Why me?!

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Today is just like any other day............

Or so I thought

So here's how my day went

I woke up late with a yawn and a stretch, I popped two breakfast things into the microwave because I'm a shitty cook, I ate, I watched Tv only slightly paying attention, and then IT happened

knock knock

"Ugh, Hold on"
I called out to whoever was at my door

Opening the door I was face to face with some men in black suits

"y/n l/n?"
one asked

Being the person I am I asked suspiciously
"Who's asking?"

"Are you her or not?"

"Depends on what you want"

"y/n l/n, we need you to watch over a few kids for a while"
he explained


"That is top secret"
he states

"Okay.... ? What's in it for me??"

He holds up a briefcase filled with stacks of money that was probably more than a billion

"So are you with the FBI government or something"

"Top secret"

"Fine, I'll do it"

He takes the walkie talkie from his pocket speaking into it
"Okay bring them in"

In a matter of seconds 12 kids are at my doorstep

"Okay then, would you like to come in?"
I ask the man and kids

The man nodded walking into the house as the kids followed behind

The kids sat on the couch and the man stood

"So.. you wanna introduce them or let them do it?"
It didn't seem like the kids were gonna talk to me so the man talked instead

He started with a pair of twins

"These two are Alfred and Matthew, brothers, Alfred is a very playful child that is easy to get along with, always hungry and never lets his brother out of his sight, Matthew is sensitive, quiet, and quite lovable, you will have no trouble with him. They are 4 years old"

They do look alike but at least I can tell them apart

I nodded telling him to continue

Then he goes to another pair of twins but with brown hair

"Feliciano and Lovino, also twins, and yes Feli is a boy. Feli is harmless child and a little bit afraid of... anything while Lovino is the opposite, a little more rude and lazy and you might wanna keep soap around him"

"Why is that?"
I questioned

"He loves to curse"


"They are 6 years old"

And then there was yet another blonde

"This one is Ludwig, he doesn't say much but he seems to need more attention than the others"

"I'll remember that, and his age?"


And another blonde
(wtf is with all these blondes?!)

"Arthur, he gets picked on by a few of the other kids so please keep an eye out for him and he also has a huge imagination for a 10 year old"

"That's cool"

This time it was three boys

"These three are the bad touch trio, Francis, Antonio, and their leader Gilbert also known as Ludwigs older brother, whatever you do don't let them out of your sight. These boys are all 12"

"I can already tell their gonna be a problem"

One more blonde

"Ivan, he's not really troublesome, we had him and his sister's separated for his sake so take good care of him. He is 8"

"Will do"

A black haired kid

"Kiku, another quiet one, he can seem emotionless at first but he'll warm up to you eventually. he is 5"

"I was like that a kid too"

And the last one was much older than the others

"and lastly the oldest one of them all, Yao, he has a thing for everything cute, he is responsible, and is also Kiku's older brother, He is 14"

I 'hmm' ed in response

"So are you up for taking care of these kids?"

I thought about it for a second and answered
"Yeah sure"

"That's good to hear, now you kids be good for Ms y/n, bye now"
And with that he left, leaving 12 kids staring at me

"So.. you kids hungry?"

They just keep staring at me...

I looked to the oldest
"What about you Yao, you hungry for some pizza?"

He looked at me with surprised eyes not expecting me to actually care enough to talk about me

"Y-yes mam, aru"

"Please Yao don't call me mam, I'm not that old"

"O-okay, aru"

"Right, so it seems none of you want to talk to me, how about you just raise your hands when I ask a question"

They all looked at eachother and some nodded

"Who wants pepperoni?"

4 kids raised their hands


4 other kids raised their hands

"Plain cheese?"

And the last 4 raised their hands

"Alrighty then looks like we're getting 3 different kinds of pizzas"

I make the call and we ate as soon as it arrived and we watched spongebob for a while until a thought popped up in my head

"So where are you guys originally from?"


"Fine let's go from youngest to oldest. Alfred?"

he said confidently scared


he whispered



















"and lastly Yao"

"China, aru"

"See, it wasn't so hard for any of you to talk to me now was it?"

Some said no others shook their head

"Now I need to put you all to bed, luckily for you guys this house came with a bunch of rooms but your gonna have to share"

Matthew stood in front of me holding his arms up asking me to hold him and so I did then Alfred did the same then I had to hold Feli's hand who was holding Lovinos hand

"Yao help Kiku for me"

He did and off we went to the bedrooms

First was the youngest brothers Alfred and Matthew

Matthew was already asleep and Alfred was trying to stay awake

Arthur opens the door for me seeing as my hands were full and I set them both down tucking them in

"Goodnight boys"

I left the room and then it was the next was Lovi and Feli

They crawled into bed cutely, Lovi had to help Feli as I tucked them in

"Miss-a y/n, can I-a have a goodnight kiss?"
Feli asks me

I bent over and kiss his forehead

"You want one too Lovi?"

He pouted but said yes anyway

I did the same with him leaving the room

"Would you like to share a room with your brother, Yao?"

"Yes please, aru"

I nodded and let Yao carry Kiku into the room and Kiku was out like a light

"What about you Ludwig, share a room with Gilbert?"
he looked at his brother and shook his head no

"What?! But I'm your awesome brother, that is so unawesome of you!"

"Oh wow, I can see why"

Gilbert sulked at my statement while Francis and Antonio comforted him

"It's okay, mi amigos you can share a room with us"
Antonio reasurred him

"Fine.. "

They went in the together each of them getting their own bed

"Right so I guess that leaves 3 of you, so... do any of you want a room to yourself? cause I think other than my own theres only one room left"

They shook their head no

"I guess one of you can sleep in my room with me if you want but since theres three of you we could always swap out, so Luddy you can share with Ivan tonight and Arthur I guess your with me"

They walked to their room and Arthur followed me to mine

I was already in my pajamas
(shorts and a comfy shirt)
so I let Athur lay down falling asleep a little too quickly so I could turn off the light and head to bed and just like that everyone who now lives with me was asleep and so was I


Sorry guys I'm not good at these kind of stories but hey at least I tried, don't be afraid to leave a comment to tell me what you think.

bai bai now :)

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