Chapter Nineteen

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Lou Ellen's PoV

"Do you remember what you have to do?"

"Yes, Lou," Cecil sighed. "I have everything set up, we just need to put the plan into action."

We were standing at the edge of the dining pavilion and waiting for Will to wake up and get breakfast. It was dawn. We were really tired from planning all night, but this was going to be worth it. I was about to suggest we sit down and eat something when I saw someone running toward us from the direction of the cabins.

"That can't be Will. Isn't he still in the infirmary?" Cecil asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I thought he was sleeping there for the night. Wait, I think that's Travis." I said.

Sure enough, when Travis made it next to us, he was panting and gasping for air. "Cecil? Why... were... you not... in bed?"

"Um, I could ask the same about you." Cecil said. "Why are you up?"

Travis shook his head. "Doesn't... matter. Storm is... missing."

Cecil turned to me with his hands on his hips. "I told you we should have followed her! She could be anywhere now!"

"What are you talking about?" Travis asked. "Did you see her leave?"

"Yeah, last night, but Lou Ellen told me not to stalk her because apparently figuring out who she is is 'stalking'." Cecil put air quotes around the word "stalking".

"It is stalking if you are following her around without her knowing!" I said in irritation.

"It doesn't matter. We need to start a search party." Travis said.

"I'll wake up Will and Nico and whoever else might be in the infirmary," Cecil said.

"I've got the left wing of cabins," Travis said as he started to jog backward toward the cabins.

I sighed as I started off to the right. "I guess I have the right wing."

Two hours later, everyone met up at the dining pavilion and decided to call it quits. Most assumed she had ran off because of the gods' conversation last night. Others were paranoid that this was all part of some evil plan she had. Almost everyone were relieved to see her gone. The only group of people left who were still waiting for news that someone might have found her were me, Cecil, Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Calypso, Will, Nico, Travis, and Connor. Leo hadn't come back from the beach yet, and we were starting to get worried something happened to him.

"Should we go-" Calypso started ask when we heard a loud whoop of excitement.

"I found her!" Leo and Storm were running up to the dining pavilion, and I heard multiple people groan in irritation. Looks like we weren't going to be rid of Storm that easily.

Piper ran up to Storm with a look of concern on her face. "Where were you? What happened?"

"I was just watching the water. I woke up early, and I didn't know what I was supposed to do." Storm explained.

"Right! So now that she has been found, Nico, I have a surprise for you!" I said excitedly.

Everyone turned to me wearily. "What kind of surprise?" Nico asked suspiciously.

"Well if I could tell you that, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" I said with my hands on my hips.

"Lou, what are you-" Will began, but Cecil cut him off.

"Oh yeah! Will, I needed your help on something. Do you think you can come down to my cabin real quick?" Cecil said innocently.

Will clearly wasn't buying it. "Can't it wait? I want to see what kind of surprise Lou Ellen has for Nico." He glared at me pointedly as if to try and threaten me from doing anything. I almost laughed at that. He couldn't hurt a fly if he wanted to.

"I promise it's nothing bad," I said as I looped my arm through Nico's. "Besides, we're friends! Right Nico?" I turned and gave him a smile.

He looked like he was a mixture of confused and wanting to push me away from him. He slid his arm out from under mine and took a step back. "Since when did we become friends?"

"Since now. Ah come on guys! Don't you trust me?" I said as I looked into everyone's skeptical faces.

Jason was about to say something when Nico rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Fine. I'll go see the surprise."

"Thanks, Neeks!" I said, looping my arm back in with his.

"Don't call me Neeks!" He pulled his arm back out and started to follow me down toward the woods.

I turned my head around to glance at Will and gave him a smug smirk. He looked torn between running after us and staying back in the hopes I wouldn't do something too evil. He was saved from making any decision when Cecil grabbed his arm and started to drag him toward the cabins. "See you guys!" I shouted to them, and Will gave me one more worried look before he let himself be dragged off by Cecil.

Jason ran up to me and pulled me aside. Nico started to follow, but he waved him back. He rolled his eyes and continued toward the woods. Jason turned back to me with his eyes narrowed. "If you hurt him, you'll wish you weren't born. Got it?"

"Jason! Relax. Everything is going to be fine." I said, and I ran after Nico.

This was going to be epic.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter wasn't up early today. I hope you liked it, and I'll try to put the next chapter up soon!

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