Chapter. 3

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I stared at the screen of my phone while laying on my bed. It was her number, Aya's number. I've never had a contact in my phone that wasn't my parents, or relatives. It was weird but, I liked it. It made me felt wanted as if I finally did have a friend to call my own. Even if I didn't like her all that much, it was nice.

I could almost feel a smile growing upon my lips but it soon faded as my door was opened, making me throw my phone which made me pale in shock. But, luckily it hit the wall and landed softly onto my bed. Before thinking I checked to make sure the screen was okay, and shockingly, it was.

I looked up to see my mother raising her brow at me in suspicion with a hand on her hip. She looked at my phone, then at me, and of course at my wall too. She stood there silent for a minute, and I could tell she let whatever she thought about go as she opened her mouth to speak.

"I need you to go to the store for me. I forgot some things that we need for supper tonight. Please go get them."

"But mom, it's already dark out. Why do I have to go?" I asked as she sighed and told me that I should at least do something and get out of the house.
I tried to protest but it was quickly shut down and I soon found myself outside of the house with money and a list in my hand.

"Why me?" I groaned and started to walk to the nearest store. I didn't mind having to go get groceries, but doesn't mom know how dangerous it is for a young girl to be out so late at night all alone? I just have to hurry, it is only a fifteen minute walk away, so I'll be fine.

Finally after quite a bit of walking, I was at the store. I browsed the isles for the items that we needed for dinner, and grabbed them. But for some reason I felt like I was being watched. As if someone was staring into my soul.
I looked around and spotted a middle aged man staring at me. He looked like he had just gotten off of work, and was clearly drunk.
I looked away and went to pay for my items. But from the corner of my vision, I could see that his pitch black eyes were following me.

I felt uneasy as my hands started to shake. This is why I shouldn't come out this late at night alone. Why didn't I tell my mother that this could happen? How could I be so dumb?
I decided to stay inside the store, but I knew it would be closing soon. I didn't have much time. I could call my mom, but she would think I was just overthinking. I didn't want to look like a fool just because of some drunk guy staring at me.

Finally, after about ten minutes I worked up the courage and walked out of the store. I looked behind me after a few minutes and didn't see anyone follow. I sighed out in relief and continued to walk. After another few minutes of silence, I started to hear distant footsteps. I froze. I turned my head slightly and saw the wrinkled suit of the drunk man. Fear took over my body which quickly turned into adrenaline once I saw his face. He was smiling creepily as his black eyes stared right at me. I knew what was going to happen if I stayed. And I knew it was a bad idea to go straight to my house. I didn't want this man to know where I lived. I needed to go anywhere but here. I had to escape him.

Without thinking, I ran. I ran through an alley way and heard his footsteps get louder and faster, as did my own. I ran through the streets making different turns and twists whenever I could to try and lose him. But I was running out of energy. He was going to catch me soon. I needed to find a place to hide. I came upon a clearing that showed a little kids park, and made the decision to hide there. I looked around and noticed the man was no where to be seen. This was my chance.
I climbed up into one of the plastic little buildings and covered my mouth as I tried to calm down.

The only thoughts that ran through my head were, what if he finds me? What will happen to me? What do I do?

I looked around and still saw no sign of him. After catching my breath, and was finally able to think rationally, I remembered something.
I had Aya's number. I quickly pulled out my phone and pressed on her name as it started to ring.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"A-Aya.. It's me. I.. I need your help!"
I whispered out as I heard her rustle out of most likely her bed and heard her run through her house.

"Chuu where are you? I'm on my way!"

I told her I was at the park that was near my house. And without a single word I heard her leave through her front door. For a moment, I felt so relieved. But that was quickly cut short till I heard footsteps that weren't coming from my phone, but right next to me. I looked out as my eyes widened in shock and fear.
The man was here.

"Chuu? Chuu!-"

I quickly hung up my phone and covered my mouth once again. I leaned as far back as I could against the plastic wall and shut my eyes as tightly as I could. His footsteps were slow and were getting closer and closer, as I felt the tears begin to form in my eyes. This was going to be the end. I wasn't able to make a friend, or to eat my mother's delicious cooking, I didn't get to tell my parents how much I loved them. I wasn't able to do all the things I wish I could have. I don't want it to end like this.

"Officers! Over here! That's the man right there!" A loud, familiar voice yelled as I heard the man whisper "Dammit!" under his breath as he quickly ran away from where I was. I blinked as I sat there frozen. Soon, I heard softer footsteps approach me as someone whispered out,

"Chuu? Where are you?"

It was Aya, and she was alone. There weren't any police officers, she lied and put herself at risk to save me. As I heard her voice, I couldn't help but let my tears fall. I climbed out and fell into her arms as I wailed into her shoulder. She didn't say a word. Her annoying personality was no where to be seen as she hugged me tightly and rubbed my head for comfort. We both lowered ourselves to the ground as I continued to cry for what felt like hours.

Finally, once I calmed down and looked up at her, she smiled and told me everything would be okay and that she would walk me home. On the walk home, I felt safe. She held my hand the whole way, and even once she was at my door, I didn't let go of her hand.

"Thank you.. for coming to help me." I spoke and gave a small smile as the door behind me opened and my mother hit my head with a spatula making me groan in slight pain, as I held my head.

"Why are you so late!? What were you doing-"

She started to rant but then noticed Aya standing in front of us and soon stopped. We both told my mom what had happened which ended in me getting another big hug and many apologies from my mother. After everything had finally calmed down she invited Aya over for dinner, which of course the blonde haired girl quickly accepted.
We sat and talked for a very long time, and my mother even offered for Aya to  stay over for the night. She looked over at me to see if it was okay, and I nodded, smiling slightly.

I felt safe with her. I'd never admit it, but I wanted her to stay. She saved me, and I was still shaken up about the whole thing. Having her here with me was what I wanted.  Aya looked over towards my mother and smiled happily,

"I'd love to stay over! Thank you!"

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