Chesters dream

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Chesters dream
Chester was dreaming that he was in a candyland filled with doughnuts and ice cream.
There was a lake of chocolate and marshmallow rocks. Chester frolicked through the awesomeness and once again stuffed his face full of everything.
Chester was living the life 😎.

Then a little chicken came along, it was no ordanairy chicken though it was a chocolate🍫 chicken!!

Chester just had to have it so the chicken could lay chocolate eggs, and after it was done laying eggs Chester could gobble the chocolate chicken all up! So Chester started scheming.

Here was the plan, Chester would lure the chicken over with ice cream and Chester would snatch the chicken up!
"Perfect!" Chester thought.
Then he got started.
After Chester got the trap set up Chester waited and watched.
And sure enough the chicken showed up. With one big jump Chester leaped on the chicken making it go into Chesters belly fat.
He reached in grabbing it and shaking it upside down yelling,
"MAKE EGGS CHICKEN, MAKE EGGS!" And sure enough the chicken out of fright made a few chocolate🍫 eggs🍳 . After it did Chester gobbled the chicken up whole, and after ate the chocolate eggs.


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