The Rescue

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(Y/n) POV

I am slowly coming to and open my eyes to find my self in a dark room with a single light trained on me. I try to move only to find my hands and legs tied to a chair.

(Y/n): Hello? What's going on?

Suddenly, a door opens and two large men walk in. I can't see their faces but they seemed to know me.

????1: Well, well, look who's finally decided to wake up, Frank.

Frank: Oh I'm excited to see our little brother return to us, Carl.

(Y/n): No, no not again!

Carl: Aww, that's good he remembers us.

Frank: Good, now we don't have to waste time with him.


I get smacked to the floor and then curb stomped by the two behemoths.

Carl: That's enough we'll have more fun with him when we get him back to the clan.

Frank: Just you wait little one you'll be one of us again.

(Y/n): NO, I'm not going back!

Carl: Oh, he's got a fire in his belly, good.


The men leave and I start crying to myself.

(Y/n): Please, save me Mommy.

Blake POV

We follow the trail of the man who kidnapped (Y/n) to an abandoned warehouse, shocker, and I see two men standing guard.

Blake: These people have messed with the wrong family.

Ruby: Easy Blake, we'll likely be outnumbered but I have a plan.

Weiss: So what's the plan Ruby?

Ruby: Well, Weiss, Yang and myself are going to stick out like a sore thumb in there. So, we will take frontal assault as a distraction. Blake, once you hear fighting start sneaking your way into the building and find (Y/n).

Blake: Alright. We do this as a team.

Ghira: Kali and I can help your team with the distraction.

Ruby: We'll take all the help we can get.

I step back a little and throw my grapple to the roof of a building and climb up. I wait at the top and see my friend and family move to the gate. They quietly take out the gate guards and open said gate. I take a moment to look at how I'm going to sneak into the warehouse. I see a ventilation shaft, cliche but it works for me. Then Yang does what she does best and starts the distraction. I wait for the bad guys to be completely occupied by my team then I move quickly to the shaft. I make my way inside and I see people with familiar looking tattoos. These must be the people who performed the Binding Ritual on my son. I wait for one to pass underneath and I drop from the shaft knocking him out. The others in corridor see me and get ready for a fight.

Blake: I have come for the boy and him alone. Stand down and you'll be spared.

They don't take my threat seriously and open fire on me. I quickly use my semblance and take the first two down. Then I proceed through the facility taking down anyone who gets in my way.

I turn down another hallway and stop when I hear a familiar sound. I get to the door the sound is coming from. I listen and recognize my (Y/n) crying heavily, I get the door open and see him bound to a chair and bleeding. He looks up at me and I rush to him.

Blake: (Y/n), sweety, thank goodness.

(Y/n): Mommy!

Blake: It's okay, I'm here now. Come on let's get you out of here.

I take out a knife and free (Y/n) and he immediatly jumps into my arms and hugs me tight while continuing to cry. I hug him back to reassure him.

Blake: Shh, shh, it's okay. Mommy's here.

(Y/n): I knew you'd find me.

Blake: I'll find you anywhere.

????: *evil chuckling*

I get up and move (Y/n) behind me as two large men reveal themselves.

????: Aww, how sentimental. Huh, Carl.

Carl: Indeed, Frank no wonder the kid finally had some guts. What do you say we break his spirit like last time?

Frank: Thought you'd never ask.

Blake: (Y/n). Run. Run outside, you'll find Yang and the others out there waiting.

(Y/n): But Mommy-

Blake: Go, Now! I'll be okay.

Through tears (Y/n) runs out of the room and the two men continue to chuckle.

Carl: It's cute you think you can beat us.

Frank: Yeah, we beasts are unbeatable.

Blake: No one hurts my family and gets away with it. RAAHH!

(Y/n) POV

I run outside and I see Yang and even grandma and grandpa.

Yang: (Y/n)! There you are. *takes (Y/n) in a hug* Are you okay sweety?

Kali: Sweetheart, where's Blake?

I was about to answer, but a crash is heard and everyone's attention turned to Mommy being thrown out of the building. Mommy tries to get up, and I just break down and run to her.

(Y/n): Mommy!

I get to mommy and she is bleeding from her mouth, she tries to get up but falls back down to one knee.

Blake: Dad, take (Y/n) and run!

Ghira: No we are not-

Just then two rhinos bust out of the building, I knew them as Carl and Frank in beast mode. They begin to charge towards us, and something in me snapped.

(Y/n): NOOO!

Blake POV

Dad helps me up as I watch (Y/n) start to transform into, something. He start by growing hair on his body. Then his hands and feet transform into pillar like legs. He starts to grow massively in size, then his ears and face transform. His nose extends into a trunk and two teeth start growing out of his mouth and grow large, long and curved. Even after, he still got even bigger than any animal I've ever seen. The transformation seems complete and the creature before us stands at full height.

Ruby: *in amazement* A Woolly Mammoth.

Blake: Sorry?

Ruby: (Y/n) can transform into a woolly mammoth. I've read about these, they were said to be the largest animal in the northern hemisphere during the Ice Age.


My son moves in front of us as the rhinos charge, the two forces clash and lock into a strength match of sorts. At first (Y/n) is being pushed back and looks like he's going to lose his footing.

Blake: DON'T GIVE UP, (Y/N)!

He then digs in and pushes back with the rhinos unable to stop him. He then gives one final shove and throws the rhinos off.

Ruby: Yahoo! Ahhhh!

The rhinos charge back and (Y/n) grabs one of them with his trunk and spins the rhino around and then throws it with all his might. I then notice the other rhino going for us, which Ruby is quick to scream a little. Until (Y/n) uses his tusks to scoop up the remaining rhino and toss him into the other one and both of them are knocked out for good. The police show up and aim their guns at my son, (Y/n) is about ready for a fight. But I quickly get between them.

Blake: Wait! Stop!

Officer: Ma'am move out of the way now!

Blake: No, he did nothing wrong. He saved us.

I turn back to (Y/n) and walk to him, he seems to calm down as I get closer. I then touch his trunk and he wraps it around me and I hug him. With that his eyes turn back to his (E/C) colored orbs and he stumbles away and his body transforms back into my son. I quickly scoop him up and hold him tight, I feel the exhaustion hit me and I fall to the ground. But my team was there to help me, and took us both to the infirmary.

(A/N): Whew, crisis averted, for now. How will this effect the mother son relationship between (Y/n) and Blake? Find out next time. Hope you guys enjoyed and have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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