Chapter Twenty-Two: Dueling of Desperation

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Harry was growing impatient.

Draco appeared exhausted, ill, and was becoming even more reclusive than normal. That panic attack Draco had experienced was never brought up again; the news article that triggered it, however, was another matter...

The students gossiped and whispered. Several letters were sent to Minerva, demanding explanations and expressing concerns. Some were more aggressive in their opinions, but Minerva ignored them. The board of governors had already agreed to Draco's employment at Hogwarts before the school year began, they certainly knew of his past, and they saw no reason to intervene...

Fearing that Draco would resign and flee the country, however, sent Harry grappling, fighting heart against mind on whether or not to approach him. It drove him nuts not knowing if Draco would leave the next day, or the next...

Miraculously, Harry's resolve held (barely), and two weeks crawled by.

Draco was still there teaching.

Harry continued waiting.

Harry was waiting for Draco to come to him, anticipating that he would, eventually, but Harry was getting jittery. He'd almost gone to the dungeons several times before turning around and convincing himself to wait. Harry wasn't used to sitting on his hands and doing nothing, leaving things to fate. It was extremely difficult for him to stay resolved. If Draco wasn't ready and Harry pushed, Draco would only become more difficult to reach.

On Friday, January 21st, Harry awoke with his heart pounding, feeling sick, and covered in sweat (again). His nightmares became more frequent, and while they remained mostly the same, they also had Draco screaming at him that he could never love him. Draco would then flee Great Britain, and Voldemort would take possession of Harry as they always ended.

Not wanting to face Minerva's sharp tongue again, Harry dragged himself to breakfast that morning. The woman in question gave him a long look of concern when he only nibbled on a piece of toast and drank three cups of coffee. He ignored her concerns. His first lesson was not until nine-fourty, so he had plenty of time to use the loo before then, and he needed coffee to get through the day. Food was not sitting right in his stomach, to which he blamed it on his nightmares, lack of sleep, and all the emotions surrounding his thoughts of Draco. Fortunately, Harry only had two classes today: Second-year Slytherin and Gryffindor, and third-year Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. He'd be finished by twelve-thirty and able to retreat to his private quarters.

Draco sat at the opposite end of the dining table, to Filius' right, glumly picking at his own breakfast. Harry swore he felt the moment Draco had entered the Great Hall that morning. Harry's head snapped up as he'd watched Draco sit in his new position at the table, ignoring Harry completely.

Two weeks ago, when Harry first realised that Draco and Neville had swapped seats, a sharp pain almost caused him to react akin to being punched in the gut. The action served as a cruel reminder of Draco's rejection. Harry would rather Draco had punched him. It would have hurt less!

Harry glanced down the table at Draco. He wasn't surprised to see the blond quickly look away. When Draco knew Harry was watching, Draco ignored him completely, but at other times, Draco would stare at him as if he wanted to say something... to ask something.

Before breakfast ended, Minerva cleared her throat. Harry winced internally, expecting more damn questions regarding his behaviour ... but, they never came. Instead, Minerva asked for all the house heads to meet her that evening in the staff room after curfew. She wanted to apprise them of the details regarding Mr Silas Avery and his upcoming trial.

Harry had almost forgotten about Mr Avery.
He was still feeling the guilt of failing to see what was going on at Hogwarts, right under his nose, and he still blamed himself for how deeply corrupted Silas had become. If only he had done something sooner...

Silas had been escorted from Hogwarts and arrested on Wednesday the 5th of January, just over two weeks ago. It had been the same night that Harry had quoted those shared words between Tau and Padfoot to Draco. The very same night that Harry had desperately confessed his love to Draco and was rejected.

At ten past eight, Harry quickly poured himself another cup of coffee, before the house elves vanished breakfast, downing his fourth cup as the staff began to leave the Great Hall. Harry caught Draco's attention on him for a fleeting second as the blond turned to depart. The concern in Draco's eyes, on the other hand, frustrated Harry immensely...

Anger and desperation mixed in equal measure. Harry wanted to run after Draco and both punch the fucking twat in the face, and pin him to the wall and snog some sense into him. He wanted to shake Draco until he stopped acting like a fuckwit. There wasn't enough coffee in the world to erase the mental exhaustion this was causing him, and he would have cried if he wasn't supposed to be a grown man, a teacher, and the head of Gryffindor house.

Harry strode to his private quarters, trying desperately to get his head on straight and prepare for his first lesson, but his indignation at Draco was hard to shake.

Harry had given Draco his space. It was clear that the blond git was avoiding him; but he knew Draco, knew the man must be going insane as well. It reminded him of the conversation he overheard between the Ravenclaw students yesterday...

Harry had been about to open the door to begin the lesson when he heard the students mention Draco. He couldn't help but listen at the door, risking the late start to classes.

"I've never seen Professor Malfoy do it though, but then again, he hasn't been at Hogwarts long, has he."

"He was at the battle of Hogwarts, a Death Eater though."

"Yes, but he was exonerated! I rather like him, you know. He doesn't seem like the type does he?"

"No, he doesn't. I heard he was forced into it... but I don't want to get into that; my point is that he didn't realise the lesson was over until we spoke up and announced it was ten minutes over. It was like watching Mr. Potter."

"Do you believe that the teachers' minds were damaged mentally during the war?"

"It's conceivable. The other day, even Professor McGonagall appeared distant, staring down at her desk motionless. You know how perceptive she usually is; she didn't even realize Emily had changed her table into a pig until mayhem assumed."

"It is strange. Professor Longbottom's parents went insane due to the cruciatus curse in the first war, and we know he fought in the second one. I've seen him lose track of his thoughts before shaking it off and asking what he was saying."

"Exactly! We also know Professor Flitwick does something very similar too, but he always apologies and says that he was remembering lives lost and a time when things were most difficult. The war obviously, but did you hear about that Slytherin student, Silas Avery? I heard-"

Harry choose that moment to open the door and begin the lesson because he didn't want to hear anything else, and despite the fact that he'd spent half of it lost in thought, his students had not mentioned it during class.

Draco's actions belied his rejection and his determination to avoid Harry. The students noticed something was amiss with their Potions professor. Draco would scrutinize Harry, or stare whenever he thought Harry was not looking. There was also a few instances when Draco had opened his mouth slightly, and then closed it and made a hasty retreat.

Draco couldn't seem to stop himself. That, right there, gave Harry hope.
But, was he a fool to hope that this would end the way he wanted it too?

Harry began to worry that he was mistaken, that Draco was more stubborn than he thought and would not confront him as he expected the blond to do.

It made Harry restless.


During the staff meeting that evening, coin-grey eyes stared at Harry from the other side of the room. Those stunning eyes, as usual, averted quickly when met with bright green ones. Draco returned his full attention to Minerva as the headmistress continued to apprise them, and Harry sighed.

"It will take place at eight in the morning, on Saturday the 29th January." Minerva said.

Harry and Draco's eyes suddenly met then, the same thought loud in their minds. The 29th was the day that 'Padfoot' and 'Tau' had agreed to meet at Le'Amortentia.

Wasn't that ironic!

Draco had a scrutinizing look in his squinted eyes before tearing them away, frowning down at his pale hands. Harry sometimes wished he knew what Draco was thinking, but, right now, he was almost positive that he knew what it would be regarding.

Harry contemplated whether he should use the Le'Amortentia Parchment that had been gathering dust on his bedside table. He wondered if Draco would even look at his own, or if it was even a good idea to do so.

As the clock ticked, a burning desire to check the parchment overcame him. Harry needed to check that Draco hadn't written anything. Becoming restless, the moment Minerva finally dismissed them, Harry rushed to the door...

Draco, it appeared, desired a quick exit as well...

They nearly bumped into each other at the door. The unanticipated proximity between them was surprising; they stood quite near to each other, and their gazes latched onto each other in a stupor.

It was the first time they had shared breathing space since January 5th.
They both had a lot they desired to say, but either was terrified to speak or were at a loss for words.

They didn't even notice the rest of the staff manoeuvring around them as they quietly made their exit. Minerva was the last to leave, looking back and hoping that her two foolish lads would finally figure things out. It was a wonder she had any tea and biscuits left with how often Harry or Draco were in her office lately in need of a confidential ear. She listened, offered advice, but honestly? They needed their heads banged together! If anyone deserved happiness though, it was those two.

Draco's lips opened with words or questions that never came, as was typical these days. Harry could see the physical struggle that Draco was going through, the invisible fight against desire and fear. Harry silently stood there, not daring to move or breathe too loudly, hoping that Draco would finally overcome his barriers if Harry didn't scare him away...

Hoping just wasn't enough though... Draco's mouth snapped shut and he immediately tried to leave the staff room.

Harry, on the other hand, had finally had enough and refused to step aside and let Draco pass this time. He couldn't sit idle any longer, Harry's impulsiveness had finally won out.

As Draco tried again to physically move Harry from the doorway, Harry shoved him aside. "Just stop, Draco! Just stop it and ask me!" Harry shouted.

Harry knew that Draco wanted to ask him if he was Padfoot - he was damn sure of it. All the times Draco had been about to open his mouth - it was obvious!

"Move, Potter!" Draco spat, his rage rising in response to Harry's arrogance and impertinence. He felt justified in his fury, it was far easier to feel than the dread that tried to suffocate him. He couldn't bring himself to ask the damn question! He couldn't! He despised himself for it, but ignorance was his ward, his refuge! He refused to let Harry deprive him of it! He wasn't as strong as Harry to acquire what he desired and damn the consequences! And what he desired was fucking impossible!

"Just ask me!" Harry loudly repeated, standing his ground so that Draco could not runaway this time. Harry knew he was prodding a sleeping dragon, probably a bad idea, but he was so bloody tired of doing nothing.

"Move out of my way!" Draco growled and drew his wand. Asking questions would change nothing! He wouldn't! He couldn't!

Being cornered and confronted in this manner only intensified Draco's panic. Draco felt trapped. It enraged him, screwed with his mind, and Draco desperately needed to get away from Harry.

Harry's magic reared to life, eager to aid Harry's intentions, and a shield-like wall rippled behind him creating a magical barrier.

"Fine! If you won't ask me, then I'll just answer it anyway!" Harry shouted, his magic empowering him.

"Don't make me use this, Potter!" Draco shouted. The wand shook in Draco's hand and the fear was bright in his eyes. Utter desperation was fuelling Draco's actions, as if he were a caged wild animal.

"You can't keep ignoring the fact that I'm Padf-

"Stupefy!" Draco yelled, preventing Harry from finishing.

Despite his surprise at Draco's quick attack, and the fact that Draco had attacked him at all, Harry managed to create a shield in time. The Stupefy jinx bounced off Harry's defence shield and crashed into one of the bookcases, causing several books to fly off the shelves.

Draco avoided the rebounding jinx, breathing heavily over near the wall, but his wand was still aimed at Harry. Draco, terrified of the consequences of the truth and of acting on his desires refused to confront them. Harry, on the other hand, didn't know when to let things go. Draco let his rage consume him, and he unleashed a barrage of spells.

"Stupefy! Expelliarmus! Confringo!" Draco yelled violently.

Draco's fury was directed at the injustice that was Harry fucking Potter, as well as Harry's unbelievable magical talent. Draco let his wrath dull everything else he was feeling, let it shield him from that which would seek to harm or cripple him.

As a result of the blasting curse's effect, Harry stumbled backwards into the hallway. The aggression of Draco's spells shocked him, and Harry realise he pushed Draco too far. Harry didn't have time to dwell on the regret that had begun to creep up on him because Draco wasn't ready to stop his assault.

Draco was no amateur, and as Harry kept avoiding the barrage of spells he sent at him, Draco's spells only became more violent and enraged.

"Incendio!" Draco roared.

"Aguamenti!" Harry met the fire spell with the water charm. For a brief moment, their view in the empty hallway was obscured by hot steam as the spells collided.

It was in those few seconds, however, that Draco shouted - "Diffindo!"

Harry was caught off guard by the severing charm, unaware of the counter. Despite his best efforts, the charm tore through his jacket and long-sleeved shirt, and sliced into the upper part of his wand arm...

"Frangereturos!" Draco yelled, aiming his wand at Harry's legs.

The bone breaking curse! Harry internally swore as he dived away from the speeding red beam, rolling on the floor.

"Crucio!" Draco screamed in pure rage.


And then Harry heard Krum's voice echoing the curse- "Crucio!"

Cedric screamed.

Harry ran through the dark maze, trying desperately to find him. He had to save Cedric!

As Harry turned the next corner of the maze he tripped right over the dead form of Cedric Diggory.

Harry screamed and sobbed, mourning his failure to protect Cedric, another life he couldn't save, but then a terrible voice echoed loudly in his ears.

Bellatrix bellowed - "ANSWER ME! CRUCIO!"

Hermione's screams echoed in the dark, and he could hear Ron sobbing. Harry didn't want to leave Cedric there, but he could do nothing for Cedric now, he could only find Hermione and save her.

He had to save her!

As Harry ran aimlessly through the eerie maze, rounding another corner, he collided with Voldemort.

Voldemort raised his wand. "Crucio!"

Harry had never felt such excruciating pain before; his eyeballs were whirling ferociously in their sockets, his bones felt like they were on fire, and all he wanted was for it to stop... to black out.... to die.

And then the pain was gone, and Harry fell to the ground shaking.

"Harry!" Voldemort voice hissed like a distant echo.

"Where is she? What have you done with Hermione?"

Harry tried to get up, but he had been bound. "Let me go! HERMIONE!"




Harry fought against his ropes, but then he realised it was human arms that held him. His vision was playing tricks on him, the dark maze bled into a damaged corridor made of brick. He couldn't breathe, his chest was tight and un-expanding...

He needed air!

"Breath Harry!"

'Who was that? Who was holding him?' Harry thought, desperately trying to identify the familiar voice of a man he could not see.

Harry took a deep breath as the speaker directed, battled to clear his vision, and looked at the man... there! Blonde hair and grey eyes. Harry tightened his grip on the garments this familiar man was wearing. He only knew that this man was his lifeline... his oasis in the midst of chaos.

"Drink Harry!" The voice ordered.

Harry's double vision vaguely made out an opalescent glass potion bottle in the shape of a tear. It was forced to his lips, and he drank without knowing why he trusted this man.

Harry's breathing became more even as he felt the potion take effect. It took him a moment to recall where they were, what they were doing, and who he was with.

"Episkey Secare." Draco quietly spoke the incantation to cure the gash on Harry's arm. Draco then moaned helplessly. "I am so sorry, Harry."

Draco put his face in his hands, and Harry could hear him sobbing quietly. They were still in the damaged Hallway, and Harry was surprised that no one had come running. They were sat on the freezing floor, only illuminated by the light of a single flame atop a tall pillar. The flame would only go out once there were no teachers left in the hallway.

Harry let out a sigh. He was tired, and his blood loss made him a little light-headed, yet his magic had not diminished much. He began fixing the damage from where he sat, using wand and wandless magic. The corridor quickly appeared as if nothing had happened, but Harry knew the staffroom would be in a state of disarray. He'd get to that later.

Harry's attention returned to Draco. The man was dispirited, broken, and Harry's heart ached for him.

"I never meant to push you so hard." Harry whispered, just loud enough for Draco to hear him. "I never meant to corner you."

Draco sniffed, rubbed his eyes, and looked twice at the now-repaired Hallway. He snorted without humour and then shook his head. "Nothing matters now, Harry... or should I say... Padfoot." Grey-eyes stared at Harry for a moment before averting away. "I used a forbidden curse. I will be sent to prison, where I belong."

There was silence for moment, before Harry spoke. "It didn't work."


"It didn't work, Draco. You didn't want to torture me. That spell only works if you mean it. I never felt any pain."

"I sent you into a panic attack. I spoke the incantation-"

"Doesn't matter." Harry cut Draco off. "It didn't work, and I certainly won't be telling anyone you tried to cast it."


Harry chuckled weakly. "You know why." Harry looked at Draco with love in his eyes. "Besides. I'd rather avoid Minerva's scolding thank-you. That woman is a menace."

Draco shuddered.

They sat there silently for a while, thinking. The light flicked, and shadow danced in the darkness. Then they heard foot-steps.

"Quick!" Harry rushed to his feet, dragging Draco up with him.

"We're teachers."


Harry dragged Draco around the corner and came to a sudden halt in front of a sphinx statue. Without further ado, Harry murmured a password: "Corvus sapienssum."

Behind the statue, a gap in the wall emerged, and Harry pushed Draco into it before following him. The door closed just as the footsteps came around the corner.

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