins awake?" I ask.
    He nods.

    "I'd like to bring them to the skatepark."
    "Okay, I'll tell them to get ready." He stops in his tracks, turning around to face me. "Cassie's been asking for you, do you want me to tell him he can see you now?"
    "Of course," I reply, nodding.
    "I'll get him now," Ray tells me before padding out the room. "Cassie, you can come in now."

    The sound of footfalls follows immediately after Ray utters those words. I smile, seeing Cassie's adorable face emerge from behind the wooden door.
    "Mummy!" he exclaims, running towards me as fast as his little legs can carry him.
    My smile broadens as he jumps onto the bed, throwing his arms around my waist.

    I run my fingers through his blonde hair. "Hey, Cas."
    "Is it true?" he asks, looking up at me.
    "Is what true, darling?"
    "Daddy said that he'd let you bring us to the skate park today. Is that true?" he repeats.
    I nod my head at the smiling toddler. "Yes, Cas. We'll be leaving soon."

    "Yay!" Cassie cheers, clapping his hands excitedly.
    "Be a dear and help mummy up," I say, carefully bringing my injured leg over the edge of the bed.
    Cassie nods, jumping off the bed to help me stand up. He grips onto my hands, slowly pulling me up.
    "Look at my muscles, mummy!" Cassie says, flexing his little arms.

    I smile at the toddler. "Wow, you're so strong."
    Cassie beems at my compliment. "I'm going to be a strong boy when I'm older."
    "Yes, you are," I say, ruffling his hair up.
    "Mummy, do you need help walking down the stairs?" Cassie asks as we walk out the door.
    I shake my head. "No, thanks, Cassie. I think I can do it myself."

    Cassie jumps up and down when he sees Ray. "Daddy! Daddy! Guess what I did!"
    "What'd you do, Cassie?" Ray asks, kneeling down to the toddler's level.
    "I helped carry mummy off the bed!" he replies enthusiastically.
    "Did you now?"
    Cassie nods his head. "Yup, look at my muscles!"
    Ray chuckles as he stands up.

    "Come on, Cassie. Let's go get your scooter," Ray says, placing his hand on the toddler's head.
    Cassie looks at me.
    "You go ahead, Cas," I say as I step off the staircase. "I'll meet you guys by the front door."
    Cassie nods, holding onto Ray's hand as he leads him to the storeroom.

    I'm opening the front door as the twins make their way over to me.
    "How your leg, mum?" Asa asks.
    "It's not as bad as yesterday," I reply as I slip on my woolen jumper.
    "What time did you boys wake up?" I ask, turning around to face them.
    Isaac glances at the clock. "Um, a little over six."
    "So early?"
    The boys shrug. "We couldn't sleep."

    "Did you boys see uncle Will leaving the house?" I ask.
    Isaac thinks about it for a second before nodding. "Yeah. He left in a hurry."
    "We heard the sound of an engine so we followed him out the door to see what was making the noise," Asa explains.
    "Let me guess, you saw a black motorcycle?"

    They nod. "Uncle Will just got on the back without any questions and the driver just drove off."
    "Did you see who was driving the motorcycle?" I ask.
    "No. But uncle Will seemed to know the person," Asa tells me.
    "You couldn't tell if it was a man or woman?"
    Isaac shakes his head. "Nope, it was too dark."

    "What do you think he's up to, mum?" Asa asks.
    "I don't know," I say. "But I plan on finding out soon."
    "Finding out what?" Ray asks, walking up to us, Cassie behind him. "Finding out what's wrong with this town or what's up with Will?"
    "Both," I reply.
    Ray hums in acknowledgment. "Good luck with that."

    "Is that a challenge?" I ask.
    "What if it is?" Ray asks, his eyes glinting cheekily.
    My eyes dart to the boys and I raise my eyebrows at my boyfriend.
    Right now? Really?
    "Asa, would you take your brothers to the park first?" Ray asks. "We'll catch up with you later."
    The twins glance at each other before grabbing Cassie's hand and rushing out the door.

    "So, what do you say?" Ray asks. "Do you want to take up the challenge?"
    I tap my index finger on my bottom lip. "Hmm. What do I get if I win?"
    "Are you sure you wanna find out?" Ray questions.
    I nod.
    Ray doesn't waste a second. He immediately presses his lips on mine, kissing me. My hands shoot up, grasping his hair and his hands are on my hips, pushing me against the door.

    Ray then leans down and starts kissing my neck. He cradles my nape with his hands as he plants love bites down my neck, nibbling on my sensitive spot occasionally to tease me. He abruptly pulls back, leaving me craving for more.
    I let out an annoyed sound as he does so, glaring at the boy. "That's all?"

    Ray grins. "That's just a little demonstration of what you'll get if you win."
    "Oh, so there's more?" I ask.
    Ray taps on my nose. "You'll just have to find out what's wrong with this town and why Will's acting like this."
    "I have to solve both of them?"
    Ray nods. "Yup."
    I frown. "You're such a tease."

    "But you love me anyway," Ray says, kissing me on the forehead.
   "Do I?" I ask.
    "Yes," he replies. "Do I need to prove it to you?"
    I nod, eager for another make out session. But Ray gently kisses me instead, raking his hand through my wavy hair. He moves to deepen the kiss but stops when he hears someone cough.

    We pull apart, seeing Jerome leaning against the staircase with a coffee mug in his hands.
    He smirks at us, sipping his drink. "Morning."
    "How long have you been standing there?" Ray asks, annoyed.
    "Oh, I just got here. But by all means, continue," Jerome says, gesturing towards us. "Unless you have somewhere else to be."

    I look towards the door. "We should get going. The boys are waiting for us."
    "Yeah," Ray agrees, opening the door for me.
    Jerome clears his throat before I step out of the house. "Oh, and if I were you I'd wear a scarf."
    I glance at my reflection through the mirror, seeing the pinkish marks running down my neck.

    "Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right," I say, grabbing a woolen scarf from the coat rack.
    Jerome sighs. "You people are too touchy."
    "Says the guy who's still single," Ray mutters. "One day you're going to have a girlfriend-"
    "Or boyfriend," I add.
    "Or boyfriend, and you'll-"

    Jerome holds a hand up. "Yeah, I already had this talk with my brother, I don't need to hear it again from you guys. Just go to the park and have fun."
    "But not too much fun," he adds, seeing the look on our faces.
    Ray chuckles. "We'll try to keep the PDA to a minimum."
    "You'd better," Jerome mumbles as he sips on his coffee.


    "Mum, watch this!" Isaac exclaims for the hundredth time, speeding off on his skateboard.
    My heart is in my mouth as I watch him attempt a trick I've never seen him try before. Isaac skates straight for a nearby obstacle and kicks off, landing on the skating rails. His face shows total concentration as he slides across the rails and lands on the concrete.

    "Do you see that?" he asks, picking up his skateboard and walking towards us.
    I smile, nodding my head as he approaches us. "Yes, I saw it."
    Ray laughs. "That's great, Isaac. But could you possibly tone down the amount of dangerous stunts please? You don't wanna give your mother a heart attack, do you?"
    "Mum's too young to get a heart attack," Asa states, swerving past his brother.

    "I know, it's just a figure of speach," Ray says. "Just try not to scare your mother, Isaac."
    The said boy frowns. "That's not fair. Why's Asa allowed to try dangerous and complicated tricks but then moment I try to do it you guys stop me?"
    "Because I'm a better skater," Asa says matter-of-factly as he skates past his brother.

    "That's not true!" Isaac protests. "I'm just as good as you, if not even better."
    Asa ignores him, performing yet another complicated stunt. Cassie watches in awe as his big brother kicks his board into the air, doing a 360 flip. Cassie claps excitedly as Asa flawlessly lands back onto the ground.
    Cassie turns to face me. "I wanna try, mummy!"

    I bite on my bottom lip. "Um, Cas, maybe when you're a bit older, alright?"
    Cassie pouts, watching the twins as they join the group of older boys. The teenagers greet them, complimenting their skateboarding skills.
    "But I wanna play with the big kids like Asa and Isaac."
    "And you'll be able to do that when you're older," I say, my tone gentle but final.

    "It's not fair," Cassie cries. "I'm too little to do anything."
    Ray shake his head. "That's not true, Cassie. You can solve a crossword puzzle in under six minutes."
    "Yeah, but anyone can do that."
    "Will's the only other person who can do that," I say. "You'll be just as smart as him one day, you'll see."
   The toddler bites his bottom lip, but then smiles. "I guess you're right."

  I smile turning back to watch the twins. Ray points at the group of boys crowded around the biggest ramp. I squint my eyes when the sun gets into my eyes. I smile, spotting Asa and Isaac in the middle of the group. Asa waves over at us and we respond by waving back. Asa then turns his attention back to the ramp before kicking off and speeding down it.

    My eyes don't leave the preteen as he reaches the other end. Asa steps onto the platform, spinning his skateboard like a helicopter before placing it back on the ramp and jumping back on the board. The teenagers pat Asa on the back when rejoins them on the other side. A pretty girl -the only girl in the group of teenagers to be exact- approaches Asa, complimenting his skills.

    The teenagers grin at each other as Asa and the girl talk. Ray nudges me with his elbow, drawing my attention away from my blushing son.
    "Looks like someone's jealous," Ray says, pointing at Isaac.
    I turn back to face the group, seeing at Ray's right. Isaac glares at his twin as he talks to the girl. I shake my head, hiding my smile. Twins. They fight over everything and always have to be better than the other.

    "Looks like Asa's finally found a sport that he's good at."
    "Will they ever stop fighting?" I ask rhetorically.
    "Well, they're boys so they probably won't stop anytime soon," Ray says. "At least Cassie's well-behaved."
    I nod. "Yeah, Cassie's a mummy's boy, aren't you, Cas?"
    "Cas?" I turn my head to the side when he doesn't respond.

    My eyes widen when I look to the side. "Cassie!"


Yup, I did just leave a cliffhanger. My excuse is writer's block so please don't kill me  *hides behind the pile of Ranger's Apprentice books*  I'll update the next chapter as soon as I finish writing and editing it. I'd worry about Cassie if I were you because he might be in potential danger. That's all I'm going to say, I've spoiled enough.

KingOfWarlocks and BlameItOnSpring you guys are definitely going to kill me when you find out what it is. You know what I'm talkin' about, Keith...

Welp, that's all for this A/N, bye guys

~ Alice xx


Issac the brawn and Asa the brain


Asa or Isaac? (yes, I did just ask that)


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


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