A world beyond meditation

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It was still quite early in the morning when Kanan woke up Ezra suddenly. The boy was confused by the sudden wake-up call but to that the older man just said "Jedi training always starts early in the morning young one". The bluenette didn't mind and simply nodded though he did wish he could have slept longer. 

After a few minutes of getting himself ready, Ezra headed to the common room where Kanan was waiting for him. 


Upon seeing the still sleeply figure in front of him Kanan chuckeled saying "Good morning Ezra". The boy answered back as he got a grip of himself and sat down next to Kanan. 

"How are you feeling ?" The Jedi Knight asked as Ezra seemed to be a little suprised "A little nervous but I'm also excited though"

"Glad to hear that" The brown haired man smiled as he continued "So for starters, I thought I would give u a run down of what we are going to do today. We will be doing simple meditation, channeling our thoughts and energy. Practising how to breathe is also a very important part especially in stressful situations."

Ezra was listening to every word Kanan said as he stared in curiosity. The Jedi Knight must have learned all of this from his own Master, Depa.

"Are you okay with that ?" Kanan suddenly asked as the boy answered with a nod "Yeah, noted". The Jedi Knight then gestured Ezra towards the floor where he had prepared two pillows opposite from eachother. The pair quickly sat down while Kanan had to explain to Ezra was a meditating position is but after a few moments, both of them were ready.

"Close your eyes, breathe and relax. Let go of worldly concerns. Allow yourself to feel, to connect." Kanan spoke gently as Ezra did what he was told to. He took in deep loud breaths as Kanan chuckeled "Nice just gently".

The two sat in silence with their eyes closed. Nothing was out of the ordinary, Kanan opened his eyes from time to time to check on the boy. Ezra was just calmly sitting, not moving and with his eyes closed. 


While in meditation himself, Kanan was pretty relaxed untill....he felt himself levitate in the air, away from the pillow. The man opened his eyes quickly checking on Ezra but he was just calmly sitting with closed eyes. Nothing out of the ordinary with the kid but everything around them was floating including Kanan himself. But upon seeing the boy's calm expression, The jedi presumed that this was just how meditation worked for him. He decided to just leave him be while he figures out how to get back to the ground. He wasnt that far up in the air but he couldnt exactly move either.  But after a minute or two Kanan felt himself getting closer to the ground and eventually landing back gently. Though the rest of the stuff in the room was still floating. Ezra still seemed to be in deep meditation without any disturbance...


He was seeing random images of cities he has never been to, unknown land scapes and galaxies. It was quite an amazing experience. The boy felt such calmness wash over him. Suddenly the images reverted to someone familiar, Hera. She seemed to be in a small classroom with 6 students. She was explaining how to make sharp turns with ships as the students asked questions like "What if the ship is damaged" "How to keep people inside the ship as safe as possible when doing that" and so on. It was nice for Ezra to see Hera teach, it reminded him of when his mum used to homeschool him. Then the image shifted once again, this time showing Sabine. She was re organising her blasters and painiting one with a brand new green spray paint. Ezra loved seeing her pay such attention to everything she did, especially art stuff. After a while the boy continued seeing really cool places and he loved the experience in general. Then suddenly his eyes opened with Kanan in front of him.

"Ezra ? How did it go, how are you feeling ?" The man asked as Ezra smiled "It was amazing ! I saw such fascinating places. Plus Hera and Sabine as well"

"You saw Hera and Sabine ? What were they doing ?" Kanan asked curious. "Uhh as I remeber Hera was teaching a class  And Sabine was painting her blaster" Ezra answered as Kanan slowly started to realise that Ezra might have....

"Can you tell me if you remember something specific about those scenes ?" The man asked as Ezra seemed a bit confused but answered back to Kanan "Well....Hera was teaching a class of 6 students, they were talking about sharp turns. And Sabine was painting her blaster with what seemed to be a brand new green paint"

Kanan looked down, thinking about his Padawan's words. Hera never mentioned to Ezra that she was holding pilot lessons and if the Jedi's memory serves him right, there are 7 people in her class. As for Sabine Kanan didnt know, he had to ask. 

"That sounds amazing Ezra, I'm really proud of you. But you must be tired how about we take a short break and we'll continue in a bit" Kanan said as Ezra nodded and got up. There were a few snacks on the table that dropped down from the air when Ezra opened his eyes. 

"I'll be back in a second okay ?" Kanan said as he approached the exit of the common room. The younger boy answered with an okay as he ate some of the snacks. The Jedi Knight soon went outside of the common room and into his cabin...


"Hera, it's Kanan can you talk for a bit" The man said to his com-link, getting an immediete answer back "Sure, whats up ? everything okay ?"

"Yeah yeah everything is fine just....what were you doing around 10 minutes before I called you" Kanan asked 

"Uhh...I was teaching a class. You know, the lessons for new pilots." The female answered back a bit confused 

"Can you tell me in more detail about your class ?" The Jedi asked in a serious tone

"Well there were 6 students, which was a change since I usually have 7. The 7th one was sick today. And we were talking about sharp turns. Why ? Is something the matter ?" Hera answered back as Kanan's eyes widened, he didnt respond for a few seconds.

"Kanan ? Is everything alright ?" The Twi'lek asked that caused Kanan to answer back "Thank you Hera, I-I'll see you on later" He turned of his com-link and sighed. 

"How could have Ezra known such things in detail despite not being physically there....?" The Jedi thought as he decided to check in with the second person from Ezra's vision, Sabine.

"Hey Sabine, it's Kanan" The man spoke into the com-link. "Ohh hey, whats up ? You dont usually call, how is training with Ezra going ?"

"Can you tell me what you were doing around 10 minutes before I called you and tell me the details too" The Jedi said as the girl answered "Uhh okay...? I was painting painting my blaster while also trying out the new green paint I got"

"Did you mention anything about this paint to Ezra ?" Kanan asked as Sabine answered back

"I couldnt have, it arrived earlier today. One of our scouts  suddenly brought it back to me. And I havent gone to see Ezra today at all since you said you would be training."

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