S1 Episode 3

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Juane calls Weiss part 1
We are outside of the school beacon academy as young fellow with blonde hair was on his scroll calling his crush which we all know is never gonna go on a date with this guy.

Juane: HEY!!! Uh...Weiss Schnee This is Juane Arc..... Of the Arc....family l -last names Arc. 

Yes everyone as it says in the title Juane is trying to call Weiss and trying to ask her out. And we all know this will never happen cause let's see Juane always screws up anyway while calling Weiss he was also playing with a small pebble with a foot.

Juane:ANYWAYS I was wondering what you were doing Saturday night, because I'm doing NOTHING! Um....Which means I could be doing something with you. Yeah
That's when he slips on the pebble and lands head first on the ground

Juane: call me

And then he passed out without noticing he had two audience members watching

Striker: let's get him to the infirmary
Trajon: ok

Now where are with Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee what are they doing you may ask they're testing different dust using Ruby's sniper

Ruby: Ice!

Weiss gave her the ice dust. After it was shot Ruby asked for another one.

Ruby: Fire!

Weiss gave her the fire dust. After it was shot Ruby asked for another one.

Ruby: Gravity!

Weiss gave her the ice dust. but when it fired it blew ruby back. That's when striker and Trajon went to talk to Weiss but they didn't ruby which she bumped into Striker.


Weiss just facepalm at the entire thing.

Trajon: so you don't want to talk about it.

Trajon and Striker got the ice pack to a nice cold temperature that's to weiss but also walking back to infirmary to give it to Juane on the way Striker face was red like Ruby's cape. Why you may ask? Well that's only because when ruby bumped into him her behind may have hit his manhood. Good news is that they both weren't hurt bad news is that when they realized their situation they been so embarrassed that Trajon took a picture of it and won't delete it.

Striker: I rather not thank you very much.
Trajon: come on bro there's nothing to be worried about. She just....you know landed on your-
Striker: don't you dare finish that sentence!
Trajon: look I know you both were embarrassed but that's doesn't mean that you both enjoyed it. *smirks*
Striker: let's just get the ice back to Juane

When they both arrived they both saw that Juane wasn't there.

Striker: What the- where did he go!?
Trajon: found him

They both looked out the window to see Juane with his scroll

Striker: Good thing I have the sound sneaking device with me.

They got the device ready and heard what was happening.
Juane calls Weiss part 2

Juane: Hey, Weiss. Umm I'm guessing you didn't get my call earlier. Maybe the towers messing up or.... something I mean, there's no way you would get my messages and not call me back, right? I mean that's...That would be rude. That's ridiculous. You're definitely not... y'know playing those messages for the rest of Team RWBY and laughing it's not you. You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't be doing that. Right that's crazy.

Striker: should we go down there and maybe try to help him not talk with Weiss
Trajon: ok

As they were going down the stairs they both found a scroll

Striker: huh someone forget their scroll
Trajon: that's Weiss scroll
Striker: how can you tell
Trajon:*blushes* well....

Hey points at the corner of the scroll and striker saw there was two letters T+W surrounded by a blue heart.

Striker: Ok....
Blake was also out side until she notice something about to get her

Yang: Tag, you're it

Yang was playing tag with Blake but she missed due to Blake using her semblance. So she tried again

Yang: you're it

She missed again the more yang tried she couldn't tag Blake

Yang: you're it, you're it, it! It! IT! Blake! You! Are! It!

Yang started to get tired and almost give up on tagging Blake that is until a certain hedgehog Faunus came and try to land a helping hand.

Shanic: need help yang
Yang: yeah I can't tag Blake
Shanic: ok I think I might have something that can make you tag her.
Yang: ok go ahead

Shanic went near a tree and told yang to get Blake neat the tree after many move Blake got near the tree shanic is at and that's when he pulled out mans most dangerous weapon......a squirt bottle filled with water and sprayed it at Blake with her being distracted yang tagged her

Yang: Tag!

Juan calls Weiss part 3

Juane:Alright ice queen! I had it up to here! It's one thing to deny A guy but it's another thing to ignore him entirely! If you were here right now I will give you a piece of my mi-
Weiss: Hey Juane

Juane couldn't believe it that Weiss is right behind luckily for him she didn't hear what he said.

Juan: hey Weiss what's uhhh...what's going on
Weiss: not much i'm just looking for my scroll..... I can't remember where I put it....

That's when both striker and Trajon came

Trajon: Hey Weiss we found your scroll it was left on The stairs
Weiss: Thanks tra-

Before she could receive it Juane knocked it out of his hands and stomped on it destroying it

Juane: see ya

He just left that's when Trajon pulled out his elementals sword and went after him.


Blake vs Zwei part 2
We are now back in the kitchen where cute little zwei came in and was sniffling the ground first look at the trash can but nothing in there he sniff under the chair nothing there just then ghost came into the kitchen.

Ghost: hey zwei
Zwei: woof
Ghost: if you're looking for Blake she's not here.

With that said zwei left and fist went to fridge to grabbed a soda but then the top door of the fridge open to reveal Blake inside all freezing

We are in the bathroom of Team RWBY's dorm why? Well ghost was gonna try to warm up Blake by putting her in the tub filled with warm water but couldn't due to Blake's cat like nature

Ghost: Blake come in you gotta get in the water I can't see you frozen like this
Blake: no waters evil and it's too cold
Ghost: that's just you cause you were in the fridge

As Ghost was putting more effort they both fell into the bathtub with Blake cuddling ghost

Blake: aahhh~ much better
Ghost: *blushing* b-Blake

That's when the dorm ope. To reveal the rest of Team RWBY and team STAR

Yang: hey Blake everything alright we heard....a....splash

Everyone witness the sight and yang and striker cover Ruby's eyes while everyone else had red faced

Ruby: hey why can't I see
Yang: you'll know when you're older
Ghost: wait guys it's not what you think!
Shonaku: it's fine Ghost we'll give you both some privacy.

With that they left.

Ghost: god damnit they're going to tease me so much
Blake: it's fine ghost let's just enjoy the moment
Ghost: *sigh* well I guess this isn't too bad

End of Episode 3

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