Cheeky girl gets nothing for her troubles

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Jack sat at his and Katherine's kitchen counter drawing on a clean sheet of paper while Katherine sat across from him typing an article. They had been quite for a while the only sounds filling the apartment were the faint scratch of his pencil and the tap-tap of her typewriter. After about a half hour of his Katherine suddenly grinned.

"I'm done!" She said stretching her arms above her head, "Well all done except the title" she added tapping her fingers absent mindedly. Jack glanced up at her and shrugged, her article was on why house wives should be able to be a mother and still have a paying job. Only a half step better from reviewing flower shows (but Jack would never tell her that) she eyed him for a moment then leaned across the counter to get his attention. He looked up at her there was a small smirk on her face. "Ya know, I'm kinda sick of writing and you've been drawing for a long time, we should... take a break."

"And do what?" He asked, she placed a hand under her chin and looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"Anything" she said, her bare foot hooked around his leg and slid down to his ankle, her eyes were an un-spoken question. 'Oh, that's what she wants' he thought he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his drawing. He wasn't really in the mood right know, which was saying a lot considering he was usually the one who was on top of that sort of thing. But right know he didn't want to do anything but sit and draw, he wanted her to continue writing, he like listening to the clicking if the keys.

"Not in the mood" he mumbled, she sighed and started taping her fingers again.

"Come on Jack, I need to find a title to this story and maybe you could offer some... inspiration." She said her foot rubbing his leg again.

"You want at title?" Jack asked "Here's one for you, cheeky girl gets nothing for her troubles." Katherine's mouth fell open with shock. Jack could almost feel the air sizzle with that burn. Oh revenge was sweet! Katherine closed her mouth and cleared her throat and stood up.

"Well then, if cheeky boy has no inspiration for cheeky girl then perhaps cheeky boy could look for some while he sleeps on the couch tonight." She said, it was the air around Jack that sizzled now. She tossed her hair over one shoulder and headed for the bedroom door.

"Hey wait" Jack said catching her hand as she walked by. "Maybe cheeky boy can offer some inspiration." He said pulling her close. Katherine smirked and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Cheek girl does get something for her troubles!"

Authors note- Very short, but very fun to read! (I hope) Thanks for reading my stuff you are all THE best!! Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think! Hope you like it! I don't own anything.

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