Entry #6: Burger & Fries

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I had been running this biker's hub for more than 10 years. After everything this place had been through, I could say there was no stopping me from the inevitable unless of course, I died.

But this... This was inevitable.

Standing in front of me was my fuming ex-girlfriend and a child?

"Rook," she deadpanned as she saw me emerging from the kitchen. It had been a quiet Monday night until the intrusion.

I raised an eyebrow whilst eyeing her companion. "Odessa? What brings you here?"

"Huh, I didn't think you'd remember me from all the women you've been with," she answered a little bitterly.

"Don't patronize me, Odessa. You know too well what happens around here."

She scoffed, and I could see the hurt evident in her eyes. Her composure dwindled but she fought it off. "Can I talk to you in private?"


Looking behind her shoulder, she managed to give her companion a soft smile. "Stay right here, Rae. Mommy will be right back."

Mommy? A lot of questions had been raised. I never thought I would see the day. We had been through some wild times. It was just unexpected of her to give birth.

Odessa signaled for me to follow her. She managed to lead me into my office which impressed me because she still remembered. This place hadn't changed. Closing the door behind us, her eyes were set ablaze with determination at the fact she needed something from me.

"Look, I know we haven't fixed how we left things off six years ago. I'm leaving for a job outside of this town and was hoping I could leave Rae with you." She just laid everything on me like it was that fucking easy.

It didn't sit well with me. "You're leaving that kid here with me? Don't you think she's better off with his father?"

She didn't answer right away. Her eyes wandered around the office, not keeping any eye contact with me. After confidently barging into my territory. She was now cowering in fear. It didn't make sense at all.

"Why can't you look me in the face, Odessa? This isn't a daycare center for you to just drop your kid off and be done with it."

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't your child too," she emphasized. Her eyes brimming with tears.

There was this sudden rush of anger. For her to accuse me of such recklessness. "You're joking, right? I would never be that irresponsible," I chided.

"I loved you, Rook. There was no one else," she confessed.

"Don't drop that on me," I warned her.

She grabbed my hand with both of hers and started begging. "Please, Rook. I need to leave this town. There's nothing here for me. I'm in so much shit right now. My mom just passed and all these debts keep piling up." Her tears fell as she held on tight, waiting for me to reconsider. I instantly felt sorry for her. However, this place wasn't fit for a child.

"Just give me a few months or maybe a year to fix this. You're all I have, Rook. I dreaded this day so much. I wasn't planning to bother you with this kind of burden. I'm really desperate," she pleaded.

"How much do you need?"

"No, I can't take your money."

I took a deep breath and repeated, "How much money do you need, Odessa?"

"I-I need around fifty grand."

"I don't have that kind of money right now. But what I can offer tonight is a place to stay and some food. Let's talk more in the morning," I ended the conversation for it had been a long day for me.

"Thank you, Rook. Do you want to meet her?"

I only nodded in response. We headed out and saw that Rae was preoccupied with the guys that worked for me. They were feeding her a huge burger with a huge side of fries. She was all smiles as she bit into the burger. Her mouth too small to even fit one bite.

The resemblance was uncanny, I observed. It was a young version of me but in girl form. There was no doubt she was mine. How come I didn't notice right away? I was immediately drawn in when a slice of pickle fell from her mouth and laughed when she saw her mess.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered, hoping Odessa could hear me.

Odessa stopped walking. Looking up to me, she gave me the saddest smile. "I knew you wouldn't want this kind of life with me. That's why I left."

"Why didn't you stay and find out?" My throat started hurting. Did I want that kind of life with her? I never told Odessa that I loved her before but we somehow made it work for a few years together.

She laughed with such emptiness, "Are you really asking me that?"


Our heads snapped at her direction and saw her mouth was now covered in ketchup. Odessa chuckled as I held all my emotions in. She wiped Rae's mouth with a napkin. Their interaction suddenly gave me the chills just imagining to have a family of my own.

"Big boss! Didn't know you had a kid. She's cute," Tike commented a little too carelessly.

Glaring him down, he got the message that I wasn't fucking around today and rushed back into the kitchen.

"Rae? Remember when you asked me you wanted to meet your father?"

The girl nodded, "Is he finally going to play with me today, mommy?"

Odessa turned to me, waiting for a reaction. I didn't know what gave it away but the small smile from her lips meant that she was grateful.

"Yes. Are you ready to meet him?"

"Yes! I want to show him my toy motorbikes."

"Motorbikes?" The corner of my lip lifted in amusement.

What was Odessa teaching this girl?

"Rae, come meet your daddy Rook."


It had been a week after the whole fiasco happened. Odessa was out during the day to find a job. When she came back from job hunting, she would help out around the diner, serving my friends some beer. I wasn't comfortable with the idea of her prancing around my territory but the tips she got helped. As for Rae, she had been helping out inside the kitchen. I didn't know where that girl got a hold of edible flowers, but she had been placing them all over the food. My patrons think I had gone soft for even allowing an old fling with a child might I add back into my life.

"Tike!" I called out.

"Yes, big boss?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose from the stress I had been dealing with the past week. "Where the hell did that little girl get the flowers?"

"It came from my wife's garden. I told her about Rae helping around the kitchen. It should keep her busy throughout the day. Don't worry about it. The guys are a big fan of her. You should see her interact with them. To be honest, she keeps the place a little peaceful," Tike praised.

I grunted in defeat. "As long as I don't get complaints."

"Not a problem!" He assured me. After giving me a mock salute, he went back to the kitchen.

There was no use scolding a little girl. I didn't want to make her cry. I had warmed up to her in the last couple of days. She seemed unbothered with strong my appearance. Odessa had confessed that she couldn't believe how happy Rae looked these past few days. Rae used to be so quiet since she used to be with her sick grandmother who didn't have the energy to play with her. Odessa was usually out most of the day trying to work for some money so they could survive the week.

Since the place wasn't as busy, I opted out to help in the kitchen. I called Rae over the bar and asked her what she wanted to do.

Rae contemplated her options. She had been up since early this morning, working hard to help around the place. There were still a few weeks of summer left before she went back to school again.

"Daddy, is it okay if we watch cartoons?"

Her big doe eyes captivated me right that instant and without hesitation, I told her that it was okay. She gave me a big smile, grabbing my hand as she waited for me to guide her upstairs.

Was I doing the right thing?

Having them around wasn't so bad. I don't think I would ever be ready with a relationship. But then again, I could be wrong.

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