S1 Episode 19

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Life Zwei and Echo
We see the cute little corgi sleeping Team RWBYs dorm but it seems that he's not alone that he's accompanied by a small companion his appearance is a robot like alien and had blue eyes his name was Echo he is the other assistant that Kiryu and Striker have even though he may not look like it but echo is also a great fighter. Just then Ruby and Striker passed by and saw the two just sleeping together.

Ruby: man I wish I were a dog. you got the easy life Zwei.
Striker: I wonder what they do most of the time.

Zwei: bark
We change to a new scene where Jaune is backed to a corner and was gonna be attacked by two Beowolves. Just then Zwei and Echo came to the rescue Zwei growling at the two and echo using his telekinetic like power to bring spear like weapon pointed at the beowolves scaring them off.

Jaune: I'm saved

Echo:(alerts text notification)
We now see Ren who has trouble trying to deactivate a bomb. He only needed to cut either the red wire or blue wire.

Ren: Red... or blue... I'm almost out of time. Which is it!?

Echo and Zwei came to save the day again this time they both grabbed the blue wire and pulled it cutting it off and the bomb stopped.

Ren: I...i am saved!

Zwei: woof
We now see Weiss looking for her necklace which she lost and Trajon was helping her look for it.

Weiss: oh no I lost it it's gone forever! Father kill me...

Zwei and Echo came again and brought her necklace.

Trajon: there it is thanks you two.
Weiss: I'm saved!

Echo:(alerts text notification)
We see Mercury, Emerald and Cinder in a pile defeated as echo and Zwei were on top of them in victory as they saved the old man who owns from dust till dawn.

Cinder: my nefarious players! My evil schemes! All ruined! Curse you both adorable corgi and cute alien!
Old man: I'm saved!

Zwei & Echo:woof/(alerts text notification)
We see both of them return back to the dorm extremely tired cause after defeating the nefarious three they try to out ran Enrique and they managed to lose him as Zwei slumped in the floor and echo fell on top of him as they both went to sleep and both striker and Ruby came back to check on them.

Ruby: just like how we left you two. Don't you both do anything all day?
Striker: who knows? Come on you both let's go play

But Zwei and echo were too busy cuddling with each other.

Ruby: What two little lazy butts.

Pillow fight.
We are now outside in the courtyard where Ren was reading and Sun was hanging upside down in the tree by his tail as Neptune was rushing to them.

Neptune: you guys!...*pant* I just overheard....*pant* the girls are having a pillow fight and they invited Team STARR!
Sun: WHAAATTT! They're having a pillow fight with the girls? How come we're weren't invited? Doesn't matter we have to go!
Neptune: I know!

As they twirl in circles Ren just ignore it and kept reading his book.

Sun:oh, I suppose you're too cool for-

He was cut off when Ren threw a book at the side of his head.

Sun:OW! My brain box...
Ren: you had me at pillow fight

We now cut to RWBY's dorm we're each of the teams only had two people so most of the girls were paired with their boyfriends, except shonaku. And once again was the return of tumbleweed Zwei who was accompanied by tumbleweed echo.

Ruby: Weiss! Your and Trajon's chilly reign of terror has finally come to an end!
Trajon & Weiss:(mockingly) Ha! ha! Ha!
Weiss: don't make us laugh as we did just now.

As both Ruby and Striker loaded the pillows and rushed at both Weiss and Trajon as they hit them both which they went across the room. Once they landed shonaku and Trajon where In a pillow sword like battle as Weiss used her glyphs and launch Blake toward ruby and she hit her with the pillow.

Striker: RUBY!

Then both Yang and Shanic had pillows loaded and launched them across the room as Ghost went to take cover, Shonaku got hit as chicken feathers splattered and Trajon rushed to push Weiss out of the way as multiple pillows were hitting him as some pillows exploded releasing chicken feather scattering across the room.

Weiss: Trajon!

While that Blake was using her semblance to dodge the pillows and do some poses just to taunt yang and Shanic. first on four on the chair, then a cat like pose, sexy pose, going on the bed patting on the mattress with a wink which made ghost blush but distracted as someone was looking at him with a scope

Shanic: hehehe...got you ghost

As shanic threw a pillow but ghost dodge as it narrowly hit him and threw a pillow at shanic who took cover. Meanwhile while was behind yang who had the element of surprise and threw Zwei at Blake. Striker rushed toward ruby.

Ruby: striky *cough* avenge me!

Just the the door was kicked open and everyone saw who entered.
(A/n: cue terminator theme)
Kiryu walked in with a mini gun like weapon which was loaded as he had some shades on.

Striker: watch out Kiryu packing heat!
Kiryu:(Arnold impression) hasta la vista baby!

He then shot everyone each of them hit with a pillow feathers flying all over the place. As one by one all of them fell to the ground with Kiryu as the champion of this pillow fight.

Kiryu: you're all pillow-nated!

As he left the three who saw the entire thing happened didn't know how to describe this.

Sun:This... Isn't what I was expecting.
Ren: they have brought dishonor to great name for pillow fights.
Sun: well there's only one thing left to do.

We see  Striker Ruby ghost and Blake as they pass a dorn but was hearing noises as they saw Sun Neptune and Ren having a pillow fight of their own. Trying acting all girly but that back fired as Neptune got a feather in his eye.

Ghost: how pathetic. They won't survive a minute.
Ruby: amateurs
Striker: actually this give me an idea *uses scroll* hey Kiryu sun Neptune and Ren want you to join their pillow fight.

With the three holding their breath to contain their laughter Kiryu came with the shades and the weapon.

Kiryu: I'll be back.

End of episode 19

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