S2 Episode 7

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Late for class
Another day of class for our heroes all sitting down in profes-

Oobleck: Doctor!

.........doctor oobleck's class reading their text books and listening to 'Doctor' Oobleck (how is he aware of this)

Oobleck: So, in conclusion, history is good, ignorance is bad, Therefore read a book.

As he was writing on the chalkboard we the lovely ruby rose sneaking her way to her seat but....

Oobleck:Miss Ruby Rose!

She stood up straight looking at professor-

Oobleck: Doctor!

Doctor Oobleck

Oobleck: so glad you can join us unfortunately class is nearly over
Ruby: oh well, you see, a crazy thing happened before...

Oobleck then speed right next to ruby rose and yelled.

Oobleck: DETENTION! One day.

Shanic: I wonder why ruby was late?

Striker and ruby we're sitting across from each other glaring at one another as there was a deck of uno cards to the side and as striker was reaching for the deck he instead place a red card on the table.

Striker: I win
Ruby: aww

Ruby cried as she slumped on the table as striker patted her back.

Striker: it's alright ruby you'll beat me one day
Ruby: no another round!
Striker: ruby we had 10 rounds don't you think we should call it a night?
Ruby: no another round!
Striker: *sigh*

Flashback end

The next day.

Back again in Profe-

Oobleck: Doctor!

Doctor Ooblecks class as he was finishing another speech though ruby was not around perhaps she's late again that's when the doors slam open revealing ruby but wearing one of those fake glasses and mustache and a security hat.

Ruby: Hello! I being exchange student. Also now, I am not being late. This is when we get to class in my country!

Oobleck speed around the class next to the 'exchange student'.

Oobleck: Ah! Welcome to beacon! Hold on you have a little something on your lip.

Oobleck then reach for the face.

Ruby: NO!WAIT!

Oobleck tipped the disguise off.

Oobleck: DETENTION! Two days.

The next day....

Shanic: I just hope I don't get detention too
Ruby: Relax I just can't be late now hurry up and activate it!
Shanic: alright but in order for you to move as well you gotta hold my hand so....

Shanic places hand out waiting for ruby to hold it secretly smiling in his head but instead she just puts her hand on his shoulder and shanic sighs in disappointment and brings out a green emerald out of his pocket and...

Shanic: Chaos Control!

Everything all round started to slow down as time came to a stop.

Ruby: wow so this is how time stopping works!
Shanic: yes now let's hurry up!

They ran to class as they open the door and saw everyone present. Ruby walked to her sister just sitting there facing foward and she wave her hand infront of her face but she didn't notice.

Shonaku: what are you two doing?

Shanic and Ruby looked to see shonaku in normal speed.

Shanic: wait Shonaku how are you moving when time is stopped.
Shonaku: so you use chaos control that would explain this also even if someone stops time I still move freely.
Oobleck: quite the trumpcard you had ruby rose but still DETENTION!
Shanic:it was Ruby's ideas!

The next day....
Again in pro-

Oobleck: Doctor! It's doctor!

Doctor ooblecks classroom as the the floor was drilled open and ruby came out

Ruby: I made it! HAH! Nobody can remove me from this stage! NOBODY!

Until she realizes

Ruby: wait where is everyone?

That's right the entire class room is empty. The only one present was Doctor Oobleck.

Oobleck: Ah, Ruby! Just in time for Saturday detention!

Ruby: SON OF A-

The doors of the classroom to reveal andi who shot a web at Ruby's mouth

Andi: Language!

Must be nice
We now see Weiss and yang sitting at a table though the ice queen seems to be busy on her scroll and yang tried the most to get her attention.

Yang: Weiss, you are always so mean.
Weiss: not always it sometimes don't you forget my boyfriend helps me be more caring.
Yang: yeah right I wish you would be more like Pyrrha she's always nice

While that Nora was passing by and hearing the conversation and just as she heard that yang said that Pyrrha is always nice she stops and faces them.

Nora: that's not always a good thing.

Changing the scene where we can see Jaune and Pyrrha with Jaune closing a book

Jaune: and that is all of the one liners I think we should incorporate into our fight. So what do you think?

We see Pyrrha who well I don't know how to describe her face let's just say ok I guess.  I believe those one liners just short circuit her mind.

Pyrrha:*strains to get the word out* boy, you are just so creative

Just then Trajon walked in the room

Trajon: say Pyrrha would you mind testing this new potion I made!
Jaune: are you sure that's ok for her to drink.
Trajon: well I need someone to test it to see if it's safe.
Pyrrha: sure thing Trajon

She proceed to drink it and noting seem to happen.

Pyrrha: um was something suppose to happen?
Trajon: hmmm try scooting more closer to Jaune.
Pyrrha: alright.

Pyrrha scooted near Jaune with their elbows touching as her skin turned red and glowed.

Jaune: wow you're glowing Pyrrha.

Trajon proceeds to take out a pen and notepad as he wrote down some notes on this.

Evil class
We're now in a class room where Roman Neo Emerald Mercury and Enrique we're sitting and cinder standing infront of a cake being the teacher welcome to evil class.

Cinder: Settle down peons! Let's get this evil class started.
Roman: look maybe these amateurs need it, but I'm a criminal mastermind! This class is a insult to my dignity.

Neo nodded of what Roman said and gave a glare until Roman was hit in the back of the head with a spit ball. Roman stood up mad.

Roman: who did that!? Mercury!

Roman stood up and glared at Mercury as he put away the straw.

Mercury: Iunno?

As Roman sit down the sound of farting can be heard as Roman looked at his seat to see he sat on a Whoopi cushion.

Enrique: Hahahahah classic prank.
Roman: darn it seriously.
Enrique: Roman I was the king prankster back in my beacon days.
Cinder: everyone focus! Today we are learning about booby traps.
Mercury: ha! She said 'trap'.
Cinder:Quiet! I need to concentrate! This is a very delicate procedure. *brings our a stick of dynamite* with the addition of this EVIL candle VIOLA! One deliciously evil cake ready to explode. Any questions?
Mercury: when's lunch?
Cinder: I meant about the cake.

Neo then pulled out a sign that says is it gluten free?

Enrique: what does that have to do with the trap?
Roman: yeah I'm not crazy about cakes. Can we do a nice flan instead?
Cinder: how can you booby trap flan?!
Enrique and Mercury: heh flan
Cinder: are there any question specifically about making with booby trap cake?
Emerald:yeah I really don't really understand how this is supposed to work... it's really just a cake with a. Stick of dynamite in it.
Cinder: *growls* you clearly not grasping this concept! 

Cinder then use a bit of her fall maiden powers and light the dynamite with has everyone except Enrique scared.

Cinder: SEE! Now when you lean in to blow out the candle...
Emerald: uh... cinder?
Cinder: YES! Emerald what could you possibly still not understand of this concept?
Emerald: well...

Cinder looked to see that the dynamite was about to explode as Neo pulled out a sign that says happy birthday

Cinder: oh...

As everyone prepares for impact Enrique just stood calm as two words came out of his mouth

Enrique: za warudo

Just then the entire world stopped as everything turned to a dull color as Enrique was still in normal color as he stood from his seat and open the window and threw the cake outside and walks over to the frozen cinder as he quickly gave her a quick kiss on the lips and brought her to his seat as he sta her down and walked over to the front of the class in the teachers spot.

Enrique: time has begun to move again.

Time went back to normal as the cake exploded from outside and everyone stood there confused of what happened.

Enrique: I bet you're wondering what happened well I manage to save us as the cake was gonna explode now since you 'morons' couldn't follow my lovely wife's lesson I shall teach you how a cake can be use in a evil way and I brought a special guest for help.
Mercury: you're crazy

The doors then kicked open as a man with green hair pale white skin in a purple Suit and his face had a huge red smile.

Joker: and what's wrong with that it done wonders for me
Enrique: ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the clown prince of crime the Joker, now joker why not showed the class how you use cake in a evil way i brought a dummy to test it
Visor: where am I?!
Enrique: finish him!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/n skip to 1:51

They stood in shocked of what just happened

Enrique: any questions

They shocked their heads no

Enrique: Good class dismissed

End of episode 7

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