Step one: Make someone apologize for something

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This is my new book! I hope you like it!
If you see a mistake please point it out so I can fix it!

Cherry's outfit

Step one in progress.

New school, new hair, new house. New doors that I will soon open. And new floors that I will soon fall on.

Is the floor standing up or am I falling down?
I don't think floors can stand up, so you're probably falling down!
Yeah, you were right Berry, I am falling down!

Hello floor. You're so smooth and shiny. So cold and white. You're so sticky. Wait, why are you sticky? Ew, gross!

Oh, I'm still on the floor. Well then you should probably get off the floor! Shut up, Berry!

Berry lives inside of me. Berry is the opposite of me, first of all, he's an ugly boy and I'm a beautiful girl! He doesn't exist and I do. He's mean and I'm not, well sometimes I am. He uses my brain because I don't. And I can't think of anymore. But you probably get what I'm trying to say, I mean write!

But I listen to Berry because the floor is gross. When I stand up I see a handsome boy with brown hair looking down on me.

"You dropped somethin'," I tell the boy.
He must've not understood what I said since he looked very confused.

"You dropped your apology on the floor" I say to the boy while pointing at the floor.
He still looked very confused.

"Pick up your apology and give it to me," I tell him again.
Finally he bends down and slowly picks up his apology (it was a coin) and gives it to me.

"Apology accepted," I say to him.
Then I hug him. He doesn't hug back.

"Hug me back or I won't let go," I say into his shirt.
He hugs back immediately. Then lets go and turns around.

"Wait don't go yet! What's your name?!" I yell.
He turns around

"Quince!" He yells back

"I'm Cherry!" I yell
Isn't Quince a fruit? Last time I checked Quince was a fruit not a name. Your name is also a fruit, Cherry! So is yours, Berry!

I have now made my first friend.

Step one completed

Hi I'm Kaya, I hope you liked this chapter!

This is Quince, he's played by Gregg Sulkin

This is what a quince looks like

I love you Weirdo Kats!

Next chapter
Ask a shy looking girl something

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