Chapter 28; The Devil's Offer

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"Hope is the single most dangerous thing you'll ever face."

~ @tenwordspoem / / Twitter


Peter's P.O.V


    I wipe the perspiration off my forehead as I look down at my trembling hands. "I can't do this."
    "Yes, you can," Malcolm insists, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Just focus on Alice. Draw the power from the memories you have of her."
    I take a deep breath before bringing my hands up again, doing as my grandfather said. The crystal ball gives out a faint glow as the pieces slowly mend themselves back together.

    1/4 of the crystal ball is repaired and it's only a matter of minutes until it'll be fixed.
    "Just hang in there, Peter," Malcolm says. "Only a few more minutes till it's complete."
    A another piece of the crystal merges back with the other shards as he says that. The crystal ball is half fixed when my hands start shaking again.

    I close my eyes, focusing on all the good memories I have of Alice and Cassie in order to block out the pain that I'm feeling. I almost manage to block out the feeling of my hands burning but a searing pain in my chest stops me completely and I collapse again. I would've fallen on the wooden floor if I weren't for Malcolm catching me.
    "Easy there, laddie."

    "Maybe you should take a break," he suggests, storing the crystal shards away. "You've been at it for hours."
    "Forget it." I shake my head. "It's useless. It's been a week and I still haven't made any progress with the bloody crystal ball."
    "So? As you said earlier, it's only been a week. Maybe you'll have better luck tomorrow."
   I clench my fists to stop them from shaking. "That's what you said yesterday."

    "And the day before that."
    "You can't give up hope, laddie." Malcolm places his hand on my shoulder. "You're so close to seeing Alice and your prince again. And you know I can't help you because-"
    "Because she's my soulmate and the I'm the only one who has the power to fix this," I say, repeating the words my grandfather had said so many times that I remembered it by heart.

    So the only thing standing against you seeing the rest of your family again is yourself.
    "Let me just take a short break," I tell him as I collapse on the cot.
    Malcolm nods, standing up. "Good idea, you just need some rest. You'll fix it when you wake up."
    "Don't worry, laddie," he whispers, his voice softer this time. "I'll make sure you get back to them."

    That's the last thing I hear before I pass out due to exhaustion.


    "Dada, dada, wook at what I drew!" Cassie exclaims, running towards me, Alice not far behind him.
    I smile at the toddler. "What'd you got there for me, son?"
    "Iwt's a dwrawing of our fwamily," he says, passing me the piece of parchment.
    The first thing I see is the drawing of Alice holding Cassie in her arms. I'm standing next to her, my arms resting on the twins' shoulders.

    "It's beautiful, Cassie," I tell him, a smile etched on my face
    "I ewven dwrew uwncle Fwelix," Cassie says, pointing at the very colourful drawing of the tall lost boy standing next to The Bloodlust Trio.
    "Have you shown uncle Jerome yet?" I ask, handing the drawing back to the hyper toddler.
    "No, bwut I'll swhow it to hwim now," Cassie says, running off to find the said boy.

    "Looks like Cassie's developed a new talent," I say.
    Alice smiles at me as proceeds to sit on my lap. She tucks one ankle behind the other then leans against me. I instinctively wrap my arms around her waist, smiling as she kisses me on the cheek.
    "It seems like it," Alice replies. "Did I tell you that he drew another picture of Jerome and Will again?"

    I shake my head. "No, but I'm not surprised. Cassie loves the two of them."
    "They're actually having a poll to see who Cas loves more."
    I raise an eyebrow. "Really?"
    Alice laughs at the look on my face, and I smile when I hear the beautiful sound.
    "Yes, the two of them are counting all the drawings that Cassie drew for them to see who has more drawings of themselves."

    "I think Cas loves the both of them equally," Alice says.
    I chuckle. "Well, they both of them spoil him so that's a possibility."
    "That's true."
    I kiss on her neck. "I love you."
    "I love you, too," she replies, kissing me on the lips.

    She opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I furrow my eyebrows.
    "What was that?" I ask.
    She opens her mouth again as a cloud of thick, black smoke begins surrounding us. It's so dense that I can't see anything. I cough as the foul smelling smoke fills my nostrils, causing me to cover my mouth and nose with my hands.

    It takes me less than half a second to realize that I can no longer feel Alice.
    I take one hand off my mouth, feeling around me. "Alice?"
    No response.
    "Alice? Where are you?" I ask, taking a step forward as I do so.
    Only to fall into a ditch in front of me.

    The smoke soon disperses and I find myself covered in blood, cradling Alice's and Cassie's unconscious bodies. The dead bodies of my love ones surround us, their eyes wide open.
   "Alice, Alice, wake up," I beg, shaking her.
    She doesn't respond or show any sign that she heard me. I bury my face in her hair. "Alice, please."

    I flinch when I feel something grab my bicep. I look down at Alice, seeing that she's the one who grabbed me. She stares at me, her once chocolate brown eyes now dull and empty.
    "Y-You... Could've... Saved... Us..." She coughs out blood, not releasing her grip on me. "Why'd... you l-leave?"
    Alice's eyes glaze over and her head lolls back as the light leaves her eyes.

    I wake up screaming her name. Someone shouts at me but I can't recognize the voice. I trash around in a blind frenzy, my arms flailing everywhere. I hear the sound of glass shattering and someone yelling, but I can't be sure if it's the same person who yelled at me earlier. A jolt of pain runs up my arm as it comes into contact with something hard but I pay no attention to it.

    Hands fly towards me, pinning my limbs down, but that only causes me to freak out even more. The person shakes me and says something to me but I can't hear them over my screaming.
   "Peter! Peter!"
   Realization washes over me and I stop flailing around when I recognize my grandfather's voice.

    "It was just a dream, Peter. It was just a dream," Malcolm says, pulling me into his arms. "You're okay. Everything's alright, I'm here."
   I cry into his shirt, my body shaking with every sob.
   "I'm here, laddie. I'm here," he repeats, not letting go of me.
   I wheeze, clutching onto his arm like it's my lifeline. I close my eyes, willing myself to relax.

  "Do you want to sit up?" he asks once I've calmed down.
    I nod and Malcolm lets go of me so I can sit up properly. I bring my hands to my face, wiping away the sweat and tears. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and place my head in my hands.
   "What was it this time?"
   "The same one," I reply. "Alice and Cassie dying in my arms."

    "Are you sure you don't want me to make you a sleeping draught?" he asks.
    I shake my head. "No."
   "Peter, these nightmares have been haunting you for weeks," He states. "I think it's safe to say they aren't going away anytime soon."
   "I know that."
   "Then why do you keep torturing yourself by reliving those nightmares?" he asks.

   I don't hesitate to answer him. "Because that's the only time I get to see Alice and Cassie happy despite of everything I've done."
    Malcolm looks like he wants to say something but the pawn shop's bell rings, stopping him before he gets a chance to say anything. I begin to stand up but Malcolm places a hand on my shoulder, stopping me before I get a chance to get to my feet.

    I look at him for an answer but he just shakes his head.
   "I'll get it. You stay here," he tells me.
    I reach for the phial hanging around my neck as soon as my grandfather leaves the room. The phial glows at my touch, warming up my cold hands. I look up, glancing at the clock hanging next to the cupboard. It's six in the morning.
   I wonder what Alice and Cassie are doing right now.

    Knowing Alice, she's probably still sleeping because she stayed up late reading a book. And Cassie's probably sleeping in the twins' room because he fell asleep while playing with them.
   I smile at the thought, but then frown, wondering why Malcolm hasn't returned yet. I get off the cot, making my way towards the curtain.
   "Malcolm?" I call out, my voice still hoarse from earlier.

   I pull the curtain aside, stepping into the shop.
   "I told you I will not be going," I hear my grandfather say.
    "But, sir-"
   "Who's this?" I ask, pointing at the man standing next to him.
   The stranger is a few inches shorter than my grandfather but he makes up for his height with his stocky build.

    His clothes show that he's from Alice's era, but the way he talks tells me that he isn't from her generation. One or two generations before hers, but judging by his clothes I doubt it's the latter. He looks around thirty years of age, but if I were to guess I'd say he was thirty-two.

    "This man's name is Jacob, and he's been sent by-"

   "-By Lord Hades." Jacob clears his throat when I look at him. "I've been sent by lord Hades. He requests that Mr-"

   "I already told you that I won't be going," My grandfather snaps.

   Jacob shakes his head. "I beg your pardon, sir, but I was not talking about you."

    Malcolm looks at the man, confusion etched on his face. "Then who-?"
   "I was referring to Mr Pan," He explains. "I was not aware that he was using his mother's maiden name."

   "What does Hades want with me?" I ask.

   "I'm afraid I'm not allowed to say, sir," Jacob responds. "Lord Hades just told me to bring you in for a meeting. So if you would be so kind as to follow-"
   "He will not be going!" Malcolm interrupts angrily.
   "It's alright, Malcolm," I assure my grandfather, placing my hand on his shoulder. "I'll be fine."

    Malcolm looks like he wants to argue and I take that chance to turn to Jacob. "Would you mind giving us a moment?"
    "Not at all," he replies. "I'll be outside."
    I wait until the door closes before turning back to face my grandfather. "Malcolm, Hades only wants to talk to me, it's not like he's offering me a job or anything."

    His face softens when he looks at me but his tone doesn't change. "Yes, but you don't know him like I do. He can be very manipulative."
    "I'll be fine, Malcolm," I repeat. "Don't worry, I promise I won't let my guard down."
    He sighs in defeat, knowing that he can't change my mind. "Very well, but promise me that if he offers you a deal you won't accept it. No matter how tempting it might be."

    "I promise, grandfather. I promise."
    He tilts his head towards the door where Jacob is waiting. "Go ahead. And stay out of trouble."
    "Okay. I won't be long," I tell him as I walk out the door.
    Jacob turns around at the sound of the door opening. "Ready to go, sir?"
    "Ready as I'll ever be," I reply, waving my hand to teleport the both of us to Hades's palace.

    Two guards standing in front of the huge French doors raise their weapons at the sight of us, prepared to attack at any sign of movement.
    Jacob waves his hand dismissively. "Stand down, men. It's just me."
    They lower their weapons, but don't take their eyes off me.
    "Who's this?" The dark-skinned man with a mustache demands, gesturing towards me with his spear.

    "This, gentlemen, is Peter Pan."

    "You're kidding, right?" The same guard scoffs, looking me up and down. "This teenager is the notorious Pan? He looks like someone who's girlfriend just broke up with him."
    The guard beside him sniggers but doesn't add on to his comment. I narrow my eyes at the two of them.
    "That's enough, Ian," Jacob snaps, annoyed. "Just open the damn door."

    The man, Ian, ignores Jacob.

    "What's wrong, boy?" He questions. "Missing your little girlfriend?"
   I let out a feral growl, unconsciously using my magic to make the rock floor shake. Ian screams as the floor rises, engulfing him. The rock slowly creeps up his body, almost reaching his torso. I almost want to kill him, but Malcolm's voice rings in my head.
    Stay out of trouble, Peter.

    I shake my head, unclenching my fists. The floor stops rising, but the rock remains in place, trapping him from his waist down.
    I glare at the cowering man. "Is that proof enough for you?"
    Ian quickly nods his head.

    "Y-Yes?" The man asks, his voice seemingly higher than most men.
    "Tell Lord Hades that we're here," Jacob orders.

    "Yes, sir," Cornelius replies, hastily opening one of the doors.
   He returns a few minutes later with a vial containing about a pint of glowing green liquid in one hand and his spear in the other. Ian pales, visibly flinching at the sight of the green liquid and if either men noticed his reaction they don't comment on it.

    Cornelius clears his throat nervously, opening the door for us. "Lord Hades is ready to see you now."

   Jacob eyes the vial in his hand and nods as if saying "you know what to do". He then gestures for me to step into the throne room. "After you, Mr Pan."
   I give Ian one last icy glare before stepping into the room, Jacob entering after me.

    The atmosphere in the throne room doesn't differ from the one in the other room, save the drastic change in temperature. The throne room is much hotter than the corridor outside, and continues to get warmer as we make our way to the throne where Hades waits for us.

    The throne room well-furnished with dark green tapestries hanging from the pillars and the rosewood display cases containing everything from bottles of deadly potions to enchanted trinkets. Two golden candelabras stand beside the throne, framing the majestic throne. The fires in their hearths flicker, occasionally sending out sparks as Jacob and I near it.

    "Lord Hades," Jacob greets, bowing deeply when we stop at the foot of his throne.
   Hades nods in acknowledgement before turning his attention to me. "Peter Pan."
   I give him a curt nod. "Hades."
   "I've been looking forward to meeting you," he says, leaning forward to shake my hand. "The stories of how you mastered magic are well known."

    "Thank you," I reply, not knowing what else to say as I shake his hand.
   "How are you?" he asks.
   "I'm... Managing." I say, unable to find another word to describe how I feel.
   "Good. That's good," Hades repeats, leaning back.
   "Why am I here?" I ask, slightly annoyed by the small talk. "I mean, you usually have meetings with my grandfather."

    "Yes, Malcolm comes here frequently. He talks about you a lot, you know?"
   That doesn't sound like Malcolm.
   "Yes, and that's exactly why I've summoned you here today." Hades picks up the wineglass from the marble table stand. "I wanted to meet you in person. Your abilities are legendary."

    I know exactly what he's doing.

    "You mean you want to give me a deal."

    "More like an offer," Hades corrects. "It's about your crystal problem."
   "You know what I'm talking about," he continues at the confused expression on my face. "The crystal ball you used to check on your loved ones."

   "How do you know of it?" I ask, hoping that he isn't aware that I know he's interfering with my magic.

    "A king must know everything that goes on in his kingdom."
  "Fair enough," I reply, pretending that I believe his statement.
   "I'm told that your crystal ball doesn't work anymore, and I just so happened to find a spare crystal ball lying around. I thought that you'd like to have it."

   "What do you want?" I ask, cutting to the chase.

     "Clever boy," Hades remarks. "At least you know nothing's free."
   Hades places his glass back on the table before continuing. "I'll give you the crystal ball, and in return, I can call in a favour at any given point in time."
   "Thank you for the offer, but I'm not interested," I answer.
   "What if I were to sweeten the deal?" Hades asks. "What if I let you visit her one more time?"

    I shake my head. "That's not possible. I'm already dead."
   "Yes, but you forget that I'm a God. I can find a way to let you out for awhile."
    I mull over the offer. "Can I think about it?"
   "Of course." Hades nods. "I'm sure you'll come to a wise decision."
   "Jacob'll see you out," Hades says, gesturing for the said man to step forward.

    I turn around, surprised to find Jacob standing by the door. He must've left my side while I was talking to Hades.
   I shake my head. "There's no need for that. I can make my way back myself."
   "Very well. I hope to hear from you soon."
   "I'll contact you as soon as I've made up my mind," I reply, teleporting myself out of the room.


Hades's P.O.V


    "Was that wise, my Lord?" Jacob asks. "Offering him your crystal ball?"
    I crane my neck to face my servant. "Yes, it was."
   "I don't mean to pry, but what do you get out of it? Other than Mr Pan owing you a favour, of course."
   "Isn't it obvious? I want him to be on my side."
   "You already have the sorcerer on your side," he points out. "Why would you want his grandson?"

    "Why wouldn't I?" I asks rhetorically. "He's a prodigy. The son of The Dark One and grandchild of Malcolm The Great."
   "But from what I heard from the other guards is that he may be a prodigy, but he isn't nearly as powerful as his family."
   I shake my head disapprovingly. "Well, those guards are wrong. Pan is much more powerful than the both of them combined."

    "He just doesn't know that yet as he hasn't reached his fullest potential."

    "How can you tell?" Jacob asks.

   "Most powerful magical beings can sense when another magical being is at its fullest potential," I reply. "Which is another reason why I want Pan to be on my side. He'd make a great ally and a dangerous enemy."
   "How do you know he'll remain on your side?"

   "Because I'll kill his soulmate if he decides to stab me in the back."

    Jacob looks surprised at my statement. "But I thought that you're unable to leave the Underworld, my Lord?"
   "I'm fully aware that I can't leave my domain, but that doesn't mean that I can't send someone who's still alive to do my dirty work."

   An apprehensive look appears on his face. "And who would that person be, my Lord?"

    I smirk. "Why, one of your children, of course. I assumed you were already aware of that, Mr Collins."


Hey guys, sorry I took so long to update this chapter, I had a minor writer's block while writing this. Anyways, what did you guys think of this chapter? Was it worth the wait?

Oh, btw you guys should totally check out this Panfiction called "The Fire Burning Inside Of You" written by one of you guys ;) [TheNeverlandStar] and it's one of my favorites works. I think that you guys will love it because her protagonist, Mia, is very badass and she portrayed Peter Pan perfectly ❤ Her writing is very professional and her chapters are always very interesting.

I'm still going to publish the preference book if you guys were wondering, I'm still writing the intro (yes, I know I'm incredibly slow at writing) I'll try to complete that as soon I get over my writer's block. Well, I guess that's all for this A/N, bye guys (Keep sending me requests to read your works <3)


Which one of Jacob's children do you think is helping Hades? And why do you think he/she is helping him?


Here's the edit I made for this chapter, but you guys probably won't be able to see it above bc Wattpad keeps deleting my gifs

"I wish I never looked, I wish I never touched. wish that I could stop loving you so much. 'Cause I'm the only one that's trying to keep us together. When all of the signs say that I should forget her."

I'm really happy at how this edit turned out 😍


Rate, comment, do whatever you want <3


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