Chapter 21; Bad Choices

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"In the end it was the choice you made, and it doesn't matter how hard it was to make it. It matters that you did."

~ Cassandra Clare


Will's P.O.V


    The boy staring at me scares me. His hair is disheveled, littered with twigs and leaves. He stares back at me with red, emotionless eyes. He has a black eye and his jawline shows signs of bruising. No doubt that'll hurt for him tomorrow. Unfortunately for him, his lips aren't spared from the brutality as it is split. The blood seems to have stopped flowing but the wound still looks fairly new.

    I look down at his shirt, spotting a gaping tear in the fabric near his chest. His shirt is stained with blood, and it looks fresh, but the boy doesn't seem fazed by it. My eyes continue traveling down his torso, stopping at his hands. They're covered in blood. His knuckles are bloody and bruised like he's been in a fight recently. I bring my hand up to my lips, the boy mirrors my actions. The harshness of reality hits me like a blow to the face.

    I'm the boy standing in the grime-covered mirror.

    I reach to the side, grabbing a handful of paper towels from the nearby dispenser. Closing my eyes, I bring the paper towels to my face to dry it. I then crumple the damp towels up, dropping them into the dustbin under the skin. I grip onto the the sides of the dirty sink, forcing myself to look up.

    I groan, bringing my hand towards my jaw. I wince as I rub my jaw in an attempt to ease the pain. It just makes the pain worse.
    "You should've just stayed at home, William," I mumble to myself. "None of this would've happened if you just stayed put."
   My hands begin to shake. "What have I done?"

    The boy in the mirror doesn't respond. Why would he? He's a reflection. I bend over the sink, gripping the edge of the sink again. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes as I exhale. The toilet cubicle is silent, save the sound of the ceiling lights buzzing every few seconds. I wish I weren't so stupid. I wish I hadn't followed him into the parking lot that day. I wish-

    "Are you alright in there?"
   I jerk my head up at the sound of my partner's voice. "Yeah- Yeah, I'll be out in a minute."
   "I'll be heading back now. It might be suspicious if we arrived back in town at the same time," he continues. "You remember what I told you, right?"
   "Yeah, don't say a word to the others."

   "Especially your family. Family must never be involved."
    I nod. "I know."
   "Remember, not a word."
   I guess he must've taken my silence as an answer as I hear him walk away from the toilet. I close my eyes again, counting the seconds as they pass by. I'm in no rush to get back anyway. Seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours.

    I'm jarred out of my trance-like state at the sound of my phone vibrating in my pocket. I reach into my pocket, pulling out my phone. My hand shoot up as the bright light from my phone screen shines into my eyes.
    Fifty missed calls. A hundred and forty-two messages.
    I quickly type in my password, my eyes skimming over the various messages that my family sent me.

    But only one of them catches my attention. It's a text that Alice sent me a few hours ago.

    "Cas is missing."

    My eyes widen when I read those words. It can't be Rodriguez he- I stop as my phone vibrates yet again. It's another text from Alice. But the message is different this time. I immediately grab my bag as soon as my eyes skim over the words, rushing out of the toilet. I sprinting towards the motorcycle, not bothering to take my helmet out of my backpack.

    I then start the ignition, speeding out of the abandoned gas station. I must be a hundred times over the speed limit but I couldn't care less if I got arrested for speeding at this point. The text I got from Alice flashes in my mind as I drive.

    "He's been taken."


Alice's P.O.V


    No, not Cassie. Not my sweet little boy.
    I feel some place their hands on my shoulders turning me around.
    "Alice, what was that?" Ray asks, fear in his eyes. "And where did it take our son?"
    My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. I have no words to describe what just happened. I was so close to having Cassie back in my arms and now he's gone again. I crane my head towards the others.

    "How could she be so stupid?"
    "Regina!" David exclaims.
    "Well, there had to be another way," Regina says, ignoring the look that David gives her.
    "There wasn't," Mary Margaret says. "That thing was going to kill you. She saved your life."
    "Don't you think I know that?" Regina snaps.

    Henry looks at the dagger lying on the ground. "And now she's the Dark One."
    "Now she's a problem for all of us," Regina mumbles.
    "She is still good," Mary Margaret says.
    "I hope so," Regina says. "It's not like she rode off on a unicorn. She got sucked up by a vortex of evil!"
    "Where is she? Where's she gone?" The brunette holding Regina asks.

    That question snaps me out of my shocked state and I shake Ray's hands off me, turning around. I point my index finger at Henry, glaring at him.
    "Where did that monstrosity take my son?" I demand, my voice as cold as ice.
   "Me?" Henry asks, pointing at himself.
   "Yes, you. You been telling me a lot of ridiculous stuff in these past few days. You must know something."

    "I don't know where they are," Henry protests, eyes wide.
    "Well, you'd better find out because it's your mothers' fault that Cassie is gone."
    "It doesn't bloody matter whose fault it is!" The one handed man exclaims, pushing past me.
    He begins to approaches the dagger, but is stopped by the brunette.

    The brown haired man grabs the one handed man's arm, pulling him back. " Mate, don't.
    "Get out of my way!" The one handed man exclaims, annoyed.
    "If I can't find her, I can damn well bring her to me," he says, picking the dagger up from the ground. "Dark One, with this dagger I command thee Return!"

    I glance towards him, hoping that she'd somehow return, and bring Cassie back with her. But nothing happens.
    The one handed man looks towards  Henry before repeating his chant again, "Dark One, appear!"
    "Put that thing down before you hurt yourself, Guyliner," Regina warns, pulling his hand down. "I thought you knew the dagger's rules?"

    "With it, I can summon the Dark One from any corner of the world," he replies.
    "Well, there's your answer," Regina says, matter-of-factly. "She's not in this world."
    "Then where the hell is she?" I demand.
    The adults turn to face me as if finally noticing that my family and I here.

    "Where did she take my son?"


Will's P.O.V


    I turn a corner, parking the motorcycle in front of the rental home. I kill the engine, pulling the keys out of the motorcycle before I rush towards the house. It takes me less than twenty-five seconds get into the house and run up the stairs to the room that I share with Alice and Lewis. If I weren't so beaten up I'd hit the streets to and look for Cassie but I don't want anyone to see me like this.

      It might cause them unnecessary anxiety and I don't want them to worry about me when their main focus should be on Cassie. I grab the nearest pair of clothes in my reach before changing out of my bloody clothes and into the fresh pair of clothes. Which just happen to be a black hoodie and a pair of black jeans. My eyes dart towards the mirror, checking to see if there was any way I could hide the brusing on my face.

    Unfortunately, I'm unable to cover any of my injuries. Cleaning the blood off my body seems like the best I can do so far. I rummage through the drawer, looking for concealer anything that could help cover my injuries.

    I slam the drawer shut, remembering that Alice doesn't have make-up. "Damn it!"
    I slump against the foot of the bed, exhausted. I draw my knees towards my torso, hugging my legs.

  I groan, burrying my head in my hands.
    Why did I agree to help him? If my family found out-

    I'm jarred from my thoughts by my phone vibrating. I extend my hand towards my bloody clothes lying on the floor, proceeding to look for my jeans. Once they're in my hand I rummage through both pockets looking for my phone. After what feels like a thousand years I finally find my phone in my back pocket.
    It's a text from Alice.

    Listen, Will, I don't know where you are but I hope you're not missing too. You don't have to reply to this but please meet us at the sheriff's house as soon as you get this message.

    Below her text is an address of the said house.

    This is no time for a pity party, Will. Get your arse off the floor right now and help Alice find Cassie.
    I get to my feet, grabbing my keys. I slip my gun into my back pocket, making sure that it's hidden under the hem of the jacket. Having done that I rush out of the house. I quickly put my helmet on before starting the ignition of the motorcycle and speeding off to meet my family.


Alice's P.O.V


    "Just give me a minute," Mary Margaret says, slotting her key into the door.
    "You couldn't have told us what we wanted to know on the way here?" Jerome asks, annoyed.
    "It- It's hard to explain," Henry says. "I can't just tell you, you wouldn't believe me. I have to show you."

    "You said that you'd tell us everything if we followed you back home. Well, we're all in your house now, so tell us what happened," I demand, crossing my arms.

    "And we will. I need to get something first," Henry says before walking off.
    "Where is he going?" Ray asks to no one in particular.

    "To get his Storybook," the one handed man answers.

    "Oh, because that makes perfect sense," Jerome replies sarcastically.
    Andrews glances at the dark haired woman. "You do know how crazy you guys seem like, right?"
    "Yes, I'm aware of how foolish it might sound," Regina begins. "But-"
    I slam my hands on the countertop, causing everyone to jump. "I've had it with everyone in this town."

    "In this past week we've been here my family's been having the worst time ever. One of my friends was knocked down by a car, and he hasn't been himself lately. I was attacked by a freaking dragon and my son's been taken away from me by some dark figure. So, I'm only going to ask you one last time. Where. Is. My. Son?"

    The guys look at me in shock, surprised by my outbreak.

    "He's not in this world," the man with heavily applied mascara (aka the one handed man) answers as if it were obvious. "And neither is Emma."
    I glare at the adults in front of me. "Well, then where are they?"
    As if on cue Henry dumps a thick leather-bound book on the table in front of me.
    "What is the meaning of this?" I demand, gesturing towards the book of fairytales.

    "This holds all the answers you are looking for."


At long last they'll finally know the truth. I hope you guys are ready for the drama that's about to happen in the next chapter. You may or may not need tissues, just warning ya. I'm not even sorry for the cliffhanger (just sayin') there's a shit ton of them in this book.

Btw just in case you guys didn't read the announcement I posted on my account I'm gonna say this again: recently my phone's been having problems so I had to change it and my sim card didn't save all the edits I made so I have to remake all of them (I made so many for the nxt chap ;_;)  If you guys need me I'll be sitting in a corner crying and planning out what to write for the next chapter. That's all for this A/N. Bye.

~ Alice xx


What do you think of Will's situation so far?


On another note, it's Robbie's birthday! I can't believe he's 21 😭


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


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