Chapter 4; Road Trip

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"Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing what to do is the worst kind of pain."

~ Paulo Coelho


Alice's P.O.V


    "Ready to go?"
    Cassie nods, closing his suitcase.
    "Tell dad to start the engine," I say, handing Cassie the keys. "I'll be downstairs in five minutes."
    "Okay, mommy," Cassie replies, wheeling his luggage out my room.
    I yawn, tying my hair into a loose ponytail. I make my way over to my bedside table, turning off my phone charger and placing it in my backpack.

    My eyes dart to the hallway at the sound of someone knocking on my door.
    "Oh, hi, Jerome."
    "Are you coming or are you staying with your books?" Jerome asks, leaning against the doorframe.
    I roll my eyes. "Trust me, if I wanted to stay I'd be in the library by now."
    "Touché," he scoffs.
    "Are they in the van yet?" I ask.

    "Yup," Jerome replies. "Lewis's on the phone with Jo."
    I furrow my eyebrows. "Jo? Waking up early? That doesn't sound like her."
    "Acutally, they haven't stopped talking since last night," he tells me, rubbing his eyes.
    "He's definitely gonna sleep on the ferry," I say, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.
    "He'll probably be out cold once he hangs up."

    I nod as we walk out the door. Jerome helps to lock the front door as I press the button for the lift.
    "What are you looking forward to on our trip?" I ask him as we step into the lift.
    He shrugs. "New surroundings?"
    "Really? Is Mr-Antisocial-Pessimist is going on a vacation just for sightseeing?" I ask.
    "Well, what do you think I'm going for?"

    "Girls?" I ask.
    He gives me a look.
    He coughs. "What?"
    I raise my hands in surrender. "Hey, there's no shame in being gay."
    "Oh, for the love of God, I'm not gay, Alice," Jerome says, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just because I haven't had any relationships with anyone. It doesn't that I'm gay."

    "Okay. Okay. You don't have to explain yourself to me. It's perfectly fine for you to be attracted to-"
    "I'm not gay."
    I shrug. "M'Kay."
    Jerome sighs, giving up on the conversation. The elevator dings and the both of us walk out as the doors open.
   "I'm just saying, I'm not judging you for being gay."

    "Could you drop it, Alice?" he asks me as we approach the van.
   "Hey there, stranger," I greet, sticking my head through the window.
   "Hey, Alice. What were the two of you guys talkin' about just now?" Ray asks.
   Jerome sighs as he gets into the van. "Don't you start."

   "You can't blame a guy for being curious," Ray mumbles as he drives the van out of the driveway.
    "Well, curiosity killed the cat," Jerome says, putting on his seatbelt.
   "But satisfaction brought it back," Cassie counters.
   I ruffle up his hair, sitting beside him. "That's my boy."

   Jerome lets out a frustrated sigh, putting on his headphones. "I can never win with you people."
   I playfully stick my tongue out at him.
    "Mum, is uncle Lewis alright?" Isaac asks, turning back to face me.
   I nod, unsure. "Yes. Why wouldn't he be?"
   "Because he's not moving," Asa tells me.

   I cran my neck towards the row where Lewis and the twins are seated. My eyes dart to Lewis who rests his head against the window, his phone still in his hand. I smile, turning back to face the twins.
    "He's just tired," I tell them. "He'll be alright after a few hours of sleep."
   They nod.
   "Did dad pack your skateboards in the trunk?" I ask.

   Asa nods, looking up from his book. "They're on top of the bags."
    I nod, putting my headphones on. I lean against the window, drowing out the traffic as I listen to Control by Halsey.


    "We're here," Ray announces, taking the key out of the ignition.
    The boys file out of the van one by one. Andrew and the two brothers help Will to unload the suitcases while the twins grab their skateboards. I watch as they sling their backpacks over their shoulders, getting onto their skateboards.
   "We'll meet you guys at the ferry," Asa says, speeding off, his brother following behund him.

    "Be careful!" I cry out as they narrowly miss bumping into a lady pushing her suitcase.
   Ray throws his brother the keys to the van. "Do you think you can load her into the ship without a scratch?"
   "When have I ever let you down?" Will asks, getting into the car.
   "When you promised me that you'd try dating that girl who always flirts with you whenever you visit the café."

    "She wasn't my type," he answers, driving off.
   I loop my arm with Ray's. "Don't worry," I assure him, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Maybe he'll find a nice girl in Storyebooke."
   Ray nods, kissing me.
   "Hey, keep your PDA to a minimum especially now there are many people here," Jerome chids.

   I pull back, turning around to see Cassie standing behind me. The toddler yawns, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

    "Come here, Cas," I say, kneeling down as I extend my arms towards him.
   He wraps his arms around my neck and I lift him off the ground. "Come on, sleepyhead. Let's meet your brothers on the ship."


Will's P.O.V


    I pull the keys out of ignition, stepping out of my brother's van. Yawning, I make sure that the car is empty before I lock the doors. I rub my sides as a cold breeze hits me, glad that I chose to wear a thick Ravenclaw jumper today. I speed-walk to the lobby as I spot the lift's doors beginning to close. I place my hand on the closing doors. "Hold the elevator, please."

    The person inside presses the button for the elevator, causing the doors to open for me.
   "Thanks," I say, adjusting my backpack on my shoulders.
   "No problem," the stranger replies.
   I look up, glancing at her reflection through the shiny surface of the doors. Standing right behind me is a girl around my age dressed in a total fangirl's outfit.

    She definitely stands out to me as she's dressed in a black shirt with a Sherlock quote printed on it in white. A golden timeturner necklace rests on her neck and her long caramel brown hair is hidden underneath her Slytherin beanie. She looks up from her phone as if feeling my eyes on her. I blush, realizing that I've been staring.

    I clear my throat nervously, looking at anywhere but her, which is really hard seeing that I can still see her reflection in the mirror no matter where I look. I can't help but glance back at her reflection when I still feel her eyes on me. She looks me up and down then looks me in the eye.
    "Ten points to Ravenclaw," she says, winking at me.
   I gape at her, my cheeks heating up.

    The elevator dings as it reaches the level she's getting off.
   "See you around," she says, stepping out.
   "W-Wait," I exclaim, holding the door open. "I'm Will, what's your name?"
   "Tia," she replies, winking at me one last time before walking off.
    I blink as the door closes, staring blankly as it reaches my floor. A man standing outside the lift clears his throat. "Are you getting off here?"

   I nod my head, regaining my composure. "Yes- Yes, sorry."
   I quickly step out of lift, making my way to the compartment that my brother had booked. I hand my bag to the attendant as she places the other bags in the compartment above the seats.
    What just happened?
    I'm too preoccupied in my thoughts to notice that someone's calling my name.

    I'm jarred from my thoughts as someone places their hand on my shoulder. I look up, seeing my older brother staring at me with a look of concern etched on his face.
   "Will? Are you alright?" he asks me.
   "I'm fine," I say, pushing the thought of the beautiful girl in the lift from my mind. "I'm just tired."
    Ray nods, standing up. "It's gonna be a long ride, try to get some sleep."

   "I will," I tell him as he sits one seat away from me, beside the window.
    Alice turns her body around to face me, her back facing my brother. Only then do I realize that she's been looking at me ever since I sat down.
   "What's her name?" she asks, smirking.
    "W-What?" I clear my throat. "What are you talking about, Alice?"
   Her smirk broadens. "That beautiful, huh?"

   "I-I don't know what you're talking about," I lie, pushing my glasses higher up the bridge of my nose.
    "You know, in all my years of knowing you, I've never seen you blush before," she says, not buying my act.
   I sigh. "Her name's Tia. Yes, she's beautiful and before you ask, no. I didn't get her number."

   "I knew you weren't aesexual," she says.
    Ouch. I'm just gonna let that slide.
    "How'd you know?" I ask.
   "Because I've never seen anyone make you blush before," she says. "Tell me more about the girl."
   "There's nothing to talk about," I say honestly. "We barely spoke, she just flirted with me."

  "What'd you do?" she asks.
   I bury my head under my book. "I may have, um, stuttered just a tad bit."
   "Okay, that's it. I need to meet this girl who made my supposedly aesexual best friend blush like a tomato and stutter."
    "I'm not blushing like a tomato," I mutter, covering my cheeks as I say so.

   "Take a good look in the mirror and say that again."
   "I hate you."
   "No, you love me," Alice says, smugly.
   "Do I?" I say, pretending to think about it. "Nah, I don't."
   "Take that back," she whines playfully. "Take that back or I'll tell Jerome about your little crush."

    My eyes widen. "Okay, okay, I love you. Happy now?"
   "Very," she replies, sticking her tongue out.
   "Real mature," I mumble, turning the page of my book.
   "So, did you ask for her number?"
   I shake my head. "Nope, she left before I could ask."
   "Well, don't worry," Alice assures me. "I'm sure you'll see her again."

   I shake my head. "I doubt it."
   "You never know," she says. "She could very well be your future wife."
   I roll my eyes. "Go to sleep, Alice."


    I shove Alice off her seat. "Wake up, sleepyhead."
   "Ow. Who's the mature one now?" she asks, rubbing her head as she gets off the floor.
   "I am."
   She punches me in the shoulder as she steps past me. I chuckle as she rubs her knuckles, wincing in pain.
   "You need to work on your punches," I say.

   "No, thanks," she says. "I'm happy with my shooting skills."
   "You know, your skills could be deadly accurate if you practiced more," I tell her.

    "Nah," she says, grabbing her backpack from the compartment above her seat. "I think I'm good."
   "An ordinary archer practices until he gets it right-"

   "A ranger practices until he never gets it wrong," Alice continues. "Yeah, I know. But this ranger wants to take a short break."
   I roll my eyes. "Sure, but you should continue working on your aim."

    "Hey, what's that they're crowding around?" Alice asks, pointing at the guys crowding around a chair.

   The two of us grab our belongings then make our way towards the them. I push myself past Andrew and Jerome, who's still on their phones. "What's going on?"
   "He won't wake up," Hunter says, pointing at Lewis, who's sleeping on the recliner chair.

    Alice kneels down beside him and pokes him on the shoulder.

    Lewis jerks up and looks around. "What happened? Who's dead?"
   "No one," I say.
   "Yet," Jerome quickly adds, giving Lewis a look. "We were actually considering on burying you alive because you looked dead."
   "He's just kidding," Alice says, rolling her eyes. "Grab your bags, we've reached our stop."

    Lewis sluggishly gets to his feet, taking his backpack from Hunter. "Okay, let's go."
   We then proceed to walk out the room. I realize that I'm falling behind so I try to pick put my pace, but someone the crowd cuts me off. I turn around to find a faster way to leave, but all the exits have a bottleneck. I begin to push past the crowd but stop when I notice a girl being pushed aside by a man in his late forties.

    She swerves to the side in an attempt to not get hit, but she drops all her things in the process. I make my way towards her, helping her to pick her books up. My attention is drawn to a book titled "The Ruins Of Gorlan" lying on the floor.
    I hand her the book. "Hey, The Ranger's Apprentice. That's my fav-"
   I trail off when I get a good look at the girl. It's Tia.

    She smiles at me. "Oh, hello again, Willy."
    "T-That's not m-my name," I say, feeling my cheeks heat up at her nickname for me.
    What the hell is wrong with me? I'm Will Robertson, I don't freaking stutter.
    "Are you traveling alone?" she asks me as we get to our feet.
    I shake my head. "Nope. I'm with my family. What about you?"

    "I'm a lone Ranger," she says, hugging her book close to her chest.
    "Do you read a lot?" I ask, gesturing towards her books.
    She nods. "Yup. I'm a huge Bibliophile."
    "You should meet my friend," I say, thinking of Alice. "She's a lot like you."
    "I'd like that," Tia replies, trucking her hair behind her ear.
    "Hey, could I get your-" I'm cut off by the sound of my phone ringing.

    "Sorry," I apologize to her as I pick up my phone.
    "Hello?" I answer.
    "Where are you?" Ray questions.
    "I'm still on the ship," I reply. "The crowd split us up."
    I hear Ray sigh on the other side of the line. "We'll be waiting for you in the lobby."
    I'm distracted by Tia walking off. I take my phone away from my ear. "Wait!"

    But the chatter of the crowd drowns my voice out, and she doesn't hear me.
    "Will? Will!"
    I shake my head, putting the phone back to my ear. "Yeah, I'm still here. Sorry, I dropped my phone."
    "Alright, just get to the lobby," he tells me. "We're all waiting for you."
    "Okay," I reply, hangging up.

    I glance back towards Tia only to see that she's gone.
    Damn it. I didn't even get her number.


Ooo Will's got a crush. I'm so excited for you guys see the rest of the plot. I can already tell that I'm gonna love writing this book. Oh and if you're wondering, I still have one more character to introduce you guys to. Hopefully you guys don't hate love pentagons. #spoileralert

I wrote this chapter on the 11th of June and I'm freaking out cause it's Dan's birthday. I can't believe he's freaking 25 years old now ;_; by the time you guys read this it'll probably be in early July so it won't matter as much then. And thank you guys so much for 1Kay reads on Checkmate ❤

Oh whale 🐳 that's about it for this A/N. Bye, guys

~ Alice xx


The feels hit me like puberty hit Robbie Kay


What do you think of Tia so far?


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