Chapter 41; Children Of Demigods

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"Do you ever smell an old perfume, or hear an old song, or pass an old hangout spot and kinda break inside for a couple of minutes?"

~ via (00justbreathe007)


Third Person's P.O.V


    "We shouldn't be doing this, Sam."
    The said teenager ignored her, his hands moving higher up her sides, the touch of his cool fingers causing goosebumps to appear on her skin. "Don't worry, babe. We'll be fine."
    "I'm being serious," the girl firmly said, pushing his wandering hands away before he managed to slide them under her shirt. "You're taking this way to fast."

    The boy sighed as she pushed him off her, running his hand through his thick, dark hair.
    "Come on, Hes. We talked about this," he persisted.
    The brunette shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest.
    "Just one more kiss," he insisted, taking her hands in his. "Then I'll go."

    The young girl nervously bit the inside of her cheek, wondering if she should give in to his demands or just ask him to leave. Sam pouted at her in return, mimicking the look of a kicked puppy.
    "Okay," the girl said, giving in to his advances. "Just one kiss, alright?"
    Sam grinned. "I promise."
    The brunette closed her eyes, losing herself as the older teen's lips met hers.

    She let out a sigh as he tangled his experienced hands in her hair, tugging at her locks when he deepened the kiss. She's the one who breaks the kiss, gasping for a breath of much-need air.
    "Okay, I've given you your kiss," she panted, pushing him in the direction of the open window. "Now go."

    "Why the rush to get rid of me?" he asked, his knowing grin causing the butterflies in her stomach to go crazy as he threw one leg over the edge of the window frame. "Don't you like my company?"
    "Of course I do, Sam," the young girl assured him as he moved another leg over the frame, dangling both legs out the window.

    "Go on" his gaze seemed to say as he smiled at her, his full lips catching her attention. The young girl chastised herself, unsure if she wanted to pull him into another breathless kiss, or push him out the window.
    She spared a nervous glance over her shoulder, keeping a lookout for a certain blue-eyed boy that happened to reside in the room adjacent to hers. "It's just that you've caught me at a bad timing."

    Sam raised a pierced eyebrow. "Your brother's not at work?"
    "He called in sick this morning," she explained.
    The dark haired teen scoffed. "Last I saw him, he looked fine."
    "He's just worried about me," the girl defended, playing with the fraying hem of her jacket. "You know how he gets."
    Sam rolled his eyes. "It's fine. I have to leave anyway. I told Mrs Waren I'd be back by eleven."

    "Don't you think you're cutting it a bit close?" she asked. "Your poor mom must be worried sick."
    "Adoptive mom," Sam muttered, tightening his grip on the white frame.
    "She's still your mother, Sam," the girl chided. "She loves you."
    "But I don't love her like I love you," the teenager replied, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

    Sam grinned as the brunette moved her hands to cover her furiously blushing cheeks.
    "I'll see you tomorrow, babe," he promised, pecking her lips once more before making his descent down.
    "I love you, Sam," she called after him.
   The dark-haired boy looked up from his bike, touching his lips with his index and middle finger in return.

    "Love you, too," he mouthed.
   The young girl smiled, watching as his figure disappear into the night.
   "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
   The girl jerked back from the window as if it burnt her. She turned around, her brown eyes widening when she spotted the owner of the voice. He stood against the door frame, his dark clothes forming a daunting silhouette against the light wallpaper.

   He had his arms crossed over his chest in an annoyed manner, looking at her as if he had been there the entire time. His sharp sapphire eyes were narrowed at her and the vein in his cheek jutted out.
   "I can explain," she breathed, hoping that the seventeen year old hadn't heard her exchange with her boyfriend.

   He pushed himself off the frame, making his way towards the teenager. "It's five past eleven, Hestia."
    "Don't worry, Ares, I promise I won't fall asleep in class,"  Hestia said, making her way towards her bed
  "You and I both know that's not why I'm mad."
   "Sam was just leaving," she blurted out, slapping her hand over her mouth when she realized what she had just admitted.

   "Sam was here?" The blue-eyed boy groaned, running his hand through his short, corkscrew curls. "Dammit, Hestia. Why do you never listen? I told you to stay away from that boy. He's nothing but trouble."
    "But you're always hanging out with him," Hestia pointed out.
   "Not willingly, he just happens to always be present whenever I hang out with Haziq," Ares stated, rolling his eyes at the thought.

   "You can't boycott him just because you're jealous that he's with Haziq all the time," Hestia grumbled, crossing her arms.
   "Hestia," He lowered his voice in warning.
    "But it's true!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
    "Hestia Ava Collins, don't you use that tone with me."

   "I'm thirteen, Ares," Hestia stated, standing up a little taller. "Not ten."
   "You're a child!" Ares shouted. "And I won't have any sister of mine dating that bastard."
   "He's not a bastard," Hestia snapped, her voice getting dangerously close to shouting. "He's a good person."
   "God, do you even hear yourself?" Ares cried. "He plays girls, Hestia. And if you don't stop seeing him you'll be next."

    "You're wrong," Hestia insisted, shaking her head. "Sam isn't like that anymore, he's changed. He changed for me."
   "I don't believe his little act," Ares said. "No one can change that much."
    "He did. He promised me."
    "Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia," Ares snapped. "Welcome to the real world."

    "How many other girls do you think he promised that to?" Ares asked when his sister rolled her eyes, refusing to listen to his harsh words. "Guys like him don't change."
    "You don't know that," Hestia said, tears beginning to form.
    Ares's gaze softened when he saw his little sister's tears but he held his ground, rather having her hate him for the rest of hus life than for her to be heartbroken over a jerk.

    "He's using you, T."

    Hestia closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Get out," she replied, her fists shaking.
    "Get out!" she repeated, pointing at the door.
    Ares gritted his teeth, but moved to leave the room.
    "I'm doing this for your own good, Hestia," he insisted, before closing the door behind him.


    Ares groaned as he entered his shared room, hazel eyes following him from a twin sized bed as he slumped down onto his own bed. "What happened?"
    "Sam happened."

    The bronze-skinned teen sat up. "He's here?"
    "No," Ares replied, throwing his arm over his eyes. "He just left."
    "You argued with her again, didn't you?"

    "I can't help it." Ares sighed, sitting up to face his roommate. "Why are you even friends with that bugger, Haziq?"
    "You know, he's not that bad once you get to know him," Haziq said. "He's just a terrible boyfriend."
    "I wouldn't consider someone who constantly breaks young girls' hearts "a nice person"."
    Haziq looked like he wanted to give Ares a witty retort but just settled with, "He's my friend."

    Ares inhaled. "I know, and I'm sorry. But he just rubs me off the wrong way whenever I see how he's impacted those girls. They didn't deserve that— no one deserves that."
    "Come 'ere," Haziq tapped on the empty space beside him.
    Ares sighed, but walked over to the eighteen year old anyway.
    "Don't worry about Tia," Haziq said as Ares leaned into his touch.

    "She'll be alright," Haziq promised, rubbing Ares's shoulder in a comforting manner. "Don't forget, she's family to me, too, okay?"

    Ares nodded, cracking a small smile. "Thanks, Haziq."
    The bronze-skinned teen shook his head, his dark hair flying. "You don't need to thank me."

    "But I want to though," Ares insisted, resting his hand on Haziq's knee. "You and your family have done so much for my sister and I."
    "In that case, I guess I'll be able to think of a few ways you could thank me," Haziq grinned, his perfect teeth shining in the moonlight.
    The teenager leaned forward, gently cupping Ares's cheeks in his hands.

    Ares smile widened everytime Haziq leaned in for another kiss and they both found themselves lying on the bed, both of them a tangle of limbs and matching heartbeats. Not kissing, but enjoying each other's company. Ares laid awake, smiling at his boyfriend's unconscious state.
    "How was I so lucky to have met you?" Ares wondered out loud.

    "Wake up!"
    Ares jerked his head to the door, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw that it was still closed.
    That sounded like Hestia, he thought, slowly untangling himself from the unconscious body beside him.
    The curly-haired teenager shut his eyes as the room began to spin underneath him...

    "—Ares, wake up!"
    The said boy shot up, crying out when his head came into contact with his sister's.
    "Ouch," Hestia cried, rubbing her sore forehead. "Is it just me or does your head get harder and harder over the years?"
    Ares groaned. "Is there any reason why you've chosen to assault me so early in the morning?"

    "It's almost noon."
    "Why am I awake then?" he asked, hiding back under the covers.
    The young adult yelped as his sister impatiently yanked the thick quilt off  his body. "Get up," she ordered.
    "Alice said that they might've found out a way to get our memories back."

    "Mmm," Ares hummed, closing his eyes.
    "For Gods' sake!" The dark haired girl exclaimed, flicking her brother's forehead.
    "Ow!" Ares sat up, glarring daggers at his younger sister.
    Who smiled as if saying, that's what you get for not listening to me.
    "What was that for?" he demanded, annoyed.

    "We've found a way to get our memories back," Hestia repeated, crossing her arms.
    "Why didn't you say that earlier?" Ares asked, jumping off the bed. "Let's go."
    Hestia sighed, following after her brother. "Honestly, why do I even bother?"


    "Let me get this straight, Regina found a dreamcatcher that contained some of Henry's memories from Camelot in Emma's house this morning. And all we know is that we somehow managed to find Merlin in Camelot but we have no idea where he is, or any memory of what happened to him?"
    "That about sums it up," Killian replied, resting his hands on the table top.

    Ares turned to glare at his sister. "I was woken up for that?"

    "Not just that, we've also been given a name of the person who can help us find him," Mary Margaret added.
    "And their name is?"
    "Nimue," David answered.
    "Did Merlin give us her location? Or how we'll be able to find her?"
    Mary Margaret's face fell ever so slightly. "Well, no. But—"

    "Perfect," Ares replied, his voice dripping with scarasm.
    Gods of Olympus, can't these people do anything right? Ares wondered.
    "At least we're working on it, boy," Killian pointed out. "What have you done to help us so far, other than sit around in your shop?"

    Ares frowned at the raven-haired man's jab at his source of income. "Watch it, pirate."

    "At least I'm not dating the Rumpelstiltskin copy," he shot back.
    David and Mary Margaret visibly flinched at Ares's statement, but Killian spoke up before anyone else could correct him.
    "Let me kill him," Killian sneered as David pulled the pirate back.

    David grunted as Killian's struggle caused the corner of the table to dig into his side. "Fighting the boy will not prove your point."
    "Yes, but it will make me feel a lot better," Killian replied, struggling in David's grip.

    "Try me pirate—" Ares challenged, placing his hand over his belt. Hestia glanced down at the his hand, her eyes widening when she spotted the dull glint of a sword's hilt resting inside a scabbard attached to Ares's belt. "—I'll run you through with my sword before you even lift your hook up."

    "Let go of me so I can teach this lad why he shouldn't threaten pirates," Killian growled.
    "Calm down, Killian," David cautioned, pulling the raven-haired man back again. "Now's not the time or place to argue with the boy."
    "No," Ares disagreed, shaking his head. "Let him."

    The younger man began to unsheath his sword, but stopped when he felt a small hand placed over his. He glanced up, narrowing his eyes when he saw the culprit.
    "Remove your hand, Hestia," Ares warned.
    "No," his sister firmly replied, matching Ares's glare with one of her own.

    "David is right," she hissed, pushing her brother's sword back into its scabbard. "Now's not the time to argue."
    "Thank you." David nodded gratefully in Hestia's direction. "Now, back to what I was saying, Arthur tried to burn the Crimson Crown—"
    Hestia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "He lied to us?"
    David nodded once more.

    "But why?" the young girl asked. "What does he have to gain by burning it?"
    "That's what we're trying to find out," Henry replied.
    "Where's Emma?" Lewis asked.
    "We don't know."
    "She wasn't at home when Regina left," David added on.
    Well that was helpful, Ares thought.

    "So what's the plan?" Hestia asked. "What are we going to do?"
    "Hook and I are going to look for Arthur. The rest of you will help Alice and Belle—" David gestured towards the two brunettes who were both standing behind two dozen ancient-looking books stacked on top of each other. "—look through all the spell and mythology books for any mention of Nimue."

    Ares's flinched, feeling Will's hot breath on his cheek as the said boy peered over Ares's shoulder to glance at the dusty books. "Are these all of them?"
    The two bookworms shook their head.

  "There's more on the coffee table," Belle replied, causing Ares to groan inwardly.

    "This is going to take awhile," Isaac muttered.
    You got that right, kid, Ares sighed. You got that right.


This has got to be the least suspenseful cliffhanger I've ever written. I honestly didn't know if you guys would be relieved or mildly disappointed. Hopefully it isn't the latter. Also, what did you guys think of this chapter? I'm dabbling with third person POV to see if I've gotten any better at it.

How many of you already knew/guessed that Ares was gay? Probably a lot of you guys (especially BlameItOnSpring I see you in the comments section 😏)  since Troye is openly gay, and cause' his character has some of his personality.

I've been waiting so long to introduce you all to the Collins siblings' backstory, you have no idea 😂 you can probably tell that I love writing and creating my characters' backstories. Other than the fact that backstories are the most important part, I also love showing you all how their traits and personalities are shaped.

I haven't started writing the next chapter, but I'll get started as soon as I get inspiration. Just a heads up, the next few chapters will be revolving around Ares and Hestia's backstory. I might include Peter in the future chapters if you guys want 😏

Well, that's all for this A/N, till next time

~ Alice xx


Are you guys annoyed by the random changes in POV? Cause I feel like it's bothersome for me to keep switching from first person POV to third person POV.


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3


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