Meat Hook

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*trigger warning for mentions of sexual harassment*

Stand on your toes, girl
Reach a little higher, there
Turn around for me, girl
Shirt riding a sliver up your back, bare

Fetch me another cigar, high
Oh you're married? Shame
I could do you so much better than your guy
Give me your number and name

Sweetie, what a fine body you possess
What a cut, divine
Thick, juicy, better undressed
I've an offer you can't deny

There's a fire in your watering eyes
A secret behind those taut lips
That's a passion I wanna devour
I know you love your little lies
and protests despite you flaunting your hips
I know you want me every hour

So fetch a lighter, tippy toe higher
Honey let me glaze at you real good
As the hooks sink in, igniting fire
Roasting Babe over applewood

Fatty tears only adds to the flavor—

The meat hook is a hook commonly utilized
in butcheries to hang meat.
Jointed hooks are able to swivel,
allowing the carcass to be turned with ease while stripping it down.
A gambrel hook is a frame
that suspends the carcass in a spreadeagled manner—


Messy poem this time, but for all the men out there... do not ever say things to a woman that you would never say to your mother. No woman deserves to be treated like a piece of meat. No woman deserves to cry because she is only valued for her body.

If you have a friend who objectifies women, do the right thing and correct them. Do not allow toxic masculinity to persevere, because it will grow and one day harm your sisters, mothers, cousins, friends, and daughters.

Over 90% of women who work in the service industry have been sexually harassed at least once.

I personally have not endured the brunt of this type of treatment myself, as thankfully I've been blessed with a tall and strong stature as well as a cold disposition that's a general turn off for men. But the six other women I've worked with in my shifts over the past few months have all been preyed upon by several grown men more than twice their age. My 18 year old coworker was called an instigator who clearly wanted their attention, because she smiled at them and was 'obviously' flirting. She merely was being hospitable.

I have faced severe and aggressive verbal abuse at my job on a few occasions because I intervened on their advances on my female coworkers to protect them.

I was not able to protect my coworker tonight. I am very livid at the world, for the things that she endured alone just now.

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