ℰ 𝓅𝓁𝓊𝓇ℐ𝒷𝓊𝓈 𝒰𝓃𝓊𝓂

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*🎧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

We stand at that stupid door for minutes, staring at the giant laser. A million thoughts roll through my brain, but not every one is about the massive portal. Some thoughts were about other things. Like why the hell was Steve still holding my hand?

Steve and Dustin stare at eachother for a moment then they both mumble. "The gate." We all turn around and are walking back down the staircase. "I don't understand. You've seen this before?" Robin asks. "Not exactly." Steve shrugs.

"Then what exactly." Robin asks in distress. "All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin blurts. "It's really bad." Steve adds. "Wait a second... is this connected to what you told me the other day when you drove me home?" I ask. "Wait you drove her home? And you told her?" Dustin asks in an annoyed tone. Steve shrugs. "Come on man. She already knew about the code." Steve says.

"Uh. Sorry to interrupt this. But where's your Russian friend?" Erica asks, she's staring at where the Russian man is supposed to be. Long story short, he isn't there. "Oh fuck." I say, and suddenly the alarm starts blaring. Steve opens the door, trying to look around.

But sadly, that catches the attention of ten Russian guards. "Shit. Run!" Steve yells. We run back up the staircase, and into a control room. But we don't stop. Dustin turns the corner and we all keep running. We keep running until there is something in our path, a giant ass laser.

We all stop moving. "This way!" Steve yells, he runs down a staircase and we all follow quickly. Steve knocks over a giant stack of cans, stopping a few Russians. We keep running until we get into a room Steve slams it and I try to lock it. "There's no fucking lock!" I scream.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Robin repeats as Steve, her, and I press our bodies against the door. The Russians bang on it, but can't get in. Erica and Dustin open a vent. "Come on!" Dustin yells to us. "Go! Just get out!" Steve yells. Dustin shakes his head. "Go get help!" I scream. 

"Go!" Steve, Robin and I scream. "I won't forget you!" Dustin cries out as he sinks into the vent and closes it. The second they are out, the Russian burst the door open. We all fall to the ground and put our hands in the air as ten guns are trained on my face. 


Robin and I sit in a room together. I have giant gashes all over my face. The door suddenly burst open and they throw Steve into the room. "Steve!" I scream and run over to him. I collapse beside him but he doesn't reply. "What the fuck did you do!" I scream.

"What did you do!" I scream. The guard then slaps Robin across the face. "Robin!" I scream. "Please stop." I sob, I can't stand to see my best friends hurt. The man who seems to be in charge says something in Russian. And soon after we are tied up in chairs. 

Robin and I continue to protest and scream. Steve remains unconscious. "Steve can you hear me?" Robin asks. "I think your friend needs a doctor." The Russian guard says in English. "Good thing we have the very best." He says, getting close to Robins face. 

All the guards in the room start to laugh. Robin scowls and then spits in the man's face. "You are going to regret that little bitch." The man says, then all the guards leave. "Let us out assholes! Let us out!" I scream as the door shuts behind them.


"Help!" Robin and I continue to scream for the next twenty minutes. "Hey, would you stop yelling." Steve mumbles quietly, I can tell he's in pain. "Steve! Oh my god." I say in relief. "Steve, are you okay?" Robin asks. "My ears are ringing and I can't really breathe,

My eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but apart from that I'm fine." Steve says, sounding more like himself. "Well, the good news is that they're calling you a doctor." Robin says happily. "How is that good news?" I say. "Did you actually think they were going to help him." I groan.

Robin stays silent after that. "Oh shit." She mutters. "We need to get out." I say. Robin thinks for a minute. "Do you see that table over there to your right?" Robin starts. "And you see those scissors?" Robin asks. Steve and I both nod.

"Yeah well, I think that if we move at the same time, we can get over there." Robin says. "And then maybe Casey can kick the table no knock them into my lap. "And you can cut the belt and we can get out of here." Steve says, catching onto the plan. 

"Okay yeah." Steve says. "Okay. On the count of three. Hop." I say. After a countdown, the three of us hop in sync. Getting us a little closer to the target. "That worked." Robin says smiling. "Uh let's go again." I say smiling. After another countdown, we hop a second time.

This time we all exclaim. "Okay. Three... two... one..." Robin says and we all hop. This time, we don't have the same luck. The chairs topple over and our heads hit the ground. We all groan. I start to laugh. So does Robin. "It's okay." Steve tries to comfort us. "Are you laughing?" Steve asks after Robin giggles loudly.

Robin continues you laugh hysterically for a few seconds. "I'm so sorry it's just, I can't believe I'm going to die in a secret Russian base with Steve the hair Harrington." Robin says, regaining herself. "It's just too trippy." She says, having a small crisis. 

"We're not gonna fucking die. We just need a way out of this goddamn chair." I say. "Just let me think for a second." Steve mumbles. "Let me know when you love birds work that out." Robin says. "I think you hit your head a little too hard so I'm just going to ignore that." I say.

I'm sitting there, living possibly the last hours of my life. The last hours of my life strapped to the back of Robin Buckley. My best friend, the girl who has gotten me through everything. The girl who is the only reason I'm still alive. And Steve.

Steve Harrington, the guy who I've hated for years. All because he was popular, he could do whatever the hell he wanted and everyone loved him. Even though he was the biggest asshole in the world. But now, down here, about to die.

I realize that he's not that bad. And I realize everything I spent hours awake crying about, was pointless. Because, in the end of everything. I'm next to the two people I care about most, and I'm okay with that. My thought are interrupted when the door bursts open.

"Where were you three going?" The Russian guard teases. A minute later, the chair is back up right and the 'doctor' is preparing whatever death juice that will kill us. "Try telling the truth this time, yes?" The man says to Steve. "It will make your visit to the doctor less painful."

The doctor walks over to me with a gun, containing a blue serum. Tears sting my cheeks as he gets closer to me. The man presses the serum beside my neck. "Wait. Wait! Don't hurt her!" Steve yells. I wince as he pulls the trigger.

And then scream in pain as the needle injects into my neck. The world swims in and out of vision, I hear Steve and Robin screaming and then it all goes black. This must be what it feels like to die.


"Honestly I don't really feel anything. Do you." Steve says, it's been an hour and the three of us are sitting back in the chairs, very much still alive. "I mean I feel fine. I feel normal." Robin says. "I also feel normal." I say, smiling. "I kind of feel good." Steve says and the three of us star5 laughing again.

We all scream 'morons' at nothing for a few minutes. "There's definitely something wrong." I say through giggles. "Definitely wrong." Steve says, laughing as well. Our little drug induced giggle fest is interrupted when the Russians enter the room.

The scary doctor guy starts setting down saws on the table. "Would now be a good time to tell you I don't like doctors." Robin says quietly. "Let's try this again. Who do you work for?" The lead man says again. "Scoops." Steve says. "Scoops ahoy." 

All three of us find this very funny for some strange reason and begin to laugh. "How did you find me?" The man asks. "Totally by accident." Steve says, more laughter from all three of us. I still feel like I'm floating. The man interrogating us says something in Russian.

And then the doctor approaches Steve with a pair of plyers. We all make a remark about the plyers but I can't hear them through the thick pounding in my head. The doctor grabs Steve's fingernail with the plyers. "No. No wait!" Steve screams. "Don't you dare hurt him!" I yell.

"There was a code! We heard a code!" Robin screams. The man let's go of Steve's finger. "What code?" The man asks. Robin recites the code from memory. "You broadcasted that stupid spy shit all over town! And we picked it up on our radio. And we cracked it in a day." Robin says.

"You think you're so smart but a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living racked your code in a day. And now people know your here." I say. "Who knows we are here bitch!" The man yells at me. "Dustin." We all say. "Dustin Henderson, he knows." Steve says mockingly.

We all laugh again. "Well sorry but I don't think Dustin will be arriving anytime soon." The man says with a smirk. Right after the alarm starts to blare. The man leaves the room and the doctor stays to guard us. Dustin and Erica burst in with a blowtorch and electrocute the doctor.

He falls to the floor and the Dustin turns to us. Steve Robin and I all laugh hysterically as he undoes the belts around us. "Get ready to run." Dustin yells.

A/N: well, there's chapter six, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed <3

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