Chapter 32; A Second Chance

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"I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone."

~ Daniel Howell, one of the tweets Dan tweeted about Phil


Peter's P.O.V (In The Underworld)


    I woke up this morning with her name on my lips. Not Alice's this time but my mother's. Malcolm wasn't in the living room nor in his room so I just assumed he'd left for another meeting with Hades again. He's told me countless amount of times not to go back to the pawnshop to wait for him but I just didn't want to stay in the empty flat alone.

    Which was why I decided to go to the pawnshop anyway because that's where he usually goes to after meeting up with Hades. I guess I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm lying on a cot with my grandfather looking down at me.
   "What are you doing here?" he demands, looking a tad bit angry. "I thought I told you to wait for me back at apartment."

    I prop myself up with my elbows. "Are you alright, grandfather?"
   Malcolm's face softens and he shakes his head. "I'm sorry, laddie. It's just been a really tiring morning," he sighs, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
   "It's alright."
   "You had nightmare again, didn't you?" he asks.
   "Sort of."

    "Was it the recurring one?" he asks.
   I shake my head.
   "What was this one about then?"
   "It was about mother." I sit up on the bed, the thin blanket sliding off my bare chest as I do so. "We were in the kitchen together and I was recalling the day mother brought me to the market to buy food for dinner. It was the first time I noticed that the children in our village had two parents, a mother and a father whereas I only had one."

    "I think I was four or five years old at that time so I didn't know anything about how children came into the world, but I was child and children tend to be curious so I wanted answers. It took me a few weeks before I finally plucked up the courage to ask my mother about it." I pause, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I remember her smiling and telling me that all children had two parents."

    "And when I asked her where my father was she just gave me a sad smile and said that he wasn't around anymore. I apologized, thinking that I was my fault that he left, but mother just shook her head and told me that it wasn't my fault and that I was the best thing that ever happened to her. It was only a couple years later when I was a teenager did I learn that he left her because she wasn't normal."

    "I had always thought that he left her because he didn't love her but then I overheard the adults near the pub saying that it was because she was autistic. At first I couldn't believe it because my mother was the smartest person I knew but deep down I knew that made sense because of how she interacted -well, how she didn't interact- with the other villagers or how she did things."

    "Ever since that day I decided that I hated my father and that I'd make sure he'd stay away from my mother and I if I ever met him. Then came the day I finally met him. She looked so happy to see him, as if he hadn't left her all those years ago because of who she was. And then- And then he killed her."

    I close my eyes, not wanting Malcolm to know that I was on the verge of crying. But I suppose that my tone of voice told him that already because he started hugging me as soon I finished my story. "I miss her."
   "Shhhh..." Malcolm rubs my back. "Shhhh... It's alright, Peter. Let it out."
   I shudder, letting my tears fall. "Why did she have to go? And why isn't she here?"

    "She didn't know her parents, they left her at an orphanage when she was only a babe and she didn't have any friends."
   Malcolm continues to whisper soothing words in my ear, not letting go of me.
     "Did she move on?" I sob at the thought of my mother forgetting me.    Malcolm pulls back and cups my face with his hands.

    "Listen to me, Peter, your mother would not have forgotten about you," Malcolm says. "I'll ask around, she must be here if not than she would already be in Elysium. That happens. Sometimes the Gods send people there before they've fulfilled your unfinished business because they you're not fit to survive the Underworld. She did not forget you."

    "Thank you, Malcolm."
    "That's what family's for," he replies, hugging me again. "And just because Rumpelstiltskin is your biological father it doesn't mean that you have to think of him as your father, nor does it mean that you have to forgive him."
    I nod, thanking him again.


Malcolm's P.O.V


    I miss her.
    The words my grandson said to me earlier echo in my head again. The fates have stolen so much from him, surely they could've let him be reunited with his mother in afterworld. I let out a frustrated sigh, checking my watch for what feels like the seventh time. It's 5:57 pm. Fifteen minutes since the guards left me in to summon him.

    What's taking him so long? It's not like he has anything better to do. Unless you count ruining his citizens chances of completing their unfinished business something better to do.
    It's 6:12 pm when I check the time again. I grit my teeth in annoyance.
    Honestly. He's tried to blackmail me twice and has been so persistent in trying to get me to allow Peter to work for him you'd think that a guy like that would actually bother to show up when I want an audience with him-

    The tingly feeling of magic in the air jarred me from my thoughts and I look up to see that Hades had finally arrived.
    Speak of the Devil and he appears. Literally.
    "We just had a meeting this morning, Malcolm." Hades smiles, leaning forward in his throne. "Either you have something to tell me or you're just eager to see me again."

    I cringe at the way the God of Death says that so casually. As if the two of us were two old friends who'd happened to bump into each other.
    I push the uncomfort aside, focusing on the matter at hand. "Actually, I've come to ask you for a deal."
    Hades doesn't bother to hide the surprise on his face. "A deal?"

    "Yes, a deal. I don't understand, didn't you want me to make a deal with you?" I pause, dreading the answer to my next question. "Or has that offer expired?"
    "No," Hades shakes his head. "The offer still stands. I just wasn't expecting you to accept it so soon. Well, what do you want?"
    My reply is swift and descive. "A crystal ball."

    Hades blinks twice, then promptly shakes his head. "A crystal ball? Did I hear you correctly?"
    "Yes, that's what I said," I calaify.
    "You're giving me an enchanted object that renders powerful beings useless in place of a measly crystal ball?"
    "Yes, that is correct," I repeat.

    "What could possibly be so important that you'd-" Realisation must've dawned upon the God of Death as he begins to smile at me. Not a casual smile like earlier but a sinister one this time. "It's for your grandson, isn't it?"
    I nod, not feeling the need to add anything else.
    Hades chuckles. "Oh, the things we do for our loved ones. Tell me, is he trying to move on? Is that what the crystal ball is for?"

    "In all due respect, Hades, it really isn't your business," I reply.
    "No matter. I'll find out that reason sooner or later." He waves his hand in the air, summoning a transparent crystal ball into my hand. His eyes darken by a few shades and he extends his hand towards me. "Now, give me what you promised."
    I flick my wrist, causing a leather cuff to appear on Hades's palm.

    The God of Death grins, turning the cuff in his hands. "A word to the wise, Maclom, sometimes the people we love are the ones who are keeping us from fulfilling out fullest potential. The boy is only holding you back."
    I use my magic to teleport myself back to my apartment, not wanting to hear another word come out from the God's mouth.

    I can't believe Hades actually thought I gave him a tool that he could one day use on Peter or myself. All the enchanted cuffs Peter and I made together were made in a certain way so that it wouldn't affect either one of us. I may be desperate but I'm not stupid. I arrive back in my apartment to find Peter sleeping next to the pensieve.
    Good. He hasn't been sleeping lately, hopefully he'll stay asleep for awhile longer.

    I kneel down next to him, using my magic to place a blanket over him. "Sweet dreams, Peter."


Peter's P.O.V


    I wake up thinking of Alice. I actually had a good dream this time. I dreamt that we were back in Neverland with Cassie and the twins. I slowly sit up on the floor, noticing that a blanket has been draped over me. I smile.
    Of course Malcolm wouldn't just leave me like this.
   Yawning, I get off the floor, stretching my limbs as I do so.

    My head jerks up when I notice the faint sound of fire crackling coming from the hallway. I place my blanket on the table, slowly making my way towards the source of the sound. "Malcolm?"
    "I'm in the kitchen!" he replies.
    I peer past the mahogany doors. "What are you doing?"
    "Making dinner," he replies, adding a pinch of salt to the pan.
    I look at him, surprised. "You know how to cook?"

    "Of course I know how to cook." He turns around to face me. "Where did you think your meals came from?"
    I shrug, leaning against the doorframe. "I don't know. I just assumed that you used magic or  ordered take-out."
    Malcolm chuckles. "No. I may be good at magic, but I don't make it a habit to use it for everything."
    "We've been here for almost two and a half years. How did I not notice that you've been cooking our meals all this while?"

    "I don't cook everyday and you're usually asleep on the days that I do," he replies.
    "I guess that makes more sense now." I pause, taking in the delicious aroma. "What's for dinner?"
    "I believe the Asians call it "ji fan", but we call it chicken rice." Malcolm says serving out the food. "Dig in."

    "Why didn't you wake me up when you got back?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.
    "You needed your sleep," he states in-between mouthfulls. "I didn't want to disturb you."
    "Why'd you go back to see Hades?" I ask. "I thought you were done for the day?"
    "I wanted to make a deal with him," Malcolm tells me.

    My eyes widen. "What? You told me that was a terrible idea and that making deals with Hades is basically signing your death sentence."
    "I found a loophole," he replies matter-of-factly. "If there's anything the men in our family's good at it's finding loopholes."
    "What'd you ask for?" I question.
    Malcolm doesn't break his own rules for no good reason. It had to be something extremely important.

    This time Malcolm smiles. "This."
    He flicks his wrist, causing a cloud maroon of smoke to appear. My eyes widen as a transparent crystal ball appears in his hand.
    "It's yours," he says, extending his arm towards me.
    I take the crystal ball from him, holding on to it like it'd disappear if I let go.

    My vision becomes cloudy as I look back up. "Thank you."
    "Anything for family," Malcolm replies, giving me a soft smile.
    "No, I mean it." I let out a shaky breath. "Thank you. How did you manage to-"
    I pause, recalling what Malcolm taught me many years ago.
    Nothing comes for free, laddie...
    "What'd he want in its place?"

    He shakes his head dismissively. "It doesn't matter."
    "What did you give him?" I repeat as Malcolm gets up.
    "Honestly, it isn't important," he urges. "You should check up on Alice and Cassie."
    "Grandfather-" I grab his wrist as he proceeds to leave the room. "What was it?"

    "Don't worry about it." Malcolm says, placing his hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "Go check up on your Queen."
    I want to press on until he tells me but I nod my head instead. "Okay, grandfather."
    If Malcolm says don't worry about it then I shouldn't worry about it.
    "I'll leave you to it," Malcolm tells me as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

    I'm overwhelmed with anxiety as I look down at the fragile crystal ball in my hands.
    Should I be doing this? What if Alice really is happier without me? I'd just be causing myself more pain.
    I shake my head.
    No. I can't keep running away from the truth. Especially since I might be able to reach her.
    I exhale, clearing my mind for what I'm about to do.

    "Show me my soulmate."
    I watch with bated breath as the crystal ball goes from transparent to green...


Sorry it took me so long to update this chapter, I've been having a slight writer's block. And as an apology I'll be writing the nxt chapter in Peter's (and occasionally Alice's) POV. Anyways, how are you guys? Has 2017 been treating you alright? 2017 has been a great year for me so far I quite like my classmates (especially this one guy who looks hella cute) Also the new Sherlock episoides killed me 😭😭😭 I NEED MORE SHERLOCK

PS are there any Kpop fans reading my book bc I need srsly help I've been obsessed with bts and exo recently and I can't stop listening to their songs or reading fanfics/one shots/imagines (you name it) about them. Jimin and V are just so gorgous 😍💖 okay I'm gonna stop now before this gets out of hand

That's all for this chapter, I hoped you like it and until next time

~ Alice


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


Alice × Peter edit. Ngl I'm low-key proud of this edit ❤


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