Final Fight & Epilouge

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Blake POV

     Beacon was only the beginning there were other forces at work trying to destroy all of humanity. We learned her name was Salem, she was responsible for orchestrating the attack on Beacon. But right now, I am in another fight with Adam, he somehow tracked me after what happened at Haven. He can't seem to let go of hate and I can barely defend myself. Even when Yang jumped in to help we barely managed to hold our own. Yang had managed to disarm Adam and threw his sword away. He came the edge of the bridge where I was waiting to uppercut him in the jaw. Without Adam's sword his semblance was useless.


     Adam turned too late to take one of (Y/n)'s tusks right through his body. (Y/n) threw Adam off the edge and down to the water fall below. (Y/n) changed back and ran to me, I kneeled down and accepted his hug.

(Y/n): Is it over?

Blake: Yes I believe it is.

Timeskip 10 years later

     It's been 5 years since we defeated Salem and the world is finally at peace but there's still Grimm to destroy and so the Huntsmen academies were reestablished and accepting anyone willing to fight. I am in my home that I bought for me and my son, I almost can't believe it he's 16 already. Time sure moves fast when your raising a kid, but it's been the best years of my life. I love my son so much and nothing could ever change that. Anyways, I am cooking up a grand feast for (Y/n) because he just got accepted into Beacon Academy. (Y/n) is currently in the desert on Menagerie training against the Grimm that live there. He is now very accomplished and is a quickdraw with his transformation. I ready his present that I had comissioned for him when he walks through the door.

(Y/n): Hey mom! I'm home!

Blake: I'm in the kitchen!

     He walks in and he is just all grown up and is excited about his acceptance into Beacon.

(Y/n): Mmm, smells good Mom.

     He tries to take a sample bite, but I smacked his hand.

Blake: Hey! You know it's rude to eat before the guests get here.

(Y/n): Guests?

     Just then there is a knock on the door, and (Y/n) went to answer. I could hear the commotion because I no longer had to wear a bow.


Kali: Ghira let the boy breath.

(Y/n): Thanks guys.


Weiss: Yes well done indeed (Y/n). I am very proud of you.

(Y/n): Thanks Weiss.

Yang: Yes! Way to go big man!

Jaune: Yes, great job. But now comes the hard part, trying not to be the coolest guy on campus.

(Y/n): Hahaha!

Nora: Yes my little guy is growing up!

Ren: Nora! Your going to hurt the kid before he gets to go anywhere.

Everyone: *laughs*

      As everyone files into the house Yang and Weiss are quick to help with the rest of the food. I look over at my son and happily go through all the memories of our time together.


(Y/n): Please don't send me away. I want to stay with Mommy!

Blake: Ok then, I'm Mommy and your name will be... (Y/n).


Blake: I'm gonna get you!

(Y/n): *laughs*


Blake: I love you, my little mammoth.

(Y/n): I love you too, Mommy.

Flashback Ends

     I wipe away a tear and think about how much of a blessing (Y/n) has been on my life. It will be hard to see him leave for Beacon, but it does give me an excuse to see Vale every now and then.

Blake: Alright, soups on!

Sun: Yes, finally I'm starving!

(Y/n): You'll have to beat me there old man.

Sun: Is that a challenge, mammoth boy.

Blake: Uh boys everyone else is ahead of you.

(Y/n)/Sun: *laughs*

     Everyone gets their food and start conversing while they eat, it's been a while since we've all been together. Yang gave (Y/n) a present, which was a multitool pocket knife. Weiss gave him a necklace with the team RWBY symbol adorning it. Ruby had given (Y/n) a large combat knife for obvious reasons. I went to get my present but because it was heavy, (Y/n) actually ended up moving the whole thing to the living room. He the opened it up and saw the armor, shield and weapon I comissioned for him. He was blown away by this he didn't have any words, he just picked me up into a heartfelt hug.

(Y/n): Thank you mom.

Blake: I love you, son.

(Y/n): I love you too, Momma.

     He then tried it on and boy did he look handsome.

     Everyone was awestruck by how he looked and I couldn't be prouder of my boy. As he's grown older, his passion for family and caring for others has only grown. To me I still see the little boy that tugged my heartstrings all those years ago. I love my son, that has not changed and it never will.

Blake: Did you have a good day, son?

(Y/n): Yes I did. Though I feel a little embarassed it was all about me. If it hadn't been for you, I might not be here today. *hugs Blake* Thank you Mom for everything.

Blake: I will always take care of you. I will always be there for you. And I will always love you.

     (Y/n) and I stayed like this for several minutes before everyone left and (Y/n) got everything packed for tomorrow. It is going to hard without him, I'll miss him terribly, but he said he would call me often and come home whenever he could. I am so proud of him, of everything he's done and of everything he has yet to do. I go to his room to tell him goodnight and he is sitting on his bed, and I can hear him sniffling. I walk in and sit next to him and place an arm around his shoulders.

Blake: I know this will be hard, but you know I will always be there for you when you need me.

(Y/n): I'm just going to miss you so much. You cared about me when no one else would, you put your own life on hold just for me. And I've never entirely grateful sometimes and-

Blake: You believe yourself unworthy, you are anything but. I saved you because you were in desperate need of a family and so I gave that to you, because you are worth it.

     I pull (Y/n) into another hug and he melts into it. Then he tells me something I will never get tired of saying or hearing.

(Y/n): No matter where I go you will always be my mother. I love you, Mom.

Blake: And you will always be in my heart. I love you too, son.

(A/N): Aww, that's beautiful. That's it new complete story. Hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for all of your support. Have a great day, PEACE OUT!!!

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