S2 episode 15

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Special thanks to GhostboyX9k
For writing this chapter love ya big brother


Trajon is seen being dragged by Weiss against his own will with no reason as to why she's doing so.

Trajon: Come on Weiss, why?

Weiss: It's important that you talk to Winter, or do you not want to be my boyfriend anymore.

Trajon: That's a dirty move and we both know it!

We next see Winter Schnee, older sister to Weiss Schnee standing in the kitchen looking at something with condescending eyes when all of a sudden Weiss comes twirling in with a moping Trajon dragging his feet behind her.

Trajon: (mumbles to self) Friggin hate this. Rather deal with Weiss from the start of the year than deal with the true ice queen.

Weiss: A good morning to you sister.

Winter: (casually dismisses Weiss) Your form could use some work.

Winter: (looking at Trajon) And you, stand up straight. I refuse to have a slob with no posture courting my sister.

Trajon: What's that supposed to mean? I'm no slob. You want a slob, look at Ghost or Shanic!

Ghost and Shanic: (in background) Leave us out of this!!

While Trajon and Winter continued to argue while Weiss face palmed we next see Ruby and Striker eating a bowl Pumpkin Pete's together while Yang grabs the box and tries to pour some out for her only to realise it's empty. Yang looked a bit ticked off before Ruby smiled.

Ruby: The early bird gets the cereal.

Yang then rages out like usual and punches Ruby to the ground causing Striker to panic. Ruby manages to get up but Yang gets up too and takes a spoon full of the cereal right before Ruby grabs the bowl and drinks up the rest along with the milk.

We next see Winter being condescending again looking at Weiss and Trajon who was in a waiter's outfit.

Winter: Must you slurp like a savage?

Trajon: Must you judge everyone you think is lower than you?

Both Weiss and Winter glared at the faunus which just made him sigh.

Trajon: Could've been playing Pokémon Sword and Shield today... but nooo, I have to be a dumb waiter. What do they think this is? A café?

Trajon then thinks hard and deeply on the idea.

Trajon: (in deep thought) Yeah... I could run a café. Just need to get the money for it first, and work on a marketing strategy and come up with a menu.

Trajon: (runs out) Sorry ladies, I got planning to do!

Ruby is seen opening a bag of chips and ends up tearing the whole bag open spreading them all over her lap and the couch before Yang comes over and takes a seat via jumping. She then feels under her butt and pulls out a chip she sat on.

Yang: Sofa chip! Yum!

She and Ruby both smile before eating their chips. That is they were smiling before they heard Rodan yelling.

Rodan: (in background) Hey!! Who took my chips!!!

Edward: (in background) Dude! Calm down!

Rodan: (in background) Don't tell me to calm down!! That bag was a limited edition flavor and it was the last one!!! This is worst day of my life!!! I'm gonna cut off my own dick to distract myself from the pain!!! Fuck!!!

A crashing was then heard after Rodan was done r-od-anting which caused the girls to quickly eat the chips and make a break for it.

Weiss was seen in the forest running from a small beowolf and a geist.

Winter: You'll have to learn to do things for yourself! You'll thank me later!

Trajon and team STAR along with Ghost and Andi were seen running after the grimm.

Trajon: You're the worst sister ever!

Shanic: Come on geist busters! Let's get that geist!

Ghost: (yelling at the beowolf) Mortimer! Stop chasing that Schnee this instant!

Weiss then slides under a branch and smacks both the Mortimer and the geist away with it.

Ghost: Mortimer! Daddy's coming!

Ghost then runs after his pet with Andi following suit.

Shonaku: Let's get that that geist! Weiss, if you please.

Weiss the uses the branch on the team sending them flying until they were a twinkle in the sky.

Team STAR: Team STAR is blasting off!!!

Winter just gave Weiss a nod of approval before Weiss celebrated.


Ruby and Yang were seen walking with Zwei in the forest before an apple hit her over the heat like it did Newton. This caused Ruby to whimper which made Yang gasp before her hair lit up in flames along with her eyes going red. The blonde powerhouse them punched a hole in the tree which made Ruby get starry eyed before the two hopped off skipping into the forest hand in hand.

Nurse Nora

Ren is seen sleeping on his bed and with a cast on his right leg before the door opened to reveal a creepy silhouette of Nora. The silhouette sunk down before popping up right beside Ren showing Nora in an all too creepy lighting.

Nora: Wake up lazy butt!! Nurse Nora is here to take care of you.

Ren was obviously spooked at Nora waking him up and how she was acting.

Ren: Huh? Nora, you don't have medical training.

Nora: Eh! How hard could it be.

Kiryu: (walking past team JNPR's dorm with red eyes) Very to you fleshbags.

Nora ignores Kiryu who seems to he hunting something and places a stethoscope on the cast.

Nora: Hmmm. According to this thingy.... you're dead.

Ren: What?

Nora: Yeah, no pulse.

Ren: That goes on the chest, not the foot.

Nora the places it against hear chest and hears her heartbeat.

Nora: Ah, there's the old ticker.

Ren: On my chest Nora.

Nora: Look! I don't tell you how to break your legs so don't tell me how to medicine.

Ren: Can I just go back to sleep please?

Nora: (with small pupils on her eyes, holding a thermometer) not until I take your temperature.

Ren opened his mouth waiting for the thermometer before Nora shook her head.

Nora: Nn nn! Guess again.

Ren's eyes grew wide before he knocked the thermometer out of Nora's and causing it to break somewhere.

Nora: Hey! Stop being such a baby. I'm trying to cure you.

Ren: I just wanna get some sleep.

Nora: Okay fine! Let's just check your reflexes and I'll leave you alone.

She then walked further into the room before reappearing with her hammer.

Nora: This may sting a bit.

Ren: What are you doing?

Nora: Uhhh, try not to fidget, I don't wanna break the wrong leg.

Ren: What?! Don't break any legs, put the hammer down, Nora.

Nora: I'm sorry, Ren, but I have to follow the Nurse's Oath. No surrender! No retreat!

She then raises the hammer which forced Ren to get up and frantically yell.

Ren: It's a miracle! I'm all better! In fact, I'm gonna go run some laps!

Ren then proceeded to walk out of the room with a broken leg saying oww.

Ren: So healthy!

Nora then begins to face the camera with a scary face.

Nora: I knew my love would cure him.

Ghost the walks by and hits Nora with a bala.

Ghost: Love is dead!

He then walked away as Nora still kept smiling about Ren.

End of episode 15

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