Chapter 2- Kindness and cruelty

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Sarah's POV:

Holy shit!! My fuckin crush right in front of me?! Cameron Dallas, Gigi's ex and the most popular bad boy jock there is!

It's probably some dare or something, he has never set eyes on me until now, I look around to see if any of his jerk friends are around, but it seems like it's just me and him, I try to hide my emotions by acting cynical.

"I-I don't have any s-spare n-notes on me, I g-guess you'll have to ask some other 'geek'." Stuttering? fuckin smooth Sarah urgh!!

He laughs hysterically. "Sweetie, I wasn't going to ask you for 'notes', I have some tickets and none of my friends won't come with me because they think that this artist is 'lame'." He simply says, brushing a stray hair from my face.

I start to think whether this guy is serious or not. I glare at him intently.

"What makes you think I give a damn?" I blurt out involuntarily. I mentally face palm myself.

"Ooooh, look at you and your 'bad girl' words." He chuckles. "Who's Abel?" He says whipping out a piece of paper. Crap, the drawing I had made!

"Where did you get that from?!" I yell and try to pry the paper out of his hands.

I jump up but he's too tall for me.

"Awww, baby girl. I'll give it to you, if you come with me to the concert?"He says, laughing as I am still trying to get it back.

I sigh deeply. "Fine, show me who's playing." I say, exhaling deeply.

A wide grin like a Cheshire cat shows up on his face.

"Abel's playing." He simply says. I make a puzzled look on my face. He shows me the Starboy tour tickets.

"HOLY SHIIT!!! OH MY GOOOSSSSHH!!!! These were like sold out." I quickly say in one breath. He giggles.

"Yeaaah, well, they are kinda black market." He says. I kinda tense up. "Relax, we won't get caught!" He says calmly. "I'll pick you up at 6pm, wanna be in time for the show, right?" He places his hand on my shoulder, I nod.

"Wait, do you even know where I live?" I ask.

"'Course I do, you still live on the same road when you were still friends with Gigi right?" He replies.

"Right." I simply say.

"Great I'll see you then." He kisses my cheek and walks away, looking back for the second time. I smile, he smiles back and disappears into the shadows. OMG! OMG! He kissed my cheek! I have butterflies now. He still makes my heart flutter.

1 hour later, I am stuck in Chemistry, looking to see a chemical reaction with Magnesium and Acid and writing down results. Bella is walking behind me and 'accidentally' spills my test tube of acid on my work.

"Oops(!)" She simply says.

I quickly get some napkins to dry off the work.

"Sarah Harvey! Get out of my class! You could have put Bella in danger!" Seriously. I could've put her in danger?

"Where do I go?" I say.

"To the principle's office now! You spoke back to me!" She snaps and points out of the door.

I pack all of my things and leave in a huff.

Last thing I heard was "thanks cuz." From Bella herself.

"Evil witch!" I mumble under my breath.

Cameron's POV:

I just got sent out of class for having my say! What the hell?! This whole school is corrupted.

I bump into some small body. "Hey, watch where you're going!!" My expression softens when I see Sarah, looking down. "Twice in one day huh? Can't get enough of me can you?" I say smugly and chuckle a little.
She sniffles.
Damn. I don't know how to deal with crying girls.
"A-are you okay?" I ask.
"You don't need to worry about me." She says, sniffling.
My heart is aching for her and I'm supposed to not let my feelings get ahead of me.
I also realised that she doesn't have my number.
"Gimme your phone." I say
"Why?" She asks.
I take it from her.
I put my number in it and save it as: sexy😉😘
"I saved my number on your phone so whenever you wanna talk I'm here, okay?" I explain.
"Okay, assuming you put down your name as 'sexy' with emojis on it, you are so vain." She laughs. I laugh with her, she isn't what other people say she is. She is special.
"Wanna ditch school? Or are you too good for that?" I ask.
"Well, I got kicked out of class so I don't see why not." She replies.
"No way! Good girl gone bad." I chuckle, she chuckles along too.

We spend time outside school hanging out and chilling. Then it was time to go home, but I can still see her later because of the concert.

"Today was fun, thanks for letting me ditch with you. I'm usually the loser kid who sits in the corner." She explains.
She is so gorgeous I don't even know why everyone hates her.
"Hey, anytime and this is not over yet." I reply.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"The concert? I'm still picking you up at 6pm." I answer.
"Ohh right." She replies.
"See you then. Wear something comfortable." I say, whilst walking backward, about to make an exit.
"See you!" She yells as I am at a distance from her now.

Sarah's POV:

"Awwww, Cameron and Sarah hashtag Camrah." Says Gigi from behind me, making smooching noises.
"Gigi? It's not like that, me and Cameron were just hanging out." I reply.
"Relax, it's cool! I mean he is my ex and he can date anyone he wants." She says, smiling.
"You okay?" I ask out of concern.
"Sure, I just feel really bad about ditching you for my sister and I'm sorry."  She says considerately.
"Yeah, well you had your reasons, I will always be a loser to everyone." I coldly say. Tears threaten to spill out. I just walk away and bump into Bella.
"Watch where you're going bitch!" Snaps Bella.
"Sorry." I mumble.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you!" She cackles like a witch.
"Leave off Bella!" Gigi says.
"So you're on her side already gigs?" She says, giving dirty looks.
She spills her iced coffee all over me. I gasp and the tears just all come out. I run and run and reach the middle of nowhere.

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