At Poppy's father

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Poppy and Branch was really shoked by this wired event.

"Branch, I think we should visit my father." Poppy exclaimed still staring at the frozen glass Branch set on the table.

"And I think that's good idea." He replied getting up from the couch.

They headed towards Mr. Peppy's pod. They knock on his door.

"Oh! Hi, kids." Orange troll greeted them. "What happend my dear? You look terrified." He turned to Poppy.

"Dad, we have a problem. And it's not like a small problem. It's a huge, HUGE problem!" Pink troll jumped into Peppy's pod.

"I'm listening sweetheart." Peppy was still calm.

"Look at this." Poppy took out from her hair frozen glass.

"I frozened it." Branch explained.

"I knew I can't keep it in secret." Peppy muttered mostly to himself.

"Keep in secret? What do you want to keep in secret?" Pink troll asked confused.

"Follow me." Peppy ordered.

Orange troll ran out of his pod. He was really fast as in his age. They headed towards the forest but they turned at the last minute. All they saw was a big stone overgrown with lichen.

"Mr. Peppy, are you sure it's here?" The two trolls didn't looked convinced.

"I don't know what you see but I see the entrance." The oldest troll pulled back the veil.

"Wow!" Both younger trolls gasped in the same time.

"Heheheh" Mr. Peppy laughed. "I knew you'll like it."

"Yeah, it's so beautiful!" Poppy sighed. It was true. When they entered the secret part of Troll Village silver waterfall appeared to their eyes. It was almost glowing thanks for light heading on it. All around was millions types of flowers. It looked just beautiful.

"Okay but... What is that secret you wanted to tel us?" Branch was still courious.

"It's hard to image but you're not a normal troll." Peppy turned to gray troll while heading to some kind of a bird fontain (A/N:I hope you know what I mean cause I don't know how it names like 😂). Branch followed him.

"What do you mean?" This time Poppy asked her father.

"This means that you Branch, you can too much more than the other trolls because you are the Child of a Moon." Peppy was still mysterious. "Rosiepuff told us but we didn't liesten to her although we should."

"Wait- My grandma?" Branch was too much confused then later.

"I'm explaining." Exclaimed Mr. Peppy. "Rosiepuff found you on some meadow but she raised you as if you were her own child. She wasn't your grandma, she was your protector. You do not have a familly on this planet. But it's not important right now." Branch and Poppy made faces full of confusion. "You are a Child of a Moon and Rosiepuff warn us but we couldn't belive her. You see son there's a property about you." Orange troll rippled a smooth surface of water in fountain.

Then the fountain took voice. "Hello you who came to me."

"What the-" Two young trolls were cut by Peppy off.

"Tell them 'bout property." He spoke to women's voice in the fountain. This voice sounds like it was comming from everywhere.

(A/N: This is property from prologue so you can skip it)

"Someday on this world come a child born from moon's light in the full moon night in the midnight.

This child will be the stronges creature on this world. It doesn't means that it'll be strong physically. It'll have a strong inside it.

It is announced that it will bring an end of this planet or bring finall peace to it. Some parts of it's future are unknow. But it sure it'll have to fight. Fight with or against our planet. And God please help it choose well. Cause no one can win with Child of a Moon."

"Now you understand what I mean?" Peppy asked.

"I guess. But this means I have those powers from the moon?" Branch wasn't sure

"From your father. Yes. He gave you those. On our world lives Childs of Moon, Sun, Darkness and Light. We know only Moon's child. It's you Branch." Peppy exclaimed.

"Oh Gosh. Okay, this is pretty confusing and I guess I have to sit." Bench made all from ice shown like from underground at Branch's words. "And I have to learn how to master my powers."

He sat on the bench. "Soo your powers are wind and ice?" Poppy asked a little bit out of topic.

"I guess-" He was cut by Poppy's father off.

"You can also master a weather." He exclaimed like it was nothing.

"Okay. I think I have to go home and be alone for a moment." Branch said while leaving secret place.

"Branch wait!" Poppy caught his wrist. "Are you sure you want to be alone right now?"

"To tell you the truth... I'm not sure for anything." Branch replied turning to her made her let go of his wrist. "I guess you can go with me."

And they headed towards the forest. "So! How you'll master those powers?" Poppy questioned him.

"I think I have an idea..." Branch replied her with confident smile.

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